Divine Book Era

Chapter 196 Chaos in the World

Chapter 196 Chaos in the World (Please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass!)
Confucianism and Taoism are the ways of stupidity.

Because they stick to some virtues, they appear to be extremely stupid, like the farmer among the snakes, like a boy helping an old lady.

Most of them did not end well, and were beaten to death by immoral people.

But Liu Xiu still wanted to give it a try, and wanted to be a virtuous person, even if he would become a boy helping an old lady or a farmer bitten to death by a poisonous snake.

"I don't want to become disrespectful to the old, not fond of the young, indifferent and selfish; I don't want to become desperate, with only interests in my heart, no righteousness!" Liu Xiu said lightly: "I have always wanted to be a moral gentleman, and I only want to be a moral person. I hope you don't see me, a moral gentleman, beaten to death and become a hypocrite!"

Many gentlemen were beaten to death and turned into hypocrites.

From gentleman to hypocrite, just one step away.

Dong Xue wanted to say something, but she still closed her mouth, and her mood became extremely silent.

"You can't last long like this..." Dong Xue finally said.

"I know!" Liu Xiu said lightly: "The first saint in the middle ages is a gentleman, and the rest of the saints are hypocrites, but some saints are extremely brilliant and pretend to be hypocrites all their lives; Pretend to be a hypocrite and directly become a bad person!"

"In other words, I am a bad person and a hypocrite in my bones, but I have always been bound by etiquette and acted like a gentleman. Now I am waiting for some poisonous snakes to bite me, then I can justify my name and become a hypocrite naturally, or Bad guy!"


In just a few days, Liu Xiu felt that the whole world had become strange and unfamiliar.

Under the city of Yingdu, the decisive battle was decided, and the Yunmeng army won.

The city of Yingdu was broken, and the reason for the city's breakdown was that the earth dragon rolled and the city wall collapsed.

What a reason to rattle the dog!

Liu Xiu immediately felt like vomiting. In history, there were immortals, monsters, gods, and barbarian emperors who attacked one after another, but the city of Yingdu was not broken;

Then, there was a fierce street battle. After a few days of bloody battle, the city of Yingdu fell completely.

The state of Great Chu was shaken and its foundation was unstable, as if it had entered autumn, and it had entered a period of decline from its former prosperity.

In the south, the White Lotus Sect uprising broke out. The uprising army was called the Taiping Army. Once [-] troops fought with the official army. The official army was defeated, with countless casualties. They swept all the way. The purpose of opening government offices and setting up mansions is to be a bandit, and it seems that they want to carry out the farming business to the end.

It seems that Liu Xiu's farming theory has been brought to the extreme.

Of course, if you want to farm stably, you must have a stable external environment, so they sent a group of soldiers and horses to sweep across the states, not asking for a lot of land, just attacking the forces of the government and the army, and having no time to attack the old nest. More confusion.

Being a rogue, the advantage lies in the flexibility, subtlety of mobile warfare, and disrupting the enemy's layout. The disadvantage is that there is no stable territory, and it will not last long; but being a rogue, farming for a living, is conducive to establishing a solid territory and competing for the world, but it is easy to fall into a corner. If the land fights against the whole country, it will be consumed alive.

Only when the rogue bandits and bandits gather together can they fight for world hegemony, realize the dragon slaying plan, and ascend to the throne in one fell swoop.

In the battle, the Taiping Army used fire-pattern guns and fire-pattern cannons, which had amazing lethality and severely injured the officers and troops many times, gaining a great reputation.

With a pat on the head, Liu Xiu was slapped again, and was scorched inside and tender outside by Lei.

He only roughly proposed the concept of flintlock guns, yellow gunpowder, and the method of manufacture; but Mu Lingxi is creative, combining the techniques of fairy refining and technology to create a fire-pattern gun. , Fire pattern cannon.

In terms of power far surpassing some magic tools of the immortal way, the difficulty of manufacturing has dropped, and the output has increased a lot.

There are a lot of magical weapons in Immortal Dao, which are more powerful than fire-pattern guns and fire-pattern cannons, but in comparison, they are much inferior.

With the birth of the Fire Emblem Gun, the Fire Emblem Cannon immediately shocked some master craftsmen in Immortal Dao beyond words.

The name of the rebel army, named "Taiping Army", was obviously poisoned by Liu Xiu; it was all because he told too many stories about the rebellion, and Mu Lingxi was seriously affected.

In terms of the layout of the uprising, the overall planning, and the management of the base areas, they are all well-organized.

Looking at Mu Lingxi's arm, Liu Xiu was amazed. Mu Lingxi is worthy of being a man of action and a giant of the White Lotus Sect. .

"It seems that Mu Lingxi is a natural commander, born to be a queen!"

"But it seems that she is not very confident. She has always been disguised as a man, turned into a bright left envoy, and commanded the army instead of commanding the army as a woman!"

Thinking of this, Liu Xiu understood again.

In the barbaric era, there might be a woman commanding the army and becoming the king of one side; but with the advent of the civilized era, the flaws of women became more and more obvious.

In the Shang Dynasty, Fu Hao was the queen and the commander in chief, leading the army to fight, and became a famous general.

But in the Sui Dynasty, when Princess Pingyang raised an army, she did not dare to call for an army as a woman. Instead, she commanded the army and led the uprising in the identity of Mr. Li.

"It's really difficult for her as a woman!"

Liu Xiu thought.

In short, in just a few days, the general situation of the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The changes are so fast that it is dizzying. No one can predict the next step and where it will go.

However, there are a few points that are very clear, and Da Chu will not perish.

Great Chu has a vast territory, a large population, and a vast strategic depth. Even if Yingdu City is captured, Dachu has other capitals—Yingdu City is only Tokyo, and Yedi City is Xijing.The elite of Great Chu can still rely on Yedi City to carry out a counterattack, but with the invasion, the Yunmeng army is scattered, with heavy losses and logistical difficulties.

The momentum of Yunmeng's army's attack has weakened a lot, barely occupying the city of Yingdu, and it may be that after a while, they will retreat.

In this battle, Yunmeng's goal is not to completely destroy the Great Chu, but to gradually encroach on it, occupying the four northern states, as well as some key checkpoints, to occupy the strategic initiative.The goal has been achieved, and it may not be long before the soldiers will retreat, like a wounded tiger retreating to the side, licking the wound on its body.

Da Chu wanted to fight back, but he also became weak, so he could only stay on the defensive.

The Taiping Army in the south also had to step up their efforts to digest the fruits of victory. They only focused on feints and defensive construction, and they were also unable to attack.

In the near future, various forces will fall into a fragile balance.

And in this process, countless ambitious people will come out, all kinds of ghosts and snake gods will appear on the stage one after another, and the mountains and rains are about to come and the building is full of wind!
 ps, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, the update is completed today.

(End of this chapter)

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