Chapter 495


Tong Qiaoqiao's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly covered her little head in his shirt, pretending to be innocent.

She had soiled his shirt!

Lu Zhiheng rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

"Little boy."

He spoke in a calm tone, and the eyes of Xu Wu and Xu Antong fell on him.

Noticing their reaction, Lu Zhiheng choked suddenly, his tone was faint and he couldn't understand his emotions: "How should we punish those who are not good?"

As soon as these words came out, I saw the kitten who was originally hiding his head but not his tail rolled out with a tangled face.

A few of the snow-white hairs have fallen out pitifully.

Oh, I'm afraid.

Tong Qiaoqiao drooped her head and moved forward in small steps.

Lu Zhiheng sullenly looked like he was not in a good mood.

However, only Xiao Zhengshu and Si Jialing knew that this was all fake.

The old fox was thinking about how to trick the cat.

The little cat's heart trembled, sneaking a peek at the corner of his clothes that was stained with dessert, and slowly stretched his hind legs towards Lu Zhiheng.

If you don't behave well, I will let you hit me.

She looked delicate and naive, and she meowed as if to please her.

Then carefully moved the hind leg until it rested on his wrist.

The soft fluff made his palms itch.

Lu Zhiheng narrowed his eyes, "I don't understand."

Tong Qiaoqiao: "." Meow, how could I understand it before!

But those who have done wrong things are not qualified to quibble, even if Lu Zhiheng is still angry, she has to find a way to calm him down.

Or really beat him up?
As soon as this thought flashed, she immediately denied it.

With her small body, wouldn't even her bones be broken if she really did it?

No no no.

It hurts so much.

After thinking and thinking, Tong Qiaoqiao quietly moved her hind legs, trying to avoid Lu Zhiheng's sight. If her legs were really broken later, she would become a useless cat.


However, Lu Zhiheng seemed to have seen her thoughts, and casually held her hind legs, "What do you want to do, little boy? Didn't you say you will be punished?"

"Meow meow~" Then will she regret it?
Tong Qiaoqiao had a bitter face, and she pursed her mouth aggrieved, as if she had been bullied by Lu Zhiheng.

The whole hall was very lively, but this corner seemed to be enclosed, except for Lu Zhiheng and the others, there was no one else.

Lu Zhiheng pursed his lips and almost couldn't help smiling. He coughed lightly and suppressed the curvature of the corners of his mouth.

The bony fingers gently tapped the kitten's hind legs, again and again, and he said in a calm voice, "Do you still dare to toss around?"


She raised her head, her pitiful appearance made Lu Zhiheng a little soft-hearted.

He subconsciously rubbed the center of his brows, "Forget it, there can't be a next time."

Tong Qiaoqiao quickly nodded her head, looking obedient.

Lu Zhiheng pinched her ears, "When you eat in the future, don't move around, remember?"

Remember remember.

Even if she doesn't remember, she still has to say she does.

She blinked, lowered her head and rubbed his wrist, "Meow~"


Lu Zhiheng casually wiped the place where the dessert was stained on his shirt with a paper towel, picked up another bowl of dessert and continued to feed the cat.

Just now he was aggressive to Xiaoguai, but now, she is lying listlessly on his lap.

He raised the kitten's paw to tease her, and his deep eyes flashed softly, "Little boy, eat more."

Tong Qiaoqiao got up slowly, bowed her head, and finished eating in one bite.

She didn't dare to move until she finished eating, until she saw Lu Zhiheng pushing the bowl to the other side, she hesitated for a moment, then tentatively walked towards Xu Wu with her short legs.

As he walked, he also paid attention to the expression on his face.

She thought to herself, if owner Lu still wanted to train her, she should immediately hide beside Aunt Xu.

She had already made up her little plan, but suddenly saw Lu Zhiheng smiled lightly, as if he had read her mind, stretched out his big hand, and instantly hugged Tong Qiaoqiao.

Tong Qiaoqiao: "." Meow~ Could this be the legendary Wuzhi Mountain? ?
The four people present were speechless for a moment.

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while.

Si Jialing scratched his head, "Brother Lu, your cheap brother and cousin are so good at planning, why don't you go?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhiheng tilted his head, and patted the forehead of a certain naughty kitten, "What are you going to do?"

He carelessly hooked the corners of his lips: "Since others are building bridges, why should I stop them? That's their ability, what does it have to do with me?"

"Isn't it?"

Si Jialing couldn't believe it, is this really Brother Lu's style?
"Brother Lu, didn't you just push them to the ground and step on them as soon as you saw them before?"

Lu Zhiheng: "You mean me?"

"Is not it?"

"Oh, you're still blind."

Si Jialing: "." Forget it, he's arrogant and can't care about it.

Weary at Lu Zhiheng's place, Si Jialing cleverly changed the subject, "Obviously this reception is so boring that you're about to swatt the flies, why don't you leave?"

"So did you catch a fly?"


Looking at Brother Lu who has inexplicably entered the aggressive mode, the silly dog ​​said that he is so pitiful.

Obviously he is so obedient, why does Brother Lu still look down on him?

Seeing Silly Ergou being tortured unilaterally throughout the whole process, Xiao Zhengshu shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and patted him on the back of the head, "Sit well."

With the sudden blow, Si Jialing was stunned.

After seeing clearly that it was Xiao Zhengshu who moved his hand, he felt aggrieved immediately like a [-]-year-old daughter-in-law, pretending to cry, waving his fists, and pretending to wipe away the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes, "Xiao Laosan, I didn't expect you to bully me too." I!"

Xiao Zhengshu's eyebrows twitched, and he only felt a pain in his head.

With such a showman, he will have to take care of him a lot in the future.

"Okay, okay, I didn't bully you, so stop talking nonsense."

Si Jialing raised her hand and punched him, "It's not enough brotherhood at all."

Xiao Zhengshu: "What is brotherly loyalty?"

Si Jialing pretended to be sad and angry: "You are no longer my big brother!"

Xiao Zhengshu choked, he didn't want to be a brother either.

"Oh, that just so happens that I'm not my little brother either."

He spoke with a serious face, adding a bit of dignity to his originally expressionless expression.

Seeing this, Si Jialing smirked, and put his arms around his shoulders, "Who will give it to whom? Why aren't we brothers?"

Xiao Zhengshu calmly pushed his hand away, "No more."

Si Jialing's face instantly collapsed, "Isn't it, Xiao Laosan, you can't even joke now?"

"The other brothers sleep and eat together, and do everything together."

Xiao Zhengshu raised his eyelids and looked at him with a half-smile.


Si Jialing opened her mouth, but didn't know how to answer, she kept muttering in her heart:

Is the brotherhood so strong?
So Xiao Laosan feels that the relationship between them is not strong enough, and they are going to make trouble?
(End of this chapter)

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