Chapter 177 Get the Proposal

Ou Chengze looked at Qiao Na's expression of sacrificing herself for righteousness, and smiled happily, "Nana, don't use the expression of who will go to hell if I don't..."

"Why, you mean that I'm not pretty enough." Qiao Na raised her eyebrows at him, "I can't settle him down."

"Nana, you are very beautiful, even I am fascinated, how can you not be beautiful?" Ou Chengze looked at her flatteringly, "But you can't do this."

"Why?" Qiao Na said unconvinced.

cough cough...

Ou Chengze looked around, mysteriously leaned on his ear, and said loudly, "Because he is gay."

Qiao Na's face froze, and she quickly recovered, this kid came to play tricks on her again.

"Your skin is itchy..." Qiao Na raised her hand to hit him, but Ou Chengze blocked it, "How dare I, Your Lady Queen."

Ou Chengze took her hand and went back to the house.

"By the way, you wouldn't sacrifice yourself to seduce that Winston, would you?" Qiao Na looked at him, handsome and gorgeous, with fair skin, and he really had potential.

A black line was drawn across Ou Chengze's forehead... "No, I'm a pure man."

"Then how sure are you of your plan?" Jona asked.

"Currently, his interest is five points, and I'm sure about eight points if it's finished." Ou Chengze replied.

"Well, really, that's great, then next week you can take the position of chairman.

"Well, it must be without accident."

Jian Qing came out from the corner of the garden, looked at the backs of the two people, and thought of what the two had just said, it seemed that they had to act faster.

Today, Mai Yumeng asked her to come out, saying that she had something to do, Qiao Na thought that she would be bored at home, so she decided to go out to meet Mai Yumeng and see what was going on.

But before going out, Qiao Na had been going to the company for two days, and now she thought that Ou Chengze's plan should be ready.

When Qiao Na rushed to the company, she happened to meet Ou Chengyu, who also happened to be looking for Ou Chengze.

Ou Chengze was surprised when he saw Qiao Na appear here, "Why are you here?"

"Aren't you in poor health recently? I brought you some supplements." Jona put down the supplements in her hands and put them on the table. "Did I interrupt you to talk about things?"

Qiao Na looked at the document in Ou Chengyu's hand and said.

Ou Chengze glanced at the time, "How could it be, it's already noon, and I'm just about to be hungry, and I need to eat."

"That's good." Jona nodded.

"This is something from the King Hotel." Ou Chengze put down the documents in his hand, stood up and walked to the front and said, "It's all what I like to eat."

"Well, I asked the chef to make this for you in advance, how about you try it." Jona took out the dishes one by one and arranged them.

"Okay, just look at the taste." Ou Chengze took the chopsticks handed over by Qiao Na, bowed his head and tasted the dish, "Mmm, it's very good, really delicious."

"It's delicious, eat more, you've lost weight recently." Qiao Na said with a smile, "Brother, I brought more, or you can eat some too."

Qiao Na did not ignore Ou Chengyu, and naturally invited him to come and eat together.

Ou Chengyu originally wanted to refuse, but Ou Chengze opened his mouth first, "Brother, come and eat together, I can't finish eating so much, after eating, we can finish the work at hand as soon as possible."

Ou Chengyu didn't refuse, he knew that Qiao Na came here to get a cooperation proposal.

Qiao Na stood up and walked to the table, looking at Ou Chengze's proposal, "Have you finished the proposal for cooperation with Bailihua?"

"Well, it's almost there, you can take a break in the next two days, and then wait for Bailihua's bidding meeting." Ou Chengze took a bite of the food and said, "By the way, your fashion design proposal, do you want to continue now? "

Hearing this, Ou Chengyu immediately pricked up her ears. She knew Qiao Na's ability. If the clothing plan continued, it would definitely be beneficial to SA.

"The clothing plan." Qiao Na thought for a while, "No, I don't want to participate in the company's affairs now, I want to take a good rest, you can keep the plan."

"Okay... It's fine if you don't like it, the fashion design company is pretty good now." Ou Chengze put down the food in his hand, and said to Qiao Na, "I'm full, where are you going this afternoon?"

"I was quite bored at first, but Mai Yumeng asked me to come out to meet and she had something to do with me. She knew that Lu Junxi and I were familiar, so she probably wanted to get to know her better."

"Well, I don't have time to accompany you in the afternoon, so you go out and meet her, Miss Mai is a nice person."

"Okay..." Qiao Na stood up and wanted to go outside.

"Nana, wait a minute." Ou Chengze stopped her, "I'm going to the bathroom for a while, and I'll go when I come back."

Knowing that Ou Chengze was worried about being here, Ou Chengyu stood up and said, "I also want to go to the bathroom, let's go together."

Ou Chengze nodded with a smile.

Qiao Na originally wanted to leave because she had already got the plan, but now it seems that she has more time to get a more complete one.

Ou Chengze looked at Ou Chengyu and said, "I know you want to sabotage my cooperation with Bailihua this time, and I won't give you another chance this time."

"Give me a chance." Ou Chengyu smiled and looked at him sarcastically, "It was clearly planned by you, you planned to fight with me, and then let the news leak out, you thought I would take this opportunity to burst out My mother's identity makes more people believe that I want to share property with you, so you can use this opportunity to make SA's shares plummet, internally affected, and the share situation will change, but I didn't."

"You failed at all, and then you set me up to cooperate with Duke, and then took the position of chairman of SA. In fact, you have been friends with Duke for a long time. You just wanted to set me a trap. This time I had to do it your way because if I didn't, you'd be the chairman of SA"

"It was planned by me." Ou Chengze looked at him, "I just want to see you lose everything and disintegrate a little bit, and no longer have the ability to destroy the Ou family."


"You think you asked that Liu Yi to help you manage the company, and I don't know about it. Do you think I don't know about your secret acquisition of SA shares? I've already investigated you thoroughly, and I know everything about you." Ou Chengze Looking at him, "I told you a long time ago that you are not willing to let you stay abroad. If you want to touch the Ou family or SA, it depends on your ability."

"So it was all planned by you." Ou Chengyu smiled wryly, and said a little admitting defeat, "What about Qiao Na? Is she also part of the plan?"

"It was originally part of my plan." Ou Chengze looked at him, "but now he has become an indispensable part of my life."

"You love her and still use her like this." Ou Chengyu seemed to have caught him. "You are not afraid that Qiao Na will know the truth, and you are not afraid that she will leave you."

(End of this chapter)

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