Chapter 194 The Finale One
City A is full of traffic in the morning, and it is a prosperous scene. Standing on the top floor of SA, you can even see the panorama of City A. The cars on the road are like toys, and the people are like ants.

Standing in front of the window, Ou Chengze looked at the scenery on the ground, raised his head to look at the sky, and thought of a sentence, the height is too cold.

This is not the first time he has stood at the bottom of SA.

But will this always be the SA of the Ou family?Or not, maybe many years later, there will be no name for the Ou family here.

He remembered that when he was a child, as soon as he could remember, his grandma brought him to SA, especially the top floor here. At that time, grandma proudly said to him, "Chengze, what did you see standing here?"

He pointed at the car downstairs, and replied in a childlike voice, "It's a funny car and there are people like ants."

His answer made the old lady laugh. He kindly supported his grandson's head and said with a smile, "Chengze, you will be the owner of this building from now on. Although standing here is too high, grandma believes You can do it."

At that time, he didn't understand what grandma said, so he nodded fiercely, "Grandma, I will."

He will successfully climb to the top of SA, but the SA at this time is no longer the SA at that time.

Thinking of the old lady who was still in a coma, Ou Chengze put away his hands in his pockets, stood up straight, just like when he was a child, and said very stubbornly, "Grandma, I will definitely."

There was a knock on the door...

Ou Chengze was angry with those sad emotions, straightened his suit, turned around, and looked at Secretary Meng who opened the door and came in.

Secretary-General Meng Fansheng looked at Ou Chengze standing there with his back to the sun, his golden eyes formed a halo behind him, he felt like a god's halo flashed into his eyes, like a dream.

Thinking of the changes in SA over the years, I don't know if the people in front of me can change the current situation.

Grab the information in his hand and straighten his golden eyes. As the secretary-general of SA, he can be said to be the most qualified, with a deep and pleasant tone, "The shareholders meeting is ready, and we can start now."

Ou Chengze nodded, and adjusted his collar with his hands again, so as to make him more confident, he stood up straight, and walked out with his legs up.

Secretary-General Meng looked at the arrogant man in front of him, and he was instantly full of strength, so he couldn't follow up.

This shareholders meeting is the first official meeting for him to take the position of chairman. Of course, he called all the shareholders, and there is one that is currently all the shares of SA. This time he wants to control all of them.

Three days ago, he successfully signed a contract with Bailihua.

The strategy that Ou Chengyu, Su Baihan, and Ou Yunfan had discussed for so long was useless.

The faces of the three of them turned green at that time, Ou Chengze was very happy at that time, although he often played tricks on these people, he couldn't be happier than this time.

When they knew that they had been fooled and that all this was Ou Chengze's plan to drink Qiao Na, they couldn't find Qiao Na anymore.

They can only bite their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

In fact, both Ou Yunfan and Jian Qing knew where Qiao Na was. When they knew that the gang they hired to do things had happened that night, they already knew that Qiao Na might have been found by Ou Chengze.

But Ou Chengze's behavior was also very normal, it seemed that Qiao Na had never disappeared at all, they thought it was Ou Chengze's acting.

So when he sent people to investigate, when people reported that there was a strange atmosphere, they already knew that Qiao Na had been discovered by Ou Chengze, so they gave up trying to endanger Ou Chengze with Qiao Na.

"It was discovered..." Jian Qing rubbed his stomach, his eyes were a little cold, he didn't expect that Ou Chengze was so smart that he knew that they would hide Qiao Na in the King Hotel.

"What should we do now? Without Qiao Na's bargaining chip, Ou Chengze is bound to win the position of chairman." Ou Yunfan was a little anxious, walking around impatiently, "After so many years of planning, if it fails this time, then There will never be another chance.”

"Without Jona as a bargaining chip, I can still get shares in SA."

"You have a way." Ou Yunfan looked at Jian Qing expectantly, and felt that he was so stupid. Since he knew Jian Qing, it seemed that there was nothing he could do to her.

As long as she makes a move, things will be solved.

Jian Qing smiled slightly, took Ou Yunfan's hand, and attached it to her stomach, "Just wait and see, the future SA will definitely belong to our son."

Of course, Qiao Na is no longer in the country, she was forcibly taken away by the family.

She didn't want to leave at all that day, but Ou Chengze told her, "The safest place is abroad."

Thinking of Jian Qing's kidnapping of her, she left for the sake of her body and safety.

"Ou Shao, how many people did not come to this shareholders' meeting, these people own about 10% of the shares." Meng Fansheng passed the information to Ou Chengze while walking, "This is the shares of these people, and the names of these people, They own 25% of the shares, do you need to contact me again to confirm?"

Ou Chengze stopped, took a look at the documents, he knew the documents, he had done all the investigations for today, how could he not know, "These people didn't come, it means the shareholders have already changed, don't worry about it."

"Understood..." Meng Fansheng knew that these days SA has made a lot of moves because of stocks and shares.

Even at the expense of self-interest, some people who hold a small number of shares sold their shares. Of course, all these actions should have something to do with the people in front of them.

The person in front of him was much stronger than his father.

Back then, the old lady was also such a formidable character. She handled and arranged everything with one hand. Because of this, his son did not achieve much, and even made the management of SA even worse than before.

Over the years, there have been more and more problems with SA's internal shares. This time they will take back all the shares. Even if SA is set back ten years, these moths can no longer threaten SA and the Ou family.

"This is the remaining shares of the Ou family. Over the years, there have been several crises in SA and the shares have been distributed. The remaining shares are less than 45% so far." The information in the hands of Meng Fansheng and Ou Chengze is in A past.

"You don't need to look at this, I know it." Ou Chengze himself is very clear about the number of shares in his family, but it's just that some of the shares that have been distributed over the years have changed the hands of many people.

Pushing open the door of the shareholders' meeting, looking at the shareholders sitting inside, there are not five people in total, and three of them are familiar to Ou Chengze.

Ou Chengyu, Ou Yunfan and Jian Qing...

(End of this chapter)

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