grab a world

Chapter 34 Fang Xinyan's Trouble

Chapter 34 Fang Xinyan's Trouble
Fang Muye hadn't been home for several days, and drove home the next morning.

During this period of time, Fang Muye's parents' work units have returned to normal, they are no longer working overtime, and they can go home for lunch at noon. Fang Muye bought a few vegetables on the way, and planned to show off at noon, so that his parents could taste his cooking.

Carrying things in both hands, he went upstairs. Fang Muye took out the key and opened the door. To his surprise, there was someone in the house.

Fang Xinyan sat on the sofa and puffed out the clouds, and the living room was filled with thick smoke.

"Dad, why didn't you go to work today?" Fang Muye asked casually.

"Something happened, I just came back." Fang Xinyan's tone was a little blunt.

Fang Xinyan is not addicted to cigarettes, but only occasionally smokes one, especially when he is at home, he has never smoked.

Fang Muye had never seen his father smoking so fiercely, coupled with the anxiety and irritability on his face, Fang Muye guessed that something must have happened to his father.

Putting the things in his hand into the kitchen, Fang Muye went to the coffee table and sat down, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the coffee table, lit it, and asked, "Dad, is it not going well at work, or is something wrong?" ?”

Although Fang Xinyan didn't want to bring his work troubles home, let alone make his family worry about him, this matter must not be hidden, and he would let his family know sooner or later.

Now the son asked, and after a moment of silence, he still said: "I have been working hard for half my life, and I have never made any mistakes. I never thought that I would fall into someone else's trap by accident, and I still don't know it. Who the hell is killing me behind my back?"

"Do you think I'm a failure?" Fang Xinyan looked downcast and frustrated.

"You can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can there be any reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days? Some people want to harm you, and they will find an opportunity sooner or later. No matter how prepared you are, you will be hard to guard against." After a word of persuasion, Fang Muye continued to ask, "What happened?" Son? Tell me, I will help you analyze and analyze, one person will take care of the shortcomings, and the other two will take care of the long-term. Besides, I am now a working adult, and if something happens at home, I should share the burden for you. "

Fang Xinyan's irritable mood was relieved by his son's calm tone.It wasn't until this moment that he realized that his son had really grown up. The youthfulness of a young man before had disappeared without a trace. Not only is he inferior, even their chairman is far behind.

Ten days ago, an old customer of the company asked me to process a set of jade jewelry by name.The raw materials are brought by this old customer, and the ice seeds are floating flowers, which are very valuable.I finished working overtime last night, after locking in the safe, I didn't get off work until 10 o'clock in the evening..."

Next, Fang Xinyan described in detail what happened this morning.

This morning, Fang Xinyan just went to work, and the old customer who asked him to process jade jewelry by name came to ask him.

The other party was urgent, Fang Xinyan didn't dare to delay, and quickly took out the processed jewelry box from the safe, and handed it to the old customer for inspection.

As a result, this test revealed a big problem.

This old customer has opened two jewelry stores and has been dealing with jewelry for most of his life. As soon as he opened the jewelry box, he found that there was something wrong with the most expensive jadeite bracelet.

This set of jade jewelry was carved out bit by bit by Fang Xinyan, and he is very familiar with this set of jade jewelry, but he can spot anything wrong at a glance.

The jadeite bracelet in the jewelry box is definitely not the one he polished by himself!
This bracelet has definitely been replaced!
After realizing this, Fang Xinyan was stunned.

The old customer saw that the bracelet in the jewelry box was wrong at a glance, and pointed it out immediately.

If there is no comparison, it may not be easy to find this point.But besides the bracelet, there are two jade pendants and two ring faces in the jewelry box. This set of jewelry is all made from the same piece of jadeite. Any piece of jewelry in it, as long as there is a slight difference, Experienced people can see it at a glance.

Obviously, the texture of the jade bracelet is different from other jewelry, and the client was naturally furious.

The jadeite jewelry entrusted by the customer to be processed was replaced with c-quality goods. Such a serious mistake made both the old customer and the company very angry.

Fang Xinyan was the only person who handled this set of jade jewelry, so he naturally became the first responsible person and the first object of suspicion.

After listening to his father's narration, Fang Muye asked, "Aside from yourself, is there anyone else who can open that safe?"

Fang Xinyan replied: "The company's management system is very strict. Only I know the password of the safe, and no one else can open it."

"Then did you have any inspections when you left the factory?" Fang Muye continued to ask.

"With special testing equipment, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for staff to take out valuable jewelry privately."

Fang Muye's eyes lit up, "Then you should have been tested when you got off work last night, right?"

Fang Xinyan showed a wry smile, "Unfortunately, the testing equipment just broke down, and I am an old employee again, so I left the factory without passing the test."

"Then when they got off work yesterday afternoon, did the others pass the factory inspection?" Fang Muye asked a key question again.

"The testing equipment was still in good condition when I got off work yesterday afternoon, so I was the only one who didn't pass the test when it left the factory." Fang Xinyan sighed, frowning tightly.

After listening to his father's answer, Fang Muye felt a strong sense of conspiracy.

Fang Muye asked again: "Think about it carefully, among the suspects who have the opportunity to replace this bracelet, is there anyone who hates you, or has a bad relationship with you? Time is difficult, and the family is particularly short of money?"

"I have thought about these issues carefully just now." Fang Xinyan shook his head, "I have always had a good personality, and I am an old employee in the factory for many years. I get along well with everyone, and my enemy is even more None. During this period of time, I haven’t heard that anyone’s family has encountered difficulties, and it shouldn’t be that people around me stole because of lack of money.”

"Then how did your factory handle this matter? Did you call the police immediately?"

"I didn't call the police immediately. Once this matter is publicized, it will seriously affect the reputation of our company."

 I'm in a bad mood!I don't know when I was owed money, but I deleted the two saved manuscripts. I didn't know it, so I had to rewrite it.

  On the first day of pushing, ask for favorites and recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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