Chapter 101 Graduation Season

"Then take it as cheap for him."

Song Ke snorted coldly: "But what you said is also reasonable, and I don't want to be angry with someone like him!"


The squad leader began to call people to stand up and take pictures.

A group of people stood on the steps in front of the school library.

As the photographer presses the shutter, freeze the photo.

It also heralds the official end of Lin Ye's college life.

The photoshoot ends here.

The girls led many people to take pictures in various places of the school.

Zhao Yu went to find a female classmate to take pictures.

I also want to enjoy the remaining time in college for the last time.

Sun Chen was busy going back to play games.

Lin Ye and Liu Han walked around the school playground twice.

"Lin Ye, take a photo together?"

Huang Jingjing ran over and looked at Lin Ye.

"Aren't you afraid of being squeezed out by a few people in your dormitory?"

Lin Ye asked jokingly.

Huang Jingjing rolled her eyes: "There are so many words, come, come, just the two of us."

"Liu Han, help us take a picture."

Huang Jingjing handed her mobile phone to Liu Han, and then stood beside Lin Ye, making a yes sign.

Lin Ye had a faint smile on his face.

Liu Han stood there and took a photo with his mobile phone.

"All right."

Liu Han handed back the phone.

Huang Jingjing was busy looking at it, and then she was a little unhappy: "Lin Ye, you are too much, why don't you look happy to take pictures with me?"

Lin Ye was a little helpless: "I am like this, it's not like you don't know."

Huang Jingjing sighed: "All right."

"By the way, if you need any help later, remember to call me."

"If I can help, I will."

She waved at Lin Ye, and then ran to take pictures with her roommates.

"This Huang Jingjing is not bad, think about it?"

Liu Han leaned over and asked with a smile.

"Forget it, why do you have to think about everything?"

Lin Ye shook his head.

In the afternoon, a few of them went to the Internet cafe together, played hacking games, and played games.


A group of people booked a large private room in a restaurant next to the school and had a breakup meal.

Some people drank heavily, with pride.

There are also people who take advantage of alcohol and go to confess their love to girls they have liked for a long time.

It can be regarded as an end to my youth.

Lin Ye sat there, drank a little beer, slightly drunk, watching the group of people dancing like demons, Lin Ye only felt an indescribable sense of loss in his heart.

He pondered.

When you get the movie box office, you can go back first and buy a big house for your mother directly.



"After dinner later, is there anyone going to sing!"

Someone suggested and shouted.

"I me me!"

"And I!"

Many people enthusiastically signed up.

Lin Ye was not interested at first, but he was pulled by Liu Han and raised his hands together.

Sun Chen originally wanted to go back and play with his two-dimensional wife.

He was also forcibly brought along by Liu Han.

The girls in Tong Zixin's dormitory didn't miss this occasion either.

It's just that when Song Ke saw Lin Ye, there was a lot of dissatisfaction and unhappiness between his brows.

"open circuit!"

The squad leader gave an order, took his mobile phone, and ordered the KTV in the university town.

A group of people went out and left in a mighty way.

On the road.

Lin Ye saw a couple kissing passionately on the street.

I also saw two strong men knocking their heads with beer bottles.

This is destined to be a night where demons dance wildly.

Arrived at KTV.

Soon someone went up to ask for songs and sing.

In the big box, there was a mess.

"Lin Ye, don't you sing very well, come up and sing one!"

"Yes, let's have a song!"

A group of people booed.

They still have fresh memories of the few songs Lin Ye sang that day.

"That's right, Lin Ye, after you graduate, you will become a singer, right?"

"I think you sing very well. Why don't you make your debut? If you make your debut and release an album, I will be the first to buy it to support you!"

"Lin Ye, I actually think you're quite handsome! Haha! I wanted to chase you, but you've been focusing on Tong Zixin for the past few years, so I have no chance."

A few girls who didn't seem to have said a few words in Lin Ye's impression were booing and shouting there.

Tong Zixin, who was sitting by the side, frowned slightly when she heard this. She glanced at the forest over there, but said nothing.

Song Ke was also a little dissatisfied, and wanted to say something, but was held back by Huang Jingjing.

Liu Han laughed: "Then it's not too late for you, isn't Lin Ye here now?"

"Whatever you want to do tonight, you can do whatever you want, I promise, Lin Ye will never resist!"

Lin Ye was a little helpless, and kicked Liu Han: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Come on, Lin Ye, sing a song!"


"I feel your song, it's super emotional! It's "Chasing Dreams", damn it, it makes my blood boil!"

A group of people looked at Lin Ye.

"No musical instrument."

Lin Ye spread his hands.

His songs have no accompaniment in KTV.

This sings a hammer.

"It's okay, there's a guitar here. I'm just about to catch the train at night and early in the morning. I brought my things here directly. If I'm full, I'll leave. You can use my guitar."

A boy came up and handed the guitar over.

Lin Ye was also unambiguous, took it directly, hugged the guitar, strode to the front, and sat down in front of the microphone: "Okay, I am happy today, what type of song do you want to listen to, come out."

"It's just right, there are some new songs during this time."

Lin Ye is also straightforward.

this time.

He signed in every day and got a lot of songs, scripts, and novels.

But Lin Ye is relatively lazy, and all these things are in stock.

"A new song again?"

"Hahaha, then I want to listen to a sad love song!"

There was a boy with wine in his mouth, and his eyes were red: "Damn it, can you make a sad love song?"

He officially broke up with his college girlfriend who had been in love for several years today.

She didn't even give him the chance to persist.





Lin Ye simply agreed.


Someone took out his mobile phone and pointed at Lin Ye, ready to start shooting.

"There have been a lot of new songs in this period of time. It's like writing songs is like Chinese cabbage."

Song Ke over there was a little upset.

But she didn't leave either.

Tong Zixin took a sip of beer and looked at Lin Ye, wondering what he was thinking.

"This song, "Arrogance", is for everyone!"

Lin Ye shouted, he walked to the microphone, fiddled with the guitar, and then played directly.

The prelude sounded.

The singing came quickly.


"Too many, too heavy, too cruel words.

No entanglement, it's yours, the reason is too fake.

I think,
You don't need to talk about the hype.

Whether it is an angel or a devil, there is no absolute.

I didn't think about it, I didn't say it, please put it away.

Is the role you play, more pathetic.

give up,
There is no need to argue about right and wrong,

If you put it down, please, burn it crisply. "


Lin Ye came in an instant with a bit of vicissitudes and hoarse voice.

Sad emotions spread in the private room.


"It sounds good..."

The people around were all shocked.

Song Ke over there was also stunned for a long time.

Tong Zixin's eyes flickered, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

The eyes of the man who had just clamored to listen to the song about hurting feelings turned red, and he choked up instantly.

He couldn't hold back his emotions, and made a whining sound while drinking beer.


"Every word of yours is like a scar on your heart,

It's ridiculous how my every move changes with you.

Let you play with it, never think about it,
How arrogant are you.

My heart beats for you, mad for you,
You say I'm really redundant, it's better to leave and wander,

It's all my fault for not healing my wounds. "


 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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