genius war girl

Chapter 378 Shelling Battle

Chapter 378 Shelling Battle

Although there is no way to contact the people on each ship directly, everyone has at least three years of schooling, so naturally they know what to do and when.

For example, now, all the ships are aiming at the enemy's leading light cruiser.

This is a Chikuma-class protected cruiser. The ship is only equipped with 4 single-mounted 152mm guns. It seems to be the model when it was first launched in 1911.

The Chikuma-class protected cruiser was Japan's 1907 fleet expansion budget. Together with the King Kong-class battlecruiser at that time, based on the experience and lessons of the Russo-Japanese War, it adopted a large number of advanced technology at that time, which was a concentrated expression of the shipbuilding capabilities of the eleventh district at that time.

All three Chikuma-class protected cruisers participated in World War I, and all retired soldiers disintegrated before World War II.

The Chikuma-class protected cruiser has a displacement of 5000 tons, a length of 144 meters, a width of 14.2 meters, and a draft of 5.1 meters.The power system is two direct-connected steam engines and 16 ship-type coal-fired boilers, with a total of 22500 horsepower and a maximum speed of 26 knots.

Although it is a protected cruiser, the firepower of this Chikuma is obviously a little weak. It is only equipped with four 4mm cannons, two of which are juxtaposed, and only three cannons on one side can fire at the same time.

Later, the Chikuma was also remodeled, and it was replaced with 8 152mm single-mounted guns, but now this ship is obviously not remodeled.

Like land battles, the weight of different weapons equipped with the same vehicle in naval battles will also change, so not all captains will choose the version with the strongest weapons.

Among the opposing fleets, this 5000-ton protected cruiser has the best survivability, so it should be the candidate for the lead.

But even a 5000-ton protected cruiser can't bear it now under the firepower of the ghosts and animals on Otowa's side.

Although the caliber of the artillery of these old-fashioned cruisers is not large, the advantage lies in the large number of tubes.

As the distance approached, many shells soon fell on the leading ship, the Chikuma.

These shells were fired from six ships, so there are many differences in caliber, the smallest is only 76mm, and the large one goes directly to 152mm.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the seven ships, one after another explosions soon sounded on the deck of the Chikuma.

The first thing to suffer was naturally the main turret of this thing, and several shells hit the shield of this artillery at the same time.

The design of Chikuma's artillery shield is similar to that of Tenryu, and the coverage area is also large, but the thickness is only 13mm, which can only withstand the attack of bullets and shrapnel.

After being hit directly by the high-explosive shell, a big hole was blown out of the gun mantlet on the spot, and the gunner behind was also hit by fragments.

Although the artillery was not damaged, it was obvious that no one wanted to go up to take over under such a hail of bullets.

Not long after the front turret was hit, the rear conning tower was also hit by a shell.

In sharp contrast to the huge body of the Chikuma, the bridge of its stuff is very small, which can be regarded as a common feature of cruisers of this era.

The 140mm high-explosive bomb broke through the glass of the bridge and then penetrated into the interior of the bridge.

The fuze on the shell quickly worked, and a violent explosion followed.

Not to mention 140mm shells, even a grenade thrown into this narrow bridge can wipe out the group, and the girls in the bridge were wiped out in an instant.

Even though the bridge and No. 26 turret were lost not long after the war started, the engines of the Chikuma were still running at full speed, and the entire ship still maintained a high speed of [-] knots.

"Switch target."

After witnessing all this in the binoculars, Shizuku spoke slowly.

"The leading cruiser has been severely damaged, and all artillery groups have switched targets."

Not long after, Arisa also cooperated with Shizuku's order.

After the bridge exploded, the Chikuma could no longer change its course, and it would probably rush all the way to the end of the field.Moreover, a lot of the artillery on this ship was destroyed in the concentrated fire just now, and the threat level was already negligible.


After Yin Yu finished speaking, he quickly spun the cannon.


Caledon is one of six subclasses of British C-class cruisers.It is also the oldest cruiser of the first class used by the Royal Navy in World War II.Except for the first ship Caledon, which was converted into an anti-aircraft cruiser and participated in escort missions, the other ships were engaged in auxiliary missions.

Of course, what appears here will definitely not be the anti-aircraft cruiser after the transformation in 1942.

The Caledon-class cruiser is equipped with five 5mm single-mounted guns and four dual-mounted 152mm torpedo launchers. The speed can reach 533 knots, second only to the Tianlong class in this class.

Caledon's five 5mm guns are definitely stronger than Tianlong's four 152mm guns, but when the bow of the ship is charging against the enemy, only one gun in front of this thing can attack.

When Otowa was aiming, Arisa also asked the signalman to give a signal to his teammates, telling them that the leading ship had been shot and told them to switch targets.

The Tianlong, where Otowa is located, has previously singled out four ships on the opposite side, and also shot down dozens of aircraft (Otowa also counted as being on the ship). The score is also ranked No. 1 in the contribution list, and what he said is still very authoritative ,

The remaining six ships in the fleet also adjusted their artillery and aimed their guns at the second-ranked Caledon.

Just when the opposite side was wondering why the enemy suddenly stopped attacking, the artillery on the seven ships fired almost simultaneously.

Dozens of shells escaped from the muzzle, and then drew arcs in the air, flying towards the bewildered Caledon.

Perhaps there were too many shells fired, and several of the first rounds of firing hit the light cruiser.

The ship's main turret was the first to bear the brunt. A 76mm high-explosive bomb hit here and exploded on the artillery's shield.

It was also directly hit by a high-explosive shell, but the shield of this artillery did not crack, and the gunner behind was also fine.

The artillery shield of the Caledon class is also very large, the area is not weaker than that of Tianlong and Chikuma, and most importantly, the armor of this thing is really thick, as much as 76mm.

76mm armor is still very thick, let alone a 76mm caliber high-explosive bomb, even a 152mm high-explosive bomb may not be able to damage it.

"The armor of that thing seems a bit thick."

Otowa's eyesight is very good, so he also witnessed this scene.

"All team, put on armor-piercing bullets!"

It's no problem that the high-explosive shells can't hit, and Otowa still has armor-piercing shells.

(End of this chapter)

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