Chapter 153 You Know It Too
Oujia old house
Jian Qing and Ou Chengyu sat in the room. It has been a few days. Not only has the Ou family not been affected in any way, even the stock of SA has skyrocketed, "Ah Yu, it seems that we have miscalculated."

"I didn't expect that the old lady would not intervene in this matter." Ou Chengyu did not expect that the strong old lady in front of him would let Ou Chengze make a decision. He originally thought that the Ou family would use the previous strong methods to suppress this news. Thinking of letting it go, it's really like what Ou Chengze said, if someone wants to quarrel with you, he deliberately provokes you, if you pay attention to him, his scheme will succeed, if you ignore him, he has nothing to do.

"It seems that during our absence, a lot of things happened at home." Jian Qing caressed her belly, "Or some agreement reached between the old lady and Ou Chengze."

"Agreement..." Ou Chengyu was a little shocked, "You mean the old lady knows about us."

Ou Chengyu always knew that Ou Chengze knew what he did, if he told the old lady about it, then he would be in a very dangerous situation.

"No, he won't say it. There are too many involved in this. If we are involved, then the Ou family will not be able to escape." Jian Qing pulled him, "Cheng Yu, you think too much, I said the agreement reached, It should be that Aze has some leverage, so the old lady agreed to listen to his arrangement."

Ou Chengyu thought for a while, and there was only one reason, "Then what should we do now?"

"I will find someone to investigate Aze to see what bargaining chips are there." Jian Qing said, "We are holding back for now, and I will talk to Aze tonight to see his attitude towards this matter. "

Ou Chengyu nodded, "Qingqing, do you think that although we are handling this matter, why do you feel that we are passive now?"

After being said by Ou Chengyu, Jian Qing really felt that she originally thought that they had the initiative, at least if this incident happened, it would have some impact on SA's stock market. The time went up, and the contract with Lejia was renewed.

"Qingqing, Cheng Yu, come down quickly, Cheng Ze and Nana are here." The old lady's voice interrupted their conversation.

Today, the two of them came back for dinner. They had a house outside, so they didn't plan to come back to live. The old lady was originally unwilling and worried that no one would take care of her. Later, she thought that the young man needed her own space and it was fine.

As soon as Qiao Na entered the door, she saw the smiling face of the old lady. She should be happy about the company's affairs.

The company signed a contract with Lejia in the past two days. Not only was SA's stock not affected by the dispute between the two brothers over the family property, but the stock increased significantly.

The old lady looked at the grandson and grandson-in-law in front of her, and the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she was, and she wanted to trust her grandson at the beginning. It seemed that there was nothing wrong.

"Chengze, Nana, are you tired? Come quickly and have a rest before eating." The old lady sat down on the sofa with the two of them, "Nana, I heard that you have proposed a proposal to the company for SA's clothing." Make a high-end customized facade."

"Yes, grandma." The old lady seemed to be very well informed.

"I told my mother. I thought your plan was very good, so I told the old lady." Ou Zhenyu said suddenly while sitting on the sofa.

Qiao Na was embarrassed, and the old lady smiled lovingly, "Nana, grandma also made clothes when she was young, so although SA's clothing companies don't make money, they have always been in business, because they started making clothes back then."

Qiao Na didn't expect SA to have such a family history. She thought that SA's jewelry and cosmetics were the foundation of their fortune.

"Qingqing, Cheng Yu, hurry up and sit down." The old lady looked at the two greetings coming downstairs and said, "Nana, I plan to make a high-end custom clothing recently, so we are discussing this matter."

"Oh, Nana is really amazing." Jian Qing sat down, "I heard that high-end clothing is very difficult to make, and usually it is some relatively long-standing century-old stores or some very well-known designers who can attract them. to the customer."

"We have considered all the issues you mentioned." Qiao Na said, "So I plan to find some famous designers in the world to cooperate with, and we can also be their partners in China."

"Nana, when you said that, I remembered it. In two days, Duke, the most mysterious designer in the world, will come to City A. The world's high-end clothing exchange will be held in City A." The old lady said. In fact, he is also a fashionista. After all, he was also a fashion designer when he was young, so he has been following the pace of fashion. "So when the time comes, we can go to his private press conference to see if there is any opportunity for cooperation."

"Duke, that mysterious designer who is said to have been born in England and grew up in Italy." Jona asked.

"Yes, it is said that this designer is much better than Galliano's designer, and the clothes he designed are very beautiful. He likes Chinese style very much, so I also like all the clothes he designed." The old lady was like a little girl. Face worshiped and said, "It's just that he has always been very mysterious. He has never shown his face in magazines or anywhere. I don't know how Zhang is."

"Grandma said that this duke is indeed very famous. I have seen his works all the time when I was in England, but this man is very mysterious." Jian Qing said, "He has a very strange temper. If you talk to him The chances of the cooperation being successful are slim.”

Listening to everyone's description, Qiao Na twitched the corners of her mouth. Ou Chengze sat aside, watched Qiao Na's reaction, and suddenly lowered her voice, "Why do you know this duku?"

"Hehe..." Qiao Na looked at him, "You know him too."

"You know him too?" Ou Chengze was puzzled, as if he had never known this duke before.

"Grandma, Jian Qing said that he has a weird temper with this person, so he shouldn't cooperate with us. We should look for other designers." Qiao Na said that this duke is an old acquaintance of his, and she doesn't want to cooperate with this person.

The old lady hesitated, this is a good opportunity, and she likes Duke very much.

"Grandma, since Nana is sure if she doesn't cooperate with Duke, let's listen to her." Ou Chengze came out to help Qiao Na smooth things over.

"Nana, don't worry. When I was in the UK, I also had some famous designers. I also have some contact with this duke, so I can introduce you."

When Jian Qing said this suddenly, Qiao Na almost spit out the tea after she took a sip: No way, how could Duke know Jian Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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