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Chapter 727 Yumi Miyamoto's Disappointment

Chapter 727 Yumi Miyamoto's Disappointment

Police Department.

Su Yu came to the office of the Sakura Team.

Seeing Su Yu, Miyamoto Yumi quickly pretended to be busy looking at the computer.

Su Yu ignored her and sat behind the desk, waiting for the others to arrive.

The investigation by Miwako Sato has not yet come to fruition, probably because she did not expect that the identity of the murderer was actually someone she knew.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Uehara Yui came.

She came to the office and handed Su Yu a file bag.

Su Yu opened the file bag, and inside were the materials of several people. He flipped through their files and put them in the drawer.

"Have they arrived yet?" Su Yu asked.

"Well, they accepted the order of S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate that organization." Yui Uehara nodded.

The things she is responsible for are not cases that can be presented, and many things are classified as confidential.

"Then let them investigate slowly." Su Yu said while drinking coffee.

"Yes." Uehara Yui understood what Su Yu meant.

In fact, the Sakura team can catch them anytime they want.

The Sakura Group, like S.H.I.E.L.D., is a god-like existence. Even the people over there have no right to manage the Sakura Group.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually another organization created by Su Yu.

"By the way, Master Su Yu, one of the targets you are looking for has appeared in Tokyo." Yui Uehara reminded.

"Her?" Su Yu was not surprised, it was normal for her to appear in Tokyo.

"Yes." Uehara Yui nodded.

"Let's put her matter aside for the time being. Now, you have to investigate another matter." Su Yu took out a file bag from the drawer and handed it to Uehara Yui.

Uehara Yui opened the file, glanced at the file, and looked at Su Yu suspiciously.

This is the case investigated by Miwako Sato.

"I need you to investigate clearly. I have written down how to find out that person on paper. If you bring a maid to find that person, you can get evidence." Su Yu looked at Yui Uehara.

"Yes." Uehara Yui saluted, turned and left.

Miyamoto Yumi took a peek at Su Yu, she doesn't do anything here, is it really okay?
Although the salary is high, there are really not many things she has to do.

"Yumi Miyamoto." Su Yu said.

"Master Su Yu, do you have any orders?" Yumi Miyamoto stood up quickly.

"It's nothing, I just want to know if you have a boyfriend." Su Yu looked at her.

"Well, I already have a boyfriend." Yumi Miyamoto said cautiously.

"Then do you mind breaking up with your boyfriend and staying with me?" Su Yu got up and came to Miyamoto Yumi.

"I...I..." Miyamoto Yumi blushed, a little at a loss.

Although Su Yu is handsome, rich and powerful, she still can't forget her boyfriend. To be honest, it should be her ex-boyfriend.

Although they haven't broken up yet, they haven't seen each other for a long time.

"I know, you don't have a boyfriend." Su Yu approached Miyamoto Yumi, and frivolously raised her chin.

" boyfriend's name is..."

Su Yu didn't wait for Miyamoto Yumi to speak, and pulled her into his arms.

Miyamoto Yumi blushed, struggling to leave Su Yu's embrace, but unable to do so.

"I have never seen any man by your side. I am very clear about this. If you really have a boyfriend, it might be the one you imagined." Su Yu looked down at the palace in his arms. Moto Yumi.

"No... no, we just haven't been in touch for a long time." Miyamoto Yumi explained.

"How long?" Su Yu continued to ask.

Miyamoto Yumi was silent.

The other party has not contacted her for several years.

"It seems that he hasn't contacted you for a long time, maybe he has forgotten you a long time ago." Seeing Yumi Miyamoto's expression, Su Yu knew what she was thinking.

"Perhaps, he really forgot about me." Yumi Miyamoto's eyes darkened.

What Su Yu said was quite right. After several years of no contact, the other party might have forgotten her, but she never forgot her.

Miyamoto Yumi came back to her senses, Su Yu was already close to her.

The close distance made Yumi Miyamoto's face flush with a blush.

"Close your eyes." Su Yu whispered.

Miyamoto Yumi closed her eyes subconsciously.

Then, she felt a soft kiss.

Su Yu hugged Miyamoto Yumi tightly.

Miyamoto Yumi seemed to have figured it out and didn't reject him again.

After a few minutes.

Su Yu's hand was a little irregular.

Miyamoto Yumi struggled a little, the blush on her face became more intense, but she didn't push Su Yu away.

Seeing that she didn't refuse, Su Yu became bolder.

Finally, he walked into the lounge with her in his arms.



When Miyamoto Yumi opened her eyes, Su Yu beside her was gone.

She recalled the past and sighed.

Is it really good to have this kind of relationship with Su Yu so inexplicably?
She looked out the window with a little confusion in her eyes.

The reason why she accepted Su Yu was because she was really disappointed in Haneda Hideyoshi.

After all, she has been waiting for him since graduation, but there is no news from him.

Miyamoto Yumi wanted to break up a long time ago, but she still couldn't forget him.

However, now that this is the case, it is useless to think about Haneda Hideyoshi.

"I'm sorry, Hideyoshi, I'm about to start a new life." Miyamoto Yumi murmured.

"Ka" the door opened.

Miyamoto Yumi looked at Su Yu who walked in with a complicated expression.

"I already have a girlfriend and a fiancée. My girlfriend is Mao Lilan, and my fiancée is the eldest lady of the Suzuki family." Su Yu put the lunch on the table.

Miyamoto Yumi froze for a moment, her eyes darkened.

"Don't worry, I will be responsible, and I will marry you. How many wives a person with superpowers can marry depends entirely on his own ideas, and there is no trouble." Su Yu came to Miyamoto Yumi's side and held her little hands.

"I'm a superficial woman, as long as I maintain my current status, I don't need you to give me anything." Miyamoto Yumi whispered.

"I originally prepared a villa for you, if you don't need it, forget it." Su Yu reminded.

"I don't want your things." Yumi Miyamoto forced a smile.

"You don't want it, your child might need it, don't you think about it?" Su Yu kissed the back of her hand lightly.

Miyamoto Yumi blushed.

"After accepting my villa, you won't be able to leave me. From now on, you can just stay here and be my secretary obediently." Su Yu got up and kissed Miyamoto Yumi on the forehead.

"I don't want to be a vase." Yumi Miyamoto shook her head.

"I'd rather you be a vase than take risks." Su Yu looked directly at Miyamoto Yumi.

Miyamoto Yumi felt the tenderness in Su Yu's eyes and turned her head.

"It's time for lunch, come, let me feed you."

"No need, I'll do it myself..."

"Be good, Yumi-chan."


(End of this chapter)

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