genius war girl

Chapter 658 Airborne Operations

Chapter 658 Airborne Operations
Even after solving the attacking fleet, Otowa and Chizuru still couldn't live a good life for a few days, and the attack soon brought them new problems.

Antarctic base, conference room.

"Our actions during this period have achieved very good results. It has dealt a severe blow to the government, and at the same time, it has given the US government hope to persevere." Liz sighed slightly, and then continued: "However, all this They were all destroyed by an atomic bomb that was dropped yesterday."

"Where did they get so many atomic bombs?" Otowa tilted his head.

If she remembered correctly, this should be the fifth atomic bomb dropped by the government, right?
"Of course it was made." Liz rolled her eyes at Otoyu, and then said mockingly, "It's 1946 now, sister, all the scientists who can't make five atomic bombs should all commit suicide."

After seeing Liz's face that deserved a beating, Otowa subconsciously wanted to do something, but was stopped by Qianzuru beside him.

"The atomic bomb is now the sword of Damox hanging over the US government's head. If we want them to continue to persist, we must solve this problem."

In terms of the overall situation, as the chosen one, Qianzuru is still much better than Otowa.

"How many atomic bombs does the **** have?"

Otowa cast his eyes on Liz, and then spoke in a slightly puzzled tone.

"Hmm... about 42 pieces?"


After hearing the ultimate answer of this universe, Otowa almost jumped up from his chair.

If the government goes crazy and hits all the nuclear bombs on the mainland of the United States, then the American people will be able to play the live-action Fallout 4 in a few decades.

"But it's not without good news. Except for the three nuclear bombs stored in the airport in South America, the rest of the nuclear bombs are all in the facility." Liz said with a smile on her face.

"Very well, that's it." Chizuru nodded. "So where is this facility?"

"In Siberia."

Liz picked up a pen and drew a circle on the world map on the desktop.

"I thought it was local..."

"How could these paranoid mental cleanliness allow nuclear weapons to contaminate our country?" Liz snorted, and then continued: "After taking down the Soviet Union at the beginning of the war, ** moved the base for producing and testing nuclear weapons to Siberia."

"But this also gives us a chance." Qianzuru held another pen, and then typed an X on the circle drawn by Liz. "As long as this place is destroyed, the production of nuclear weapons will be suspended for a period of time."

"Let me remind you in advance that the army stationed there is not a small number, and it is far from what this neglected base can compare." Liz said unhurriedly.

**The establishment of the Antarctic base has two main purposes. One is to study the Zenith Star technology scattered here, and the other is to serve as the last retreat in case of defeat in the battle.

But now that the Zenith Star technology has not been researched, the Allied forces are about to surrender, and the Antarctic base is naturally left out.

Otowa and the others were able to take down here so easily, and this is also inseparable from this.

"But we are not as poor and empty as before." Qianhe smiled, and then continued: "The new weapons are already in place, and it is time to put them into the battlefield."

"So fast?"

Yin Yu blinked his eyes with some doubts, didn't that thing promise to be a decisive weapon?

"If you don't use it when it's time to use it, it doesn't make any sense."

After Chizuru finished speaking, she patted Otowa on the shoulder lightly.


One good thing about Legion of Lolita is that it doesn't have so much red tape.You only need to give instructions to the maid loli, and all the rest of the loli will act efficiently.

For example, for the previous desperate assassination operation, it took the Allied forces nearly a month to barely complete the preparations, and the news had already leaked out by the time they took off.

But the Lolita Legion didn't have so many troubles. It only took them three days to adjust their equipment and complete all the preparations for this battle.

Antarctic bases, airports.

"Is this the **** transport plane?"

Looking at the slightly familiar planes in front of him, Otowa couldn't help but tilt his head.

"That's right." Qianhe nodded, and then continued: "Some are left in the base, and some are sent by the police."

After Otowa and the others occupied this place, ** soon used a transport plane to transport a group of armored troops over, but they were beaten to pieces by the P1000 giant rat.

Although most of the tanks were reduced to scrap iron, the transport planes were still in good condition and could be put into use again with a little repair.

I have to say that these women are really considerate, Yin Yu and the others will send whatever they lack.


A fake T-72 approached, and then slowly drove into the transport plane.

"We have improved the engines of these transport planes and replaced them with fuel with a higher octane value, so they can completely transport these tanks." Qianzuru said with a smile on his face.

One of the indicators of these transport aircraft is the ability to transport E-25 tanks. As a chassis, it weighs 25 tons, and the total combat weight of the E-25 medium tank has reached more than 30 tons.

It seems that it is not impossible to modify the transport aircraft a little bit and let it transport the 38-ton fake T-72.

"It's almost time, and it's time for us to go up." Yin Yu smiled, and then continued: "It's another airborne battle, how many games have it been..."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Otowa always felt that she had been airborne countless times during this period of time.


In order to avoid the government's radar search, these transport planes fly at very low altitudes, flying close to the sea almost the whole time.

This is a very dangerous behavior. As long as the pilot is not paying attention, the whole plane will crash into the sea, and the crew members will not even have a chance to escape.

Well, in fact, this is for ordinary pilots, Force fighters and loli with humanoid computer attributes are not counted.

After crossing the ocean, Otowa and the others flew on land for a long distance, and then they were close to their destination this time.

I have to say that Liz is still very useful. With her guidance, Otowa and the others miraculously avoided all the checkpoints on the road and arrived at the destination without being discovered.

Siberia is a vast area in North Asia, starting from the Ural Mountains in the west, reaching the Chukotka Peninsula in the east, bordering the Arctic Ocean in the north, reaching the mountains in the central and northern Kazakhstan in the southwest, and extending to Mongolia and the Outer Khingan Mountains in the south, with an area of ​​about 1300 million square kilometers.

**'s nuclear weapon test base is deployed here, and Otowa's goal this time is to completely destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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