grab a world

Chapter 412 The Cultivator's Evil

Chapter 412 The Cultivator's Evil
Fang Muye frowned. He didn't expect that when someone mentioned cultivators, one stone would stir up a thousand waves, and it would lead to so many voices hostile to cultivators.

Especially the news obtained from the words of the last person is even more shocking. The mass suicides of scientists are actually related to practitioners.

The discussion in the church seems to have changed a little bit. It started to change from the discussion of the Trisolaran world to the discussion of the Blue Star practitioners. The most ironic thing is that these people are far more hostile to the fellow practitioners than the Trisolarans. people.

Lu Renyi listened to Changchat's increasingly chaotic voice, and finally said: "Please be quiet, everyone. I have a few words to say about cultivators."

The church gradually fell silent, and the only one or two remaining voices were embarrassed to continue talking after realizing that the rest of the people had shut their mouths.

"This time, I will first draw a conclusion. The emergence of cultivators is very detrimental to the continuation and development of civilization, and will even destroy the current technological civilization."

"Why?" A slightly unwilling voice suddenly came from inside the church.

"I think the gentleman who raised the question just now should be a cultivator. Of course, this is just a discussion about the world of the three-body world. Although the matter of the cultivator is a small episode, I have to mention it. I don't want everyone to be hostile and quarrel with each other because of this."

"First of all, if you want to prove what I said, you have to start from the ancient times of the Blue Star. Many scientists have been discussing and guessing why there were extremely large land and marine creatures born on the Blue Star. Later, these creatures gradually became extinct, and the scientific community has never had a convincing conclusion until the past two years, because of the emergence of practitioners, the theory of aura has gradually become more convincing."

"In the ancient Blue Star, auras existed everywhere, so so many giant prehistoric creatures were born, just like those cultivators encountered in the dream world in their mouths, although in today's world there are still There is no evidence that monsters still exist, but there have been some related reports recently. There are even submarines that have photographed a giant python nearly [-] meters long in the waters near Xichen country."

"But aura doesn't seem to be a kind of substance that lasts forever on the blue star, just like the constant era in the three-body world. Soon after disappearing, they will be completely extinct, from which we can draw a simple inference that creatures that rely on aura for survival and evolution for a long time will not be able to adapt to the world of the old era after the aura disappears, and will eventually embark on the road of extinction."

"I don't know if human beings will also embark on such a path, but it is too far away to talk about the curse brought by aura. The problem in human society is that the legal system of this society has collapsed. edge."

Everyone present listened carefully to Lu Renyi's narration. After he finished speaking, a few people immediately signaled to Lu Renyi what they wanted to say, but Lu Renyi waved his hand, which meant that he hadn't said anything yet. Finish.

"Using force to violate the law, this is what my country said to some people in the rivers and lakes in ancient times. Strong personal power will inevitably lead to personal expansion, and personal expansion will trample on the laws of the world. Once the law can't control these things People will become the law of the minority, and the law of the minority is the greatest injustice in this society, because no matter it is the law of any country, it has conveyed the same sentence.”

"All are equal before the law. More than 200 years ago, France wrote this sentence in the "Declaration of Human Rights", and exactly 100 years later, on the land under our feet, the issuance of the "Bill of Rights" also declared The end of kingship. But the equality of these hundreds of years has been broken. Although some big countries can still control those practitioners, in some small countries, practitioners can do all kinds of evil, and the rulers have no way to eliminate them. It is even necessary to look at their strength and their struggles with neighboring small countries. Today, the top ten powers in the world and the rest of the world do not seem to exist in the same world."

As Lu Renyi said here, more and more people have begun to be moved, and began to think carefully about the various evil deeds brought about by the appearance of cultivators. Even Fang Muye couldn't help it after hearing about the current situation of the small country. There was a pain in his heart, of course, he still felt that Lu Renyi was just pretending to be benevolent and righteous. It seemed that he was not the same person when he created the zombies and what he did today.

Lu Renyi, standing in front of the Three-Body Movement, went on to say: "In addition to trampling on the law and causing damage to social security, there is another point that has affected the vast majority of people standing here, and that is—the practitioners The emergence of , hindered the progress of science!"

When Lu Renyi said this, the people in the church were no longer sinking, and their sense of identification with him seemed to have reached its peak. The sparse applause sounded and gradually turned into thunder.

"Scientific research and development is inseparable from the financial support of the state, but almost everyone knows that in the past two years, almost all the available resources in each country have been mobilized to those practitioners, the development of science has stagnated, and even some colleagues in the scientific community Discouraged, I used suicide to fight against the world, but even so, there was no hope, and the power brought by cultivation was so powerful that no one looked back at science.”

The people who had just finished applauding had a gloomy look in their eyes again, because the facts are indeed what Lu Renyi said, just like what Fang Muye read in the female scientist's suicide note, science is dead.

"But now there is still hope for science. Those of you who have come here have seen it. Four light years away, the civilization on the Centauri Star. After countless civilizations reincarnated, Trisolarans will drive humans. It is only imagined in movies. The interstellar warships want to enter our galaxy and be our neighbor. Most importantly, in order to experience their sincerity, they are willing to provide technological support to raise the technological level of Blue Star to the same level as theirs. "

"The current Blue Star needs more powerful and advanced technology to solve the chaos caused by the emergence of practitioners. You are all elites from all over the world. I believe you can lead your country to do this. At the same time After the Trisolaran world really enters the solar system, Blue Star also needs to have the right to speak."

"Therefore, I, Lu Renyi, hereby propose to set up the Blue Star Three-Body Organization right here and now!"

(End of this chapter)

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