Chapter 197

Ou Yunfan was taken aback...

Homicide suspicion, how is it possible.

Obviously it's just some post-mortem work.

And everything was handled very well, it was impossible for these people to find themselves, all the evidence was destroyed, and she and Jian Qing contacted separately, passing through countless lines in between, no one would find out at all.

"Don't slander people. I'm suspected of kidnapping and murdering others." Pretentiously, Ou Yunfan retorted, "Is Ou Chengze you? An Zihao even invited the police to help you get the position of chairman." Do you think you can do anything wrong with your background?"

Ou Yunfan stood up angrily, took the arrest warrant and was about to tear it up.

The leading policeman grabbed Ou Yunfan's hand, because of Ou Yunfan's words just now, he was a little angry.

How should I put it, after being a policeman for many years, he has always been praised as a hero, and he is the most just hero. The outsourcer was Bao Qingtian, but Ou Yunfan called him like this.

His majestic face became more serious because of anger, "Mr. Ou, just to remind you, we still have you tearing up the arrest warrant, but if you really do this, we will regard you as resisting. The consequences, you clearly……"

Looking at the majestic square face in front of him, Ou Yunfan was a little frightened.

After looking at the group of policemen with guns at the door, they slowly lowered their hands.

The leading policeman took the arrest warrant, put it on the table, and took out another piece of information from his hand, "You can take a look, here are the information and consumption records of the gang we just captured, and one of the remittances was made by you, you This remittance was designed to kill and kidnap."

"Impossible..." Ou Yunfan grabbed the information and looked through it. The more he looked, the more surprised he was. It was really his own transfer records. How could it be possible? Every line he made was broken. How did these people check it.

"Although you use a bank card registered with a fake ID card to transfer money every time you make a payment, and each card is used once, we found a person named Li Yun. I believe you are familiar with this name."

Ou Yunfan's figure flickered, he had calculated thousands of times, but he never calculated that the woman around him would betray him.

In fact, this Li Yun did not betray him. Once he was too busy and had no time, so he asked Li Yun to help him transfer money, and kept asking him to find help from unknown people, and not to reveal his identity. Tens of thousands of benefits, I went to transfer the money by myself.

That's why the police got hold of it.

Ou Yunfan turned to look in the direction of Jian Qing and Ou Chengyu, Jian Qing was also slightly surprised, and then she smiled at Ou Yunfan and said: Don't worry, I have everything.

"Ah..." Ou Yunfan really wanted to yell, he knew that once he went in, he might never come out again.



What a joke God is, it is already late to get what is in his mouth, but now he wants to spit it out.

not reconciled...

Not reconciled...

"Mr. Ou, I advise you not to fight fearlessly. If you plead guilty, we will deal with it leniently. Maybe you will come out soon. If you resist, then we can only deal with it randomly..." The leading policeman It seemed that something was wrong with Ou Yunfan, so he persuaded him to explain.

Ou Yunfan looked at the policemen with electric batons and pistols at the door, and knew that if he ran away, he might be shot dead on the spot.

"Ou Chengze, you are doing well, I was tricked by you again..." He looked at Ou Chengze through gritted teeth and said.

He knew that the appearance of this policeman could not be a coincidence. Ou Chengze knew that they had a partnership. After investigating for so long, how could he have no evidence?


really cruel...

Hate so much...

"Accepted..." Ou Chengze accepted his compliment immodestly.

When Ou Yunfan closed his eyes and took a deep breath to make the appointment, he slowly highlighted a sentence that would kill people, "Oh, yes, I remembered, you violated the law like this, and even murdered, logically speaking, SA has the right to take it back." Your shares, now I have 50% of the shares, I can sit on the chairman of SA."

"You..." Ou Yunfan's eyes were red, and he stared at Ou Chengze firmly.

Meng Fansheng looked at Ou Chengze from behind and suddenly realized that he should not offend this one in the future.

The police took Ou Yunfan away, leaving only Jian Qing and Ou Chengyu in the room.

"Now that I own 50% of the shares, you should have no objections to me taking the position of chairman of SA." Ou Chengze looked at the two people who were doing it. Although his tone was modest, his movements were not. The position of the chairman seems to be the attitude of a successful superior.

Ou Chengyu felt relieved, the SA belonged to the Ou family, and was about to say he had no objection, when a voice beside him interrupted him.

"Aze, you are too impatient. You know that you can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient. I think you, who are smart, must know this truth."

Ou Chengze had expected that Jian Qing would speak up, she was the mastermind of this matter, she was against the Ou family in everything, of course not because of the cause of his parents' death, but SA's property.

Jian Qing looked at Ou Chengze with a gentle smile on her face. No matter what happened to her these years, she always had a smile on her face.

In the past, Ou Chengze liked his smile. He grew up alone, because he was the only son of the Ou family, and he had no friends. Ever since he met Jian Qing, her smile was so warm, which warmed his dark and lonely life. world.

But seeing such a smile now makes him feel cold all over his body. At that time, she was only a teenager when she lived in his house, and she had such deep plans and scheming.

What kind of person is she...

"Qingqing, you have an opinion..." Ou Chengze also pretended to be ignorant and asked Jianqing.

"Yes..." Jian Qing couldn't deny it, "I've been waiting for so many years, and what I've been waiting for is today...Today all this will end."


so many years...

Just for today.

"Qingqing, what are you talking about... why can't I understand..." Ou Chengyu couldn't sit still.

"I don't understand..." Jian Qing looked at him with contempt in his eyes, a kind of contempt for the weak, "I don't understand, or I pretend I don't understand, you think you two brothers are working together to deal with me in private, Don't I know?"

It's normal for Ou Chengze to find Ou Chengyu. The two brothers would always chat, but this chat was after Qiao Na disappeared and signed a contract with Bailihua.

This is not normal...

Looking at Jian Qing's eyes that have no love for her.

It turned out that what Ou Chengze said was true, all of this was planned by Jian Qing.

It turns out that the fool has always been me, and the one who has been played in the palm of my hand has always been me.

Ou Chengyu's heart was like a prisoner with his hands bound, the hot cannon branded on it, the pain pierced his heart, but there was nowhere to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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