Chapter 103 Douyin is on fire

A "Zebra Zebra" ended.

This ballad won the favor of many girls present.

Lin Ye, who was sitting there with his guitar in his arms, received countless applause.

"it is good!"

Liu Han applauded warmly, and he still didn't forget to shout loudly in a strange way: "I didn't expect Lin Ye to be so talented!"

"I don't know which blind girls don't like it!"


Liu Han shouted there.

Zhao Yu booed from the side.

Sun Chen supported his glasses, looked at Tong Zixin over there, and showed a hey hey smile.

Not much damage.

But extremely insulting.

"Who are you talking about!"

After realizing it, Song Ke wanted to fight against Tong Zixin.

But Tong Zixin's reaction was unexpectedly cold.

She just looked at the forest over there, and turned a deaf ear to Liu Han's words.

"Whoever I like to talk about, who cares about you?"

Liu Han didn't give in, and turned on Song Ke.

Lin Ye had no intention of responding to the dispute over there at all.

Holding the guitar in his arms, he played and sang "Anhe Bridge" by himself.


"Let me see you again,
from south to north,

It's like being blindfolded by the Fifth Ring Road.

please say it again
about that day,

The girl with the box,
And the man wiping sweat. "


Lin Ye's voice was low, and he raised his head slightly, looking at the lights above the ktv box.

The lights are blinding.

Neon marks in his pupils.

Clear voice, crisp and pure voice.

Let everyone in the audience become quiet.

This song.

Lin Ye just wanted to sing suddenly.

If you want to sing, you will sing.

Sitting there, Tong Zixin tightly held the wine glass.

In the noisy box, it became quiet.

Even Song Ke stopped talking all of a sudden, looking at the forest over there.


The light hit Lin Ye's face.

The boy's face was slightly drunk, with an inexplicable feeling.


"I know, those summers,
Just like youth can't come back,

What can replace dreams can only be reluctant.

I know, I've been bragging,
Will also laugh with youth,
leaving me stuck in the city,
Remember you. "


Lin Ye lowered his head slightly, with a smile that he didn't know whether it was relief or bitterness.

This song.

It is about the past of forests and fields in this world.

this moment.

Deep in Lin Ye's heart.

Those emotions that were once deeply buried came surging.

His eyes were slightly red, and he kept singing.

The people below looked at Lin Ye, dazed.

Outside the box, it was already full of people.

They all came here from other private rooms to listen to the music.

Lin Ye sang his own song.

But listeners have their own stories.

Waiting for a song to end.

Many people stood there without speaking.

a whole night.

Lin Ye sat on the stage and sang, while the people below listened quietly.

Liu Han also helped bring a few bottles of wine, Lin Ye took it, and poured it down in between singing.


The brain is getting more and more excited.

In Lin Ye's heart, all kinds of inexplicable emotions of sadness and joy are entangled and entangled with each other.


the next day.

Lin Ye opened his eyes with a splitting headache.

in front of you.

It is the ceiling of the dormitory.

"Fuck, how did I come back?"

Lin Ye stood up and rubbed his temples, feeling a severe headache.

He took a look and saw that Liu Han in the dormitory had just woken up and was brushing his teeth with a mouthful of toothpaste.

Sun Chen was still sound asleep on the bed.

Zhao Yu has already started packing his luggage.

"Niu Pi, after you sang alone last night, you couldn't stop at all."

Liu Han gave Lin Ye a thumbs up: "Hey, in the end, you made me cry all the fuck."

"It was a good graduation party, but in the end, I became your fan."

Liu Han joked: "After you finished singing, you ran to the bathroom to vomit. Sun Chen and I dragged you back after vomiting."

"What the hell, although you sing well, don't drink so much in the future."

"Too heavy bro."

Zhao Yu also smiled and said, "Yes."

"Lin Ye, I really feel sorry for you."

Lin Ye shook his head: "What are you sorry about?"

He couldn't remember what happened in the second half of last night.

But anyway.

Last night was an emotional night.


The current Linye feels like a hangover.

There are countless kinds of discomfort coming from the body, and the headache is unbearable.

"You can sing so well, you should have shown it when you were in college. If you could sing like this at that time, you would have developed a lot bro."

Zhao Yu had a bitter expression on his face: "That girl, why don't you flock here, and you can pick whatever you want?"

"Why are you still guarding that Tong Zixin bitterly? Isn't this just making yourself guilty?"

Zhao Yu shook his head and sighed: "When you're awesome, I'll hug your thigh too."

"In that case, no matter if it's a junior or a senior, I'll kill you all, brother!"

"Unfortunately, I missed it, I missed this wonderful time!"

Zhao Yu was heartbroken.

Lin Ye just smiled, these songs were still collected by him for so long.

How many years earlier?
A few years ago, he could only sing farts.

Lin Ye brushed his teeth and washed his face there.

After finishing, several people went out to buy buns and soy milk.

along the way.

"King Lin Ge, you are so awesome!"

"Lin Ye, I didn't expect your kid to sing so well!"

"Big brother, those few songs of yours last night made me cry!"

When I walked out of the senior dormitory, I could see many people dragging their luggage away along the road.

They all yelled at Lin Ye, booed, and smiled.

Lin Ye said hello one by one.

Wait downstairs.

It's even more exaggerated.

"Is that the senior who sang last night?"

"too handsome!"

"Ah, ah, senior, can you give me your contact information?"

From the dormitory to the bun shop in the school.

But wherever they go, they are people who come to say hello and bite their contact information.

"What's wrong with this world, I just sang a few songs."

Lin Ye gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun, drank soy milk, and was still dazed.

There were not so many people in the box last night.

"Then you don't understand, now you are already on fire."

Liu Han helped Sun Chen buy a copy and packed it up: "Last night someone posted a video of you singing on Douyin."

"Now you are a Douyin celebrity."

"Honestly, Lin Ye, I think you can consider debuting."

Liu Han said with a serious face.


Lin Ye has a weird face, because Lin Ye in this world doesn't play with mobile phones very much.

So Linye came across, and had no concept of many software in this world.

But did not expect.

Douyin, who was very popular in the previous life, actually exists in this life.

Lin Ye took out his phone, connected to Baozipu's wifi, and downloaded a Douyin.

Then log in and open the location.

Just go in.

The first video I saw was the song "Anhe Bridge" sung by Lin Ye last night!
Reposted over ten thousand.

More than 5000 comments.

More than 3 likes!
This is just the video data sent by one of them's Douyin account!
 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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