Meow is a cute wife, sweet

Chapter 408 520 Happy~

Chapter 408 520 Happy~
The room was eerily quiet, and Tong Qiaoqiao, who was belatedly aware of it, was finally willing to look up at Lu Zhiheng.

Huh?Why are you looking at her?
Was there something on her face?

Tong Qiaoqiao blinked, "Brother Lu, what are you looking at?"

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Lu Zhiheng's face was full of helplessness, and his slender fingers fell on his lips, "Shh, can you keep your voice down, little girl?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little girl covered her mouth in panic as if she had thought of something, her eyes widened and she nodded repeatedly, "I promise, I will be obedient and not noisy this time."

Lu Zhiheng: "Well, I will trust you for now."

Next, although Tong Qiaoqiao wasn't very noisy, she covered her mouth and let out small laughter from time to time, which seemed to pervade Lu Zhiheng's thoughts and made him unable to concentrate on his work at all.

Even the meeting couldn't go on, but fortunately, the more important matters had already been concluded, so when Lu Zhiheng said that the meeting was over, the other high-level executives tacitly hung up the video at the same time.

Lu Zhiheng closed the notebook, took the water glass that was placed aside, raised his head and took a sip, put it back where it was before standing up.

Turning around, I saw the little girl staring at the flat screen with sparkling eyes, with a smile on her brows, Xu Shi smiled a little breathlessly, her porcelain-white cheeks were slightly flushed.

Lu Zhiheng bent his lips silently, swung the chair aside, and walked towards the bed with his slender legs.

He walked very steadily, without making the slightest movement.

Tong Qiaoqiao didn't notice anything wrong either, she watched the video, laughing to herself, her tender white fingers could hardly hide her laughter.

Until a dark shadow suddenly fell over the head, accompanied by the man's familiar and cold voice, "Little boy, do you look good?"


The sound stopped abruptly.

Tong Qiaoqiao raised her head, looked at Lu Zhiheng with a bewildered expression, was dull for two seconds, and quickly buckled the tablet down, but the force was too much, causing——

The tablet fell out!


The little girl was stunned!

Lu Zhiheng lowered his eyes and held the tablet firmly in his hand.

At the same time, the video on the tablet fell into Lu Zhiheng's eyes without any concealment.

He narrowed his eyes, and there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, "No, huh?" After a pause, "Here?"

He followed the lines on the tablet and read out word by word, "Well, are you going to let me die on you?"

"Wait, can't stand it.?"

"Yo?" I saw someone who always gave Tong Qiaoqiao a meaningful look, "What do you want to see, little boy?" He purposely prolonged the end of the sound, captivating people's hearts.

".cough cough?"


The little girl lifted the quilt and covered her head, acting like a turtle without saying a word.

Seeing this, Lu Zhiheng raised the corners of his lips and smiled lowly, "Little boy, I can lie down...don't resist, little boy can do whatever he much as he wants...huh?"

He paused, laughed so hard that tears almost came out, and tried his best to hold back, clenching his fists and pretending to cough, "I can cooperate with any posture."

This time, the little girl not only blushed, but also felt that her whole body was about to burn.

She quickly lifted the quilt and rushed towards him, reaching out to snatch the tablet from his hand, but Lu Zhiheng dodged it on guard.

Tong Qiaoqiao glared at him fiercely, covered her ears and pretended she couldn't hear anything, "Stop reading!"

It was just the first time she had seen such a blunt plot, and she was caught face-to-face by Master Lu! ! !

He actually recited all the lines of the hero and heroine frantically!
I'm afraid the owner Lu is a devil! !
(End of this chapter)

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