Chapter 184 Re-testing
If someone really found out, then I went to discuss with them now, then my situation is not very dangerous, and they might use me to blackmail Ou Chengze.

But if you don't go, everything will be in vain. The plan can't be done now. Seeing that everything is going to be a foregone conclusion, no one can look at SA with covetous eyes.

Maybe these people were just a temptation for her.

They just heard some rumors, and if they didn't go, they would confirm the rumors. If they went, they would naturally believe in themselves.

But before that, she had to make sure.

She called Su Baihan, and before Jona could speak, Su Baihan spoke first, "Why is your phone kept shutting down?"

His voice was urgent and worried.

"I sleep with my phone turned off."

"Nana, someone leaked information to us, saying that the document you got was given to us by Ou Chengze on purpose, and this document is fake."

"How is it possible? Could it be that Ou Chengze discovered our secret operation." Qiao Na exclaimed, showing a shocked look.
"Nana, you haven't noticed that Ou Chengze is abnormal these days."

"No, he has always been very caring and obsessed with me as usual." Qiao Na said, "Is the news about this person reliable?"

"Reliable... It's convenient for you to come out now, let's discuss the countermeasure again and see if Ou Chengze discovered it."

"Okay..." Qiao Na hung up the phone.

From some of the conversations just now, Qiao Na knew that they really only had doubts about her. Maybe because of her pregnancy yesterday, Ou Chengze cared about her, and she was also immersed in joy. Jian Qing felt something was wrong.

In addition, the phone has been turned off today, which made Su Baihan and others think it was true even more.

So she was going to meet them to see what their plan was and whether they planned to harm Ou Chengze.

After thinking about it for a while, it is better not to tell Ou Chengze. If Ou Chengze knew, he would definitely not let himself meet them, and it would be easier to be exposed.

Qiao Na put on her clothes, thinking that Su Baihan kissed her forcefully yesterday, it would be better to bring some self-defense things, just went downstairs, and saw the old lady sitting alone in the living room.

Hearing the footsteps, she turned and glanced at Qiao Na, "Nana, are you feeling better?"

"Well, all right." Qiao Na sat down beside the old lady, "Grandma, you look good today."

Yesterday, the old lady knew that Qiao Na came from Mengzhixue, so she rarely interfered with the affairs of the two of them, and the communication between the two of them was not much, and Qiao Na's communication in these messages was more about Wang Manwen.

She went to Italy yesterday, and she said that he would continue to fulfill his dream of painting.

The old lady took Qiao Na's hand, "Grandma thought about it for a long time yesterday and thought about it. Grandma has paid too much for the Ou family over the years, and in the end she has done too many wrong things, so grandma decided to let go. Now you are young The world is over, grandma is tired."

"Grandma, I am very happy that you can think of me like this. I will leave the SA to Chengze. I believe Chengze will definitely give you a different SA." Qiao Na also resented the old lady before, but she knows the world It's the law of the jungle, just because you provoke others doesn't mean they won't provoke you, so she gradually thought about it.

"Nana, do you love Chengze?"

She asked Qiao Na this question when the two met for the first time. At that time, she thought that Qiao Na was with Ou Chengze because of the Ou family's money. Now she knows that Qiao Na is not simple. , and worried that Qiao Na would not like Ou Chengze and asked again.

Qiao Na knew that the old lady must be because of her identity, so she was afraid of herself. Thinking of the question Ou Chengze asked herself last night, it must be the old lady who told Chengze her identity.

"Grandma, my answer is always the same. If he doesn't let me down, I will never let him down."

Hearing this answer, the old lady breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good... When are you going to get married?"

"Soon..." If SA's matter is resolved smoothly, then it will be really soon, and she is also pregnant, and the wedding should be prepared in half a month.

"Grandma, where are the others?" Qiao Na remembered that during the family gathering yesterday, these people all lived at home.

"Chengze and his company have something to do and have to go to work. The others all went out in the morning and said they wanted to go shopping. They wanted to call you, but Chengze said that you were not feeling well and needed to rest, so they didn't call you. .”

"Grandma, I have some things to go out now."

It was already 1 o'clock when we arrived at the meeting place. Qiao Na had lunch with the old lady at home, and she also received a call from Ou Chengze. Come back at that time.

After finally arriving at the room where they met, Qiao Na found out that Ou Chengyu was also here. Doesn't he have to go to work today?

Qiao Na knew that these people were in a partnership, and knew that she couldn't reveal her secrets now. With a frightened look on her face, she said nervously, "What's going on, I was so anxious when I received your call, and I finally got out. I can't stay too long, you know that Ou Chengze saw us together yesterday, I was worried that he would be suspicious."

Ou Chengyu was smoking a cigarette with his head down, not speaking, and Su Baihan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qiao Na's performance is very natural, and it belongs to the nervousness that ordinary people will feel when they are found out when they do things behind their backs.

"Some people say that the plan that Ou Chengze gave us is a fake, and that he let us get it on purpose." Su Baihan said, in fact, he was too skeptical about this matter, but it didn't look like Qiao Na's performance fake.

But this woman is still in such a situation, she still chooses not to be with him so calmly, he will somewhat doubt whether this woman's revenge against Ou Chengze is true or not.

"Impossible, I saw the proposal in his office with my own eyes, weren't you also there at the time?" Qiao Na excitedly pointed at Ou Chengyu who was silent there.

Ou Chengyu raised his head and glanced at Qiao Na, thinking of how he saw Ou Chengze and Qiao Na's performance yesterday, Jian Qing asked about him, so he told Jian Qing what happened in the past few days, and Jian Qing knew that something was wrong when he heard it. No, that's why he had doubts, and that's why he wanted to test Qiao Na today.

"Where am I? The two of us went to the bathroom that day. He told me clearly that he knew we would take action, and he would take precautions. Although she trusts you very much, I suffered a few times before. I'm worried that it's his trap again this time, so I'm worried that the plan he gave us is false."

(End of this chapter)

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