Chapter 436

"No, you already have a partner!?"

It was obvious that the staff were terribly disappointed.

I thought I could find a high-quality man, but it turned out that it was all destined.

Tong Qiaoqiao patted her heart for this young lady's surprise, thinking of what she said just now, feeling a little guilty for some reason.

She seemed to say that on purpose.

Hey, did she learn badly?

The staff stamped the household registration book very sadly, and sighed, "Little sister, I'm broken in love."

"Ah?" Tong Qiaoqiao choked, but was speechless.

What the hell is falling in love before falling in love! !

"Oh, a little sister like you doesn't understand."

The staff sighed.

The young lady felt that if she didn't eat ten plates and nine plates of small cakes for afternoon tea today, she might not be able to make up for her heartache.

Tong Qiaoqiao felt very embarrassed.

She only thought about taking the household registration book and left directly.

But Brother Lu is still going through the formalities on the other side, and he doesn't know how much time it will take.

However, today's staff were very talkative. Seeing the little girl's obedient appearance, they couldn't help complaining, "Little sister, I say you, it will be difficult to find a boyfriend in the future."

".Huh? What, what do you mean?"

Tong Qiaoqiao didn't understand why the topic was brought up on her while talking?

The staff pointed to Lu Zhiheng who was standing by the window on the other side, covered his mouth and smiled, "Look, your brother is so good-looking, don't you want to look higher in the future? Such an outstanding man is hard to find. .”

Tong Qiaoqiao lowered her head and thought for a while, then seriously denied her words, "It's okay, I've found it."

Staff: "." Forget it, let's pretend she didn't say it.

But she couldn't help being curious, "better than your brother?"

The little girl raised her head, glanced at Lu Zhiheng, and nodded without guilt, "Well, she should be a little more handsome."

With a solemn face, she stretched out her fingers to gesture, and carefully separated her thumb and index finger a little, "It's just a little bit like this."


The staff suddenly laughed out loud.

Why is this little sister so funny?
"Little sister is amazing. I never expected to find someone who is a little more handsome than your brother."

Hearing the praise, the little girl felt even more guilty.

And Lu Zhiheng who had just walked over heard these words clearly, stopped in his footsteps, and stared straight at Tong Qiaoqiao with his dark eyes.


Xiaoguai's partner?more handsome than him?

Which bastard is this talking about? ?

See if he doesn't break the bastard's dog legs!
"Little boy."

Lu Zhiheng quickly restrained the displeasure on his face, and called the little girl lightly.

Hearing the familiar voice, Tong Qiaoqiao raised her head quickly, and immediately saw Lu Zhiheng standing beside her, looking down at herself.

An inexplicable sense of oppression.

Tong Qiaoqiao blinked a little uneasy, "Is it done? Can we go back?"

Lu Zhiheng nodded, "It's done."

"Okay," Tong Qiaoqiao reached out to pick up the account book that was on the table, and smiled at Lu Zhiheng, "Hey, I'll keep this for Brother Lu, don't lose it."


Lu Zhiheng took the account book, opened it again, and looked at it before he felt relieved.

He rubbed her forehead, feeling a little bored, "I'll go to the parking lot first and drive the car out. Where do you want to go, little boy?"

Tong Qiaoqiao shook her head, "I don't want to go."

"Then go back like this?"

"not good."

"Where are you going then?"

Lu Zhiheng asked patiently.

Tong Qiaoqiao pinched her fingers subconsciously, bit her lower lip, "Or, forget it, let's go back."


Lu Zhiheng couldn't help but smiled, "Silly boy, you've thought about it for so long, and this is the only answer?"

"But I really don't know where to go?"

The upright little boy looked distressed.


Lu Zhiheng smiled, "Do you want to go abroad, little boy?"

"Overseas?? Is it really possible?"

Tong Qiaoqiao looked at him with bright eyes.

Her mood seemed to be high.

Lu Zhiheng asked suspiciously, "Little boy, do you really want to go?"


She nodded repeatedly.

As long as she goes abroad, she can go to An Tong and Aunt Xu!

She couldn't help but secretly wonder if An Tong had forgotten her.

If you really forget her, hehe, she will be angry!
Although I don't know why Xiaoguai suddenly agreed to go abroad to play, but Lu Zhiheng spontaneously concluded that maybe Xiaoguai just wanted to go out and see what is different at home and abroad.

Well, the so-called freshness.

This time for the household registration booklet, Lu Zhiheng also gave Xiaoguai an ID card by the way.

Finally, I have an upright identity.

You don't have to buy a ticket anymore.

Speaking of going abroad, Lu Zhiheng worked overtime for a few days in a row, and finally finished processing all the documents that had piled up recently. After struggling for a few days, he bought two air tickets to country F.

Knowing that the boss is going to travel for a few days, Assistant You Te felt his head was going to explode.

Why can the boss go out to visit the mountains and rivers, but he stays in the company so pitifully to work overtime to deal with affairs?

He hasn't had a good date with his girlfriend in a long time.

The more he thought about it, the more sad he became, and the momentary brain twitch, Youtezhu sent a message to his boss in grief: 'Application for vacation, not approval for resignation. '

In less than two seconds, Assistant Youte received a reply from Lu Zhiheng: "The bonus is doubled this month. '

Youte assistant:
He thought about it silently, forget it, the bonus is more substantial, if you work overtime, you will work overtime!
These days, how can you marry a wife without working overtime?
On the other side, Tong Qiaoqiao rummaged through the entire closet, and finally took out a few dresses that were considered both good-looking and conservative, and stuffed them into the suitcase.

But when it came to choosing shoes, she struggled again.

Suddenly, she picked up a pair of high-heeled sandals and asked Lu Zhiheng who was standing not far away, "Brother Lu, do you think it's okay for me to wear these?"

Hearing the question, Lu Zhiheng turned around, and his eyes fell on the suitcase placed by the little girl's feet.

The dress was put in messily, and it seemed that it was already stuffed to the brim, leaving no room for a gap.

Lu Zhiheng walked over helplessly, "Little boy, don't take the shoes with you, just buy them when the time comes."

"But, this pair is very beautiful."

Tong Qiaoqiao was a little bit reluctant.

After all, this is her favorite pair.

"But, dear, what do you think your suitcase can hold?"

Lu Zhiheng immediately pointed out a very real problem.

The little girl's face collapsed, "Okay, then I won't bring the shoes."

"Well," he nodded, bent down, and took out all the dresses from the suitcase, and folded them one by one before putting them into the suitcase.

Tong Qiaoqiao was particularly uncomfortable watching from the sidelines.

Especially when Brother Lu is holding her underwear.

 good night
(End of this chapter)

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