Chapter 163
"Director Ou, may I ask if the news that the eldest son Ou Chengyu is an illegitimate child is true?"

"Is it because of Ou Chengyu's status, so you want Ou Chenze to inherit SA?"

"Director Ou, I heard that you have a bunch of illegitimate twins abroad. Is this true?"

Countless questions disturbed Qiao Na's thoughts. Is it true that the death of Ou Chengyu's mother had something to do with the Ou family?

Is this why Ou Chengyu hates the Ou family?
And this Ou Zhenyu actually has an illegitimate child abroad. It's really hard to see that such a gentle man has so many women behind him, and they hide it so well.

For the swarming media, sharp questions were blocked in front of them. Some people even asked Ou Chengze, "Is it a shortcut to use my girlfriend's status to cooperate with my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend?"

Ou Zhenyu's question was even more acute, "Director Ou, is Ou Chengyu's current death because the Ou family forced Xiao San to death in order to prevent Xiao San from entering the house?"

Seeing Ou Zhenyu's face getting darker and darker, he was completely caught off guard by the sudden news. SA had to dispatch bodyguards to block them all back. The signing ceremony ended in a farce.

Three people were in the office, and the reporter had blocked them back, but these people still surrounded the door and did not disperse.

Some people have even started to go to the Ou family's ancestral home, wanting the Ou family to give an explanation, or tell the truth. The hospital where Duke is located is even more crowded. , In fact, there is no plan to sign a contract with them at all.

What Jona is most worried about now is Duke's safety. She didn't expect that these people wanted to kill Duke in order to prevent the signing of the contract. She made several calls and Duke didn't answer. Go out and have a look.

Sitting there, Ou Zhenyu said in a deep voice, "Nana, don't go out now. When the bodyguards arrive, I will arrange for you to go there."

Jona looked back at him with disgust in her eyes.

Ou Zhenyu lowered his head and did not speak, Ou Chengze looked at his father's performance, his expression became more embarrassing, he never thought that his father would raise a woman outside and have children.

"I have to go, I'm worried." Jona said, she was really worried, when the phone rang, Jona saw that it was Tony calling, and immediately picked it up, "Hey, how is he, Is there anything, why don't you answer the phone?"

"Young master is fine. The car was in a car accident, but the young master was not injured. The young master pretended to be injured."

After hearing this sentence, Jona breathed a sigh of relief, "You are in that hospital, I will go to see you."

"We're not in the hospital."

"Where is it not in the hospital?"

"You'll know when you turn on the TV."

Qiao Na hurriedly turned on the TV in the office, and it was sure enough that Duke's media meeting was playing on it. The scene was surrounded by the media, and Duke hadn't shown up yet.

"What does this mean?" Jona asked puzzled.

"You can ask Second Young Master Ou about this." Tony said, "Young Master has a few words for me to bring to Second Young Master, and you ask him to answer the phone."

Qiao Na didn't understand, so she handed the phone to Ou Chengze, "Tony asked you to answer the phone."

Ou Chengze picked up the phone, and heard Tony's deep voice from the opposite side, "Master, let me tell you, this car accident is not an ordinary car accident. If you didn't prepare in advance, you won't be able to see him in the future. You should be the person behind this." Knowing who it is, he hopes that you can resolve this matter as soon as possible, and he doesn't want Miss to be hurt like this in the future."

"Okay, I see, you can reassure him." Ou Chengze hung up the phone.

Qiao Na hurried forward, "What did he tell you?"

"He said, he's fine, let me take good care of you." Ou Chengze said.

Duke just appeared on TV at this time. He was still so noble and elegant, but he was not hurt at all. There was a mocking smile on his mouth, where he sat, his red lips parted slightly, "Thank you for your concern, this is just a simple A small car accident, I was not injured, I am fine, but this cooperation with SA will be cancelled, as for the reason, I will not say."

As soon as this remark came out, the media immediately exploded, and there were all kinds of speculation.

"Mr. Duke, which company will you be interested in cooperating with next?"

"I'm flying in the afternoon, and I don't plan to cooperate with any company. This time, City A is going to be an unpleasant journey. Thank you everyone."

After Duke finished talking about what the reporter wanted to ask, he was immediately stopped by the security guard.

"Chengze, what's going on here?" It's absolutely impossible for Duke not to cooperate with SA.

"Nana, if this cooperation is successful, I will inherit SA. There are at least three people who are not like me inheriting SA, so they will definitely make trouble, so I reached an agreement with Duke first."

"Then it means that the car accident this morning was fake." Jona breathed a sigh of relief, "When did you reach an agreement?"

Ou Chengze's body was shining with light at this time, which reminded Qiao Na that Ou Chengze had said that he would do everything well a few times ago, it seemed that this person had planned it long ago, and she was worrying in vain.

"No, the car accident is real, it's just that we've thought about it a long time ago, so the person in that car wasn't Duke at all."

"The car accident is real." Jona was taken aback. "Chengze, this car accident and these news, there must be someone who didn't want SA to sign an agreement with Duke. You said he would do these things."

The first thing she thought of was Ou Chengyu. If the news just now is true and Ou Chengyu's current death is related to the Ou family, then it is true that Ou Chengyu wants to fight for the family property.

Ou Chengze nodded, "It's not sure yet."

He was really not sure if this person was Ou Chengyu. He knew Ou Chengyu well. After all, it wasn't like there were three people who let him sit in the circle.

"I also sent people to investigate, who leaked the news." Ou Zhenyu said again. Because of his poor health recently and today's accident, he is in his 50s and his improvement does not look very good.

He knew that Cheng Yu's mother's death had something to do with his family members, but he didn't expect that his other two illegitimate children would be revealed today, and he was more worried about whether Ou Chengyu did these?
"I want to know if your illegitimate children abroad are real?" Ou Chengze looked at him, but his eyes showed contempt for his father, and he no longer had the respect he used to.

Ou Zhenyu lowered his head and did not speak, the office of the three was angry and a little embarrassed.

"Why did you do this? Are you worthy of my mother?" Ou Chengze was agitated, "You have always been my most respected since childhood. The appearance of the elder brother, you said it was a drunken accident. It is understandable that it happened without knowing it. So what's the explanation this time?"

"Oh, I see. Is it because my mother is infertile? You are worried that the Ou family will not live up to me, so you found an excellent woman outside..."

"That's enough... Things are not what you think. I do have my reasons." Ou Zhenyu interrupted him, "I never looked down on your son, I have always loved this family."

"Love this family, love this family, why are there so many illegitimate children, once it was a misunderstanding, will it happen again?" Ou Chengze roared angrily.

"Chengze, I really have reasons." Ou Zhenyu's face was very bad, he coughed a few times, and then said, "Chengze, do you still remember that you asked me to help you in order to protect Nana?" At that time, why did I agree immediately, because I missed it back then, and I don't want you to miss it too."

Ou Chengze didn't say a word, could it be that the woman he missed was this woman from abroad.

Qiao Na finally knew that a family as big as the Ou family must pay attention to children. The reason why there is only one child is Wang Manwen. It turned out that Wang Manwen was infertile. Now thinking about it, his mother-in-law's status in the family is really not high.

But, what did Ou Zhenyu mean in what he said just now? Did Ou Chengze ask Ou Zhenyu for help in order to protect himself?

How many things happened in the middle that I didn't know.

Just when these three people were having their own concerns, even more news broke out on the TV in the office, and the sky outside had already exploded.

Qiao Na turned out to be Ou Chengyu's ex-girlfriend, and it was Ou Chengze who robbed Ou Chengyu's girlfriend. This bloody plot is so simple, it can be said to become the biggest hot spot in City A today.

Because as soon as the news came out, the news also attacked Qiao Na personally, saying that Qiao Na dumped Ou Chengyu because she saw that Ou Chengze could inherit the family property, and said that he was a green tea whore, a gold digger, and a courtesan.

Some people even listed Ou Chengze's previous playboy crimes, which is enough to show that he seduced his brother and sister-in-law, forming a sharp contrast with Ou Chengyu.

Qiao Na watched the news that jumped out on the TV, and was so angry that she almost wanted to curse the street. There was no elegance and nobility in the usual way. It was obvious that this man left her for money and power six years ago, and now she turned upside down and made herself bear the burden. infamy.

Is this what he calls his concern and love for himself?Make yourself a green tea bitch in everyone's eyes.

Ou Chengze also watched the news, he was also very angry, he stood up, turned around and was about to go out.

He united with outsiders time and time again to separate himself and Qiao Na, and ruthlessly dealt with him. He never exposed him, but now, in order to deal with him, he even pulled Qiao Na out to be insulted by the world.

Ou Zhenyu quickly stopped him, "Don't be impulsive. If you go to him at this time, you will inevitably get angry and attack. This will only further confirm the claims of these media. Before this matter is investigated, it is not sure that it is him. revealed information."

"It's not who he is, isn't he just for SA's family property? I've been patient with him for a long time, and he has attacked Qiao Na more than once. This time I won't bear it anymore." Ou Chengze spoke harshly, Tao Hua His eyes were full of monstrous anger. He thought that Ou Chengyu would take action against him these two days, and he was already prepared to deal with it. He didn't expect that he would be caught off guard, especially the news about Qiao Na.

(End of this chapter)

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