Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 129 Publishing "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"

Chapter 129 Publishing "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"

When Gu Qinglian asked this question, he blinked and looked at Lin Ye.

Sister Chengcheng next to her seemed to be quite curious about this question, looking at Lin Ye while eating.

Lin Ye froze for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

"But I didn't become a hero, and was beaten up."

Lin Ye scratched his head helplessly.

Seeing him like this, Gu Qinglian couldn't help laughing.

After eating, go back to the room and sleep.

Kung fu for the next few days.

During the day, Gu Qinglian has to go out to work.

Lin Ye was typing frantically at home, and finally finished writing "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Then he uploaded Ghost Chuideng's manuscripts to the background one by one, and after setting the scheduled release, he was done.

"Just leave it like this, let him update automatically, and I can still get the manuscript fee every month, I am very happy."

Lin Ye is very satisfied with the current situation.

the other side.

Origin Chinese website headquarters.

Eraser just finished reading the manuscripts in the mailbox, stretched his waist, and then habitually opened the page of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Now "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has become the flagship work of the Chinese website of Yuanyuan.

It directly brought the original Chinese website that was about to go bankrupt back to life.

this time.

Yang Xiaochen met a lot of venture capitalists, and even gave countless rounds of lectures on the book Ghost Blowing the Lamp as a classic case.

Also because of this book, Yuanyuan Chinese.com was recognized by the capital and got a lot of money.

It's just that the update speed of "Ghost Blowing Lantern" is really a bit urgent.

"I finished watching today's one again."

Eraser rubbed his temples, feeling a little unfinished.

He wanted to close the page, but a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he found Lin Ye's draft box from the background.


"Aww... is this finished?"

Eraser thought he was dazzled, but after rubbing his eyes, he realized that the manuscripts in the draft box had already reached the end.

This made Eraser speechless for a while,
At this time, Yang Xiaochen came over: "Eraser, please contact this Linye."

Eraser looked up: "What's wrong?"

Yang Xiaochen smiled: "A publisher contacted me about an entity that wants to publish this book."

"Talk to him and ask him what he thinks. If he agrees, I will connect with the publishing house."

When Yang Xiaochen said this, he paused for a while, and continued to speak: "The contract signed for this book is quite special, so you can tell him that this time, the publishing house will give him all the manuscript taxes for the book, but our origin Chinese website needs Put a name on it."

"In addition, I have to thank him. When he is free, come to Puhai and make an appointment to have a meal together."

Yang Xiaochen smiled.

Eraser nodded: "Okay!"

Without any hesitation, he called Lin Ye.

Lin Ye just got up from the computer, stretched his waist, and was about to go to the bathroom, and then got a bottle of Coke, when he received a call from Eraser.

"Boss asked me to contact you. There is a publishing house that wants to publish your book. We will put a name on our website and give you all the remuneration. Do you think it is okay?"

The rubber voice was a little excited.

Although Yuanyuan Chinese.com also cooperated with publishing houses before, and published many books.

But this time "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is definitely a phenomenal work.

Once it is successfully published, it will definitely cause a wave of enthusiasm.


As the editor in charge of this book, Eraser can also get enough sense of accomplishment from it, and feel honored.

"Okay, this is a good thing."

Lin Ye didn't hesitate, and responded directly: "Do you need to do anything on my side?"

Eraser: "No need, after the contract is finalized, I'll send it to you for a look, no problem, just sign it and send it over."

"Oh, by the way, the boss asked me to ask you, when you are free to come to Puhai, let's have a meal together."

"This time, our website is really thanks to you."

Speaking of this.

Rubber is quite emotional.

Some time ago, I was afraid that the website would go bankrupt and be completely ruined.

But now things are booming.

And if there is no accident, after a while, Eraser can also be upgraded from editor-in-chief to editor-in-chief.

The change of position is one aspect, and the other aspect is that the salary will increase, and I will have more confidence to pick up girls.

Not only is it always single, that's not a problem either.

"Should be free in the future."

Lin Ye nodded: "I'm at the Imperial Capital now, otherwise I can eat today."

We exchanged a few more pleasantries.

Hang up the phone.

Lynn is in a good mood.

"When "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is successfully published, then I will be considered the author of the physical book?"

Lin Ye smiled, but didn't take it too seriously.

After going to the toilet and drinking a bottle of Coke, Lin Ye watched a movie for a while.

After Gu Qinglian and Sister Chengcheng came back, they had another hot pot meal.

"There is news from the film and television company today."

While eating, Sister Chengcheng looked at Lin Ye: "Your movie is going through the review process. If there are no accidents, it should be officially released in theaters across the country on November."

"However, in terms of the screening rate, it depends on the specific market feedback. If the sales are good, the screening rate will be higher."

"The Golden National Day on Eleventh is still quite stressful, so let me ask you over there, do you want to consider changing the time?"

Sister Chengcheng looked at Lin Ye.

Gu Qinglian, who was eating, also looked up: "Your movie is pretty good, but the competition for the National Day file is too fierce."

"What do you think?"

Lin Ye didn't raise his head: "Just this time."

"There's no point in procrastinating. The main thing is to release it quickly so that I can get the money quickly."

Lin Ye smiled: "Besides, the quality of the film depends on it. It's not a big problem. It's all about making money, but it's a matter of making more or less."

Listen to Lin Ye's words.

Gu Qinglian was a little helpless, and Sister Chengcheng had already adapted to it.

Sister Chengcheng thought of something again: "Also, the director and actors may be required to attend some screening ceremonies at that time. I have to tell you about this."

Lin Ye nodded, but didn't take it seriously.

"Well, the people over there also said that it might be a bit difficult to arrange the screening on the Imperial Capital side, and there is a high probability that it will be arranged on the Hangcheng side."

"It just so happens that your university is also in Hangzhou. Coincidentally, it can be regarded as a local battle."

Sister Chengcheng laughed.



Hearing her words, Lin Ye thought of Tong Zixin inexplicably in his mind.

After she graduated, where did she go for an internship?

Lin Ye forgot all of a sudden, and there was no memory in his mind.

thought for a while.

did not remember.

Lin Ye simply didn't think about it anymore.

"Then let me check the time. Since there is nothing else to do for the time being, I'm going to pack up and leave the Imperial Capital."

Lin Ye looked at them: "Thank you for taking care of me during this time."

Lin Ye spoke sincerely.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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