Chapter 457

In the end, Tong Qiaoqiao obeyed Lu Zhiheng's words and followed him to a newly opened restaurant nearby.

In fact, the scale of this restaurant is not too big, maybe it has just opened not long ago, and there are not many customers.

All the way to the box, it was very cold.

The little girl followed obediently, but she couldn't help wondering, would the nutritious meals here really taste as good as Brother Lu said?If not, why are there so few people here?
"There's no publicity here."


Tong Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, and when she realized what he said, she realized that she had just said what she was thinking inadvertently.

She hesitated for a moment, "Is this the case without publicity?"

Lu Zhiheng who was sitting opposite stood up and poured her a cup of tea.

"This is a private restaurant, so naturally there is no need for publicity, and likewise, there is no need for too many people to join in."

What Lu Zhiheng didn't say was that he and another friend jointly invested in this restaurant.

It's not for making money, it's just for killing time.

Occasionally, it's good to bring Xiaoguai over for a nutritious meal.

After what he said, Tong Qiaoqiao was even more confused.

She struggled and said, "Brother Lu, isn't the door open for business? Why don't you do publicity? And why don't you need others to cheer you up?"


Lu Zhiheng suddenly laughed softly.

He raised his hand and gently touched her head, "I don't even know the reason, why do you think I know?"

Tong Qiaoqiao was stunned. In her opinion, Brother Lu should know everything and be omnipotent.

It turns out that there are also things that brother Lu doesn't know.

Why does she find it so strange?

"Huh?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a smile on his face.

She blinked, "Because Brother Lu knows everything."

Lu Zhiheng laughed again.

"I do not know."


The little girl nodded, looked away as if nothing had happened, and stared at the menu on the table, almost seeing a hole.

"What do you want to try first, darling?"

There were so many things on the menu that she hadn't tried, and for a while, she didn't know which one to order.

After thinking for a while, she couldn't figure out what to eat, so Tong Qiaoqiao decided to let Brother Lu make up her mind.

So, Lu Zhiheng saw the little girl pretending to read the menu several times, and then pretended to ask casually, "Brother Lu, what do you want to eat?"

Lu Zhiheng hooked the corners of his lips, and softened his voice, "A-style nutritious meal, where's the boy?"

"I, uh, I also want to eat a type A nutritious meal."

After saying that, Tong Qiaoqiao quickly closed the menu, as if she felt guilty when she was found out as a thief.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhiheng still couldn't hide his smile. He waved to the waiter, "Two A-style nutritious meals."

"OK, just a second."

After the waiter placed the order, he went straight out of the box door.

"Little boy, the nutritious meal I ordered just now contains bitter gourd, can I eat it?"

Lu Zhiheng stood up unhurriedly, and poured another cup of tea for her.

However, when Tong Qiaoqiao heard the word bitter gourd, she was stunned.

She looked at Lu Zhiheng in disbelief, it was unbelievable that there would be bitter melon in the nutritious meal! ? ? ?

She hated fish the most in her life, and the second was naturally bitter melon.

Now you actually want her to eat bitter melon? ?
As long as she thought of that scene, she felt full of resistance!

"Brother Lu, can you cancel the nutritious meal I asked for just now?"


Lu Zhiheng: "What did you say, darling?"

Tong Qiaoqiao pinched her fingers in embarrassment, and said weakly, "That's right, well, I don't want to eat the nutritious meal I ordered just now, can I apply for another one?"

Lu Zhiheng held back his smile, and made a sullen face, "It's not allowed, little boy, I don't seem to have told you the rules of this restaurant."

"What rules??"

The little girl's heart trembled, and her face turned pale with fright.

"Just don't have leftovers. If they are found out, well, they will probably be fined?"

As he said that, Lu Zhiheng turned over the menu very kindly, and his knuckle fingers landed on a certain position.

The restaurant stipulates that anyone who has leftovers will be fined 100 million yuan, please cherish the food.

Tong Qiaoqiao: "." 100 million
Wow, what the hell kind of restaurant is this?
very scary!
She just wants to go home and eat!
But when she thought of the stipulation that once an order is placed, it cannot be canceled, Tong Qiaoqiao suddenly felt unhappy.

"Brother Lu"

The little girl pursed her lips in aggrieved manner, walked down from the seat, ran to Lu Zhiheng's side, and sat down.

She looked at him eagerly, but didn't say a word.

Just seeing her like this, Lu Zhiheng already guessed what she was thinking, but he just pretended not to know.

Lu Zhiheng touched her forehead softly, "What's the matter, little boy? Did someone bully little boy?"

The little girl shook her head.

Lu Zhiheng raised his eyebrows, and just about to speak, he suddenly felt a warm breath approaching slowly, and his fingertips trembled slightly.

"Brother Lu," she leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, as if afraid of being heard by others, "wait a minute, can you eat a little for me? I really don't want to eat bitter melon."

"Huh?" Lu Zhiheng was taken aback by her, and couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

It can be seen that the little girl's face is filled with hope, her eyes are full of his figure, Lu Zhiheng didn't even think about it, just nodded, "Okay, I will listen to you, little girl."

After the words fell, he couldn't help thinking, his answer should be considered a perfect score, right?
The little girl sat up straight happily.

Brother Lu is so kind, he even ate bitter gourd for her.

She must take good care of Brother Lu in the future.

Seeing the little girl suddenly smiling happily, Lu Zhiheng felt inexplicably sour.

What did Xiaoguai think of just now to be so happy?

The nutritious meal for the two was quickly served.

Tong Qiaoqiao glanced at it quickly, and her face immediately collapsed.

It really is bitter melon!
She looked at the dinner plate next to Lu Zhiheng, and it was exactly the same.

Tong Qiaoqiao looked down at the bitter gourd in her bowl, it seemed to be much more than that in brother Lu's bowl!

"Brother Lu!"


Lu Zhiheng was taken aback by her sudden utterance, but soon recovered.

The little girl pointed to the green bitter gourd in the bowl, and said with a bitter face, "Brother Lu, you just said that the bitter gourd belongs to you."

As she spoke, she picked up the chopsticks and carefully put the bitter gourd in the bowl into his bowl.

Seeing her move, Lu Zhiheng frowned, "When did I say that?"

Tong Qiaoqiao stared, puffed her cheeks and said, "Brother Lu! This is what you just promised! How can you go back on your word??"

 I hope the baby in the college entrance examination goes well!
(End of this chapter)

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