Chapter 187 Sudden Disappearance
Qiao Na was taken aback for a moment. She never expected to meet Liu Yi at the door. Afraid that he might hear something, Qiao Na quickly hung up the phone, "I have something to deal with here... What about you? What are you doing here?"

Thinking of Qiao Na and Ou Chengze's engagement, Liu Yi was somewhat concerned about Qiao Na, "My client lives here, so I also opened a room here."


Qiao Na sneered in her heart, but she really dared to say it.

But he has nothing to do with him, he doesn't need to say this to himself at all.

"Then you are busy first, I still have some things to deal with, so I'm leaving first." Qiao Na left in a hurry after speaking.

"Nana... wait a minute." Liu Yi stopped him.

Qiao Na looked at him and glanced at her room number, and was a little worried. Would he find anything? If he found something, he was with Jian Qing and Ou Chengyu. In order to prevent the news from being known by Ou Chengze, they would definitely If you can't open your mouth, then wouldn't you be very dangerous.

"Is there anything else?" Qiao Na asked calmly.

"Nana, you to Yuge..."

"He's my elder brother..." Qiao Na interrupted him, he knew what this person wanted to ask, he must be like everyone else, he despises his superiority, "I don't want to mention the past, we should move towards Look ahead, don't you?"

Liu Yi was silent for a while and did not speak.

"Sorry, I have something to do at four o'clock, and I'm in a hurry now." After finishing speaking, Qiao Na turned and left.

Seeing Qiao Na's back in a hurry and looking at Qiao Na's room number, Liu Yi knocked on the door of Jian Qing's room.

Qiao Na didn't dare to delay any longer, walked out of the hotel gate, and originally wanted to take a taxi to leave, but she met Mai Yumeng again.

She looked very happy, presumably the matter of the orphanage had been resolved.

Qiao Na was in a hurry and wanted to leave quickly, but she was afraid that she might misunderstand Mai Yumeng by being too anxious, so she said hello politely.

"Miss Qiao, thank you very much." Mai Yumeng said happily, the children in their orphanage are now transferred to the summer orphanage, where they have better education.

"Miss Mai, I have something urgent now, can we talk about it next time?" Qiao Na said anxiously, she urgently needs time to tell Ou Chengze and Ou Chengyu about the whole thing, and end the unnecessary misunderstanding as soon as possible loss and injury.

If it can't be stopped now, once the war breaks out, only the two brothers will lose, and Ou Yunfan and Jian Qing will gain.

Seeing Qiao Na's performance, Mai Yumeng was a little worried, so she said, "Miss Qiao, you are in a hurry. Is there anything urgent? I can help..."

"No, no..." Qiao Na was really anxious and afraid that her attitude would hurt her. "I really have something urgent to ask. Next time we are talking..."

Finally, Qiao Na got into the taxi, told the driver where she was going, and quickly called Ou Chengze. Ou Chengze answered the phone, "Nana, what happened just now, where are you now?"

"I'm in a taxi and I'm rushing back. I have something to tell you."

"Let's talk about it later..."

"No, I have to say now, listen, Jian Qing..."

Suddenly there was a bump, Qiao Na's figure swayed, and the phone fell into the car. Just as she picked up the phone, she saw the car door was opened. Qiao Na looked at the strange man in front of her, "You are..."

Before she could say "who", a handkerchief quickly covered her mouth, and Qiao Na lost consciousness.

Ou Chengze answered the phone over there, but he couldn't hear Qiao Na's voice, and felt bad in his heart.

I hung up the phone and called again but no one answered.

He was anxious, and immediately drove to the King Hotel.

Sitting in the car, he kept on calling. After calling him countless times, the phone was finally answered.

"Nana... Where are you and what happened?"

A weak girl came from the opposite side, "Mr. Ou, I'm Mai Yumeng."

Mai Yumeng, Ou Chengze knew that he had met this girl at least twice. The last time Qiao Na and Su Baihan were together, they had an appointment with this girl before they appeared there.

"Where is Nana..."

Ou Chengze had a bad premonition in his heart. Ever since he met Su Baihan yesterday, he was feeling uneasy.

From fighting with them a few times, he knew that the other party was not a fuel-efficient lamp, especially about the cause of Ou Chengyu's mother's death and Jian Qing's parents' death. He knew that things were not as simple as he imagined.

So he told Qiao Na not to participate in this matter, these people dare to kill people, there is nothing they dare not do.

Just today, when he knew that Qiao Na was going out to meet them again, he was very angry. He wanted to pick Qiao Na up, but he was afraid that Su Baihan and the others would suspect him if they met her, so he held back not to pick her up.

He couldn't wait for the news of her return, and when he called again, he heard Qiao Na's emotional voice, which made him feel even more uneasy.

Especially Jona is pregnant now.

"I don't know where Ms. Qiao has gone. I just saw her at the entrance of the King Hotel and wanted to say hello to her, but I saw her in a trance and in a hurry, so I was afraid that something might happen to her, so I followed her gone."

Mai Yumeng thought she was a little worried when she saw Qiao Na, so she followed her, "But I saw her get into a taxi, and the car hit a corner just as she was driving, I was worried, I hurried through the traffic lights to check, the taxi driver was unconscious, but Miss Qiao disappeared."

"It's gone, what do you mean?" Ou Chengze roared angrily. "There was a car accident. Is there anything wrong? Are you injured? Why did you disappear?"

Mai Yumeng held the phone a little farther away, and the deafening voice was a little softer before she dared to put the phone close to her ear, "I don't know, when I rushed over, I didn't see Miss Qiao, the driver who caused the accident I also ran away, the police were coming, I heard the phone ringing and saw it was your call, so I picked it up."

"You wait for me where you are..." After Ou Chengze finished speaking, he hung up the phone and drove away.

Mai Yumeng hung up the phone, still a little scared in her heart, she never thought that such a noble and elegant person would have such a scary angry voice.

The phone rang again, but before Mai Yumeng answered the phone, a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes walked up to him and asked her in a cold tone, "You are Miss Mai Yumeng, right?"

Looking at the capable and handsome man in front of him, Mai Yumeng nodded blankly.

After confirming, the man said, "Please, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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