Naruto grey area

Chapter 62 Natural Energy

Chapter 62 Natural Energy
In the blink of an eye, three days passed. During the process of Jin's cultivation, Tong also came to deliver meals several times, but every time he was blocked by the sealing barrier set by Jin, unable to enter.So she had no choice but to give up and wait quietly for Jhin to finish her training.

During these three days, Jhin has been refining the green energy. Originally, he thought that he could fill the cells of his body with green energy in two or three days.But after practicing, the smaller and smaller space in the cells made his practice speed become slower and slower.Until this evening, that is, it took him three days and four nights to barely fill the cells with green energy.

At the moment when the green energy filled the cells, Jhin suddenly felt that the whole world had undergone tremendous changes. He found that his body was absorbing a special kind of very irritable energy every moment. When inhaled into the body, it will be absorbed by the cells, and then this green chakra will be extracted.

And all places in the outside world are full of this kind of energy, and the green energy flowing from the surface of Jhin's skin allows him to clearly perceive these special violent energies!These are natural energies.If this kind of energy is perfectly combined with Chakra and spiritual power, Xianju Chakra will be produced!Is this the origin of the fairy mode?
Jhin is very excited at the moment, he has finally touched the threshold of Immortal Chakra, and he has more confidence in the face of future crises.

He is always on guard against Hei Jue, who is hiding in the dark and playing tricks and tricks, and the yin and yang escape that Hei Jue knows is something he couldn't parry before. Even if his illusion has reached the pinnacle, there is nothing he can do .All Chakra attribute ninjutsu, illusion, and physical attacks have no effect on Yin Yang Dun. , and against Yin-Yang Dun, only Immortal Chakra can be effective!
This is what he said before that he didn't have it, and it's also the main reason why he didn't dare to look for Madara. If he met Hei Ze before, even if Hei Ze is not very good at fighting, he might not be able to do anything to him in a fight.

Jhin suppressed the excitement in his heart. After three days of training without eating or drinking, his body was already very tired. Even with the huge vitality of a fairy body, he still couldn't bear it.After all, he was still a body of flesh and blood at the moment, and he needed to eat to supplement some other essential elements—that is, he needed to fill his stomach.

Thinking of eating, Jhin's stomach could not help growling. He hadn't eaten for three days, and he was already very hungry. When he lost his mind, he felt a huge twitching sensation in his stomach, which was very uncomfortable.

Without much delay, Jhin stood up, moved some stiff body joints, and made the sound of bones cracking and cracking every step he took.He walked quickly to the door, gently opened the door, and walked out.

It was already late at night, and the neighborhood was very quiet, with the sound of insects chirping from the surrounding grass.Jhin didn't dare to make too loud a movement, because Hitomi was still sleeping in the room not far away.

It was too late, and there was nothing to look at in the kitchen, so Jhin casually cooked a bowl of ramen, and after filling his stomach, he felt tired.The eyelids are also constantly fighting, as if they will collapse here and fall asleep in the next moment.

Suppressing the drowsiness, Jhin tidied up the kitchen, then went back to the room to rest.


Very early the next day, Hitomi came to the door of Jin's room as usual, and knocked lightly on the door.Inside the door was the same as the previous two days, there was no movement, Jhin, who fell into a deep sleep, did not hear Tong's knock on the door.

Tong's face darkened, and he was very worried about Jhin, he hadn't left his room for four days.In Hitomi's eyes, no one can persist in not eating for four days. When she was homeless, she often endured the torture of hunger. She clearly knows what it feels like to be hungry. The worry on her small face is fully exposed, and she is pretty His appearance became a little pale, as if he was sick.

Hitomi pushed the door as usual, thinking that it would not be able to push it like yesterday.Who knew that with her gentle push, the door opened easily.

In the room, Jhin was lying on the bed, with a comfortable expression on his face, his head resting on the pillow, his body lying flat, with a peaceful sleeping appearance.A corner of the quilt covering his body fell to the ground, revealing the problem of his sleeping position.

Hitomi saw Jhin's tightly closed eyes, slightly wrinkled forehead, seemed very tired, and felt very distressed.

The adults have worked so hard, and I can't fall behind!
Hitomi secretly made up her mind, thinking of what Kushina Uzumaki had told her, and decided to go to Kushina Uzumaki after the adult woke up and ask him how he could become stronger!
Looking at Jin Na's body that had been refined again, it seemed to have become a little thinner.Tong Tong's heart moved, and she suddenly thought that the adult hadn't eaten for a long time, and her body must be in need of a good repair, so she exited the room step by step, and closed the door gently, afraid of making a little noise, which would disturb Jin's rest. .After going out, Hitomi came to her own room, found a pen and paper, wrote a paragraph and pasted it on the door of Jin's room, and then went out to buy things.

Before going out, what she thought of was:
"My lord hasn't eaten for such a long time, so I definitely need to make up for it. I'll go buy some nourishing ingredients and cook it for my lord."


At noon the next day, after three poles of sunshine.

Only now did Jhin slowly get out of bed, the practice of the past few days made him mentally exhausted to the extreme.This feeling drove away the tiredness a lot, and he looked a little refreshed, not as tired as when he just finished practicing.


My stomach became hungry again, I didn't expect to digest it so quickly!

Jhin didn't know how long he had slept, and thought it was just a morning's sleep.

After putting on his clothes, Jhin pushed open the door vigorously, feeling very happy. The progress in his practice made him feel more relaxed than ever. After the awakening of the immortal body, the bottleneck that imprisoned his strength had already seen signs of being broken.

Suddenly, after Jhin pushed open the door, a small note drifted down with the wind.Jhin saw the small note with his eyes, and reached out to catch it.

He opened the note and saw that it was written in handwriting that Jhin was very familiar with. This writing technique was very similar to his own, but it looked very delicate.This is - Hitomi's handwriting.Although I haven't seen Tong's characters for so long, Jhin still recognizes the special strokes on them.

It says:

My lord, I'm going out to do some shopping.You have a good rest at home!

—— Hitomi stay

After reading this sentence, a gleam of warmth flashed in his heart.This little girl is really considerate, she has never felt the concern of others, which makes Jin feel very complicated at the moment.Originally, he took Hitomi with him only because of her red hair, which made him suspect that she was from the Uzumaki tribe, and maybe the ninja talent is better.I want to train her to be a capable assistant, to wipe out all the ants in front of him for him, and reduce unnecessary troubles.

But now, it seems that he has gradually gotten used to Tong's existence, and slowly began to accept this little girl.

 The second update today.Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket.Guys, let's cast some votes.

(End of this chapter)

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