Chapter 106
"Smelly shameless, piracy!"

"Everyone, don't believe him, this is a fake! It's really here @林野."

"Shameless! I reported you, but you still want to pretend to be someone else!"

The comments below are basically scolding.

Song Ke was dumbfounded for a long time.


She quickly searched according to the nickname sent by the person who commented below.


I found @林野.

She opened it a little bit.

Then I saw the first self-introduction video.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lin Ye, the one who sang many songs, I hope you can pay attention to my Douyin account."

The above is Lin Ye saying hello.

Simple but a few seconds of video.

Now there are a full [-] likes, [-] favorites and [-] forwards!

Seeing this data, Song Ke was dumbfounded.

She glanced at the account.

There is only one video in this account.

And the time this video was sent out was 10 minutes ago!
In 10 minutes, there is such a terrible amount of data!
The key is.

This account already has [-] fans!
Two 10 minutes.

new account.

Thirty-three thousand fans!
"how is this possible!"

"It doesn't make sense!"

Song Ke was in a hurry, she opened the comment section.


"Brother, brother, let's sing one more song!"

"Brother, where can I hear your song, please give me the address!"

"I love you so much, it's inconvenient to have a monkey together!"


"Those who are attracted by your songs hope to see more of your works!"

Below are all comments.

"You are crazy!"

Song Ke quickly picked up the phone and started to leave messages in the comment area below.

"This man has a bad character, and his singing is just like that. Why do you still like him so much? Are you out of your mind?"

Song Ke was in a hurry.

She just can't see Lin Yehao.

But she just made a comment, and within a short while, several reminders popped up.

When Song Ke opened it, she was so angry that she almost smashed the phone.

"Where did you come from, a coquettish bitch? He sings so well. If you don't think it's good, it's because you have a problem with your appreciation!"

"Trash, you don't look like a good thing. How dare you say Lin Ye? Lin Ye is the best!"

"I just like his songs. What the hell are you, you dare to scold him? Believe it or not, the man will take you to the crater and lift up all the ashes for you."


All kinds of foul language came out directly.

They are all spraying Song Ke.

Song Ke took the mobile phone, responded quickly, fought back, and cursed.

The more she scolded, the more she was scolded.

The more scolded you get, the angrier you get.

The angrier you get, the more you scold.

In the end, Song Ke was alone with both hands. After all, she was invincible to countless netizens. She was scolded by the bloody shower head, her eyes were red, and she cried directly: "Why!"

"Why do you scold me!"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"It's because you don't have the ability to appreciate it yourself!"

Song Ke was still there trying to turn things around.

But being directly sprayed by people can't find the direction.

At last.

Song Ke couldn't help it, and called Tong Zixin, crying, "Zixin, Lin Ye, who was bitten by a dog, bullied me!"

Tong Zixin in the car was stunned when he received the call: "Bullying you? What's wrong, don't cry."

"Tell me what's going on first."


Song Ke told Tong Zixin Lin Ye's Douyin account.

He told the story of her being scolded again.

Tong Zixin comforted her for a long time, until she hung up the phone, then she took out her phone, turned on Douyin, and searched for Lin Ye's Douyin account.


Seeing the data above, Tong Zixin was stunned.

She felt as if her heart missed a beat, and her expression was complicated.

Really hot?
When she flipped through the comment section, she found that Song Ke had been sprayed a thousand floors in succession.

And the number of floors continues to grow.

This made Tong Zixin, who wanted to help Song Ke spray back, wisely choose to stop.

Wait for the car to stop.

"You're home, Xinxin."

Tong Zixin's mother yelled, and found that Tong Zixin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was still fiddling with her mobile phone: "Stop playing with your mobile phone, get down soon, and move your things up first."

"Ah good."

Tong Zixin responded, and when he got out of the car, he was a little absent-minded.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Tong Zixin's mother asked with concern.

"Mom, what do you think of Internet celebrities in this era?"

Tong Zixin suddenly asked: "What I mean is, if a college student doesn't look for a job after graduation, he just relies on being an Internet celebrity and becomes popular."

"Will he have a future?"

Tong Zixin's mother thought for a while: "This Internet celebrity belongs to your young people, I don't understand it."

"But if people of our older generation come to see it, it probably won't last long."

"Young people, fresh graduates, the most important thing is to work. If people don't work, is it possible to lie down and daydream every day?"

"I'm still an Internet celebrity, what if I don't become popular someday?"

Hear this.

Tong Zixin nodded: "Yes, it's just a flash in the pan."

"Maybe it's just a temporary heat, and it won't be popular after the heat passes."

Thinking of this, she felt a little comforted in her heart.

If you watched Lin Ye ascend to the sky in one step, then Tong Zixin would be somewhat shocked.

"By the way, how is your current internship job? Are you satisfied?"

"It's pretty good, and I will have the opportunity to get in touch with stars in the future."

Speaking of this, Tong Zixin was very happy.

If you can get in touch with celebrities, you may have the opportunity to enter the entertainment circle in the future.

If only one day I could be a star myself.

It was just too dreamy.

Tong Zixin felt extremely excited just thinking about it.

the other side.

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Ye gave the steamed stuffed bun soy milk to Sun Chen.

Sun Chen just got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face and packed his things.

"It's a long way to go, brothers, can we have a breakup meal today?"

Sun Chen yawned.

For him, graduation is nothing more than taking his two-dimensional wife to another place to continue loving.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat breakfast first and then think about other things. We will clean up the dormitory later."

Liu Han greeted, he looked at Lin Ye: "By the way, Lin Ye, do you rent a house?"

"not yet."

Lin Ye shook his head.

"Then what's going on? What do you think?"

Liu Han continued to ask: "Could it be possible to leave Hangzhou?"

Lin Ye laughed: "I haven't considered it yet, but I don't have much luggage, so I just need to bring a computer and clothes."

"I don't want anything else. After that, um, I'm going to go to the Imperial Capital first."

"There's still something to do over there."

Lin Ye had to go to the Imperial Capital, contact Gu Qinglian, and ask Gu Qinglian to find a distribution, and then push the movie to theaters.

The process shouldn't be too difficult.

And then.

Just waiting to count the money.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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