Chapter 135 The sun never sets

"I know, Mom, you can also eat at home, eat whatever you want, buy whatever you want, and your son will get rich soon."

Lin Ye vowed: "When I get the money, I will buy you a big house immediately."

Liu Xiuqing on the other end of the phone couldn't help laughing when she heard Lin Ye's words: "You child."

"If you can really make money, then you can keep it for yourself to buy a house and marry a wife."

"You don't need to think about your mother."

Listening to Liu Xiuqing's gentle voice, Lin Ye's heart felt unspeakable.

This has been the case since childhood.

Whatever is delicious, Liu Xiuqing will always leave it to him.

The euphemistic name is to tell my mother not to like to eat.

But in this world, how can there be people who don't like to eat delicious food?

"Hey, let's not talk about it. Mom still has things to do. You take care of yourself outside. If you meet a girl you like, you should go after it boldly."

Hang up the phone.

Lin Ye let out a foul breath.

"When the movie is released, the box office will share dividends, and I will give my mother a house immediately."

Lin Ye made up his mind.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Qinglian, who just came in, looked at Lin Ye sitting there in a daze, and shouted.

"Nothing, you guys are back? Where's Miss Chengcheng?"

"Sister Chengcheng still has something to do. If you're not busy, accompany me to the supermarket to buy something."

Gu Qinglian yawned.

Lin Ye accompanied her to the nearby supermarket and bought a lot of bags.

"Buying so many snacks, you are not afraid of getting fat?"

Lin Ye asked with a smile.

Gu Qinglian opened the mouth while paying the bill: "Isn't this bought first and put away, when you are ready to go back, you can just take it with you and eat it on the road."

Lin Ye was startled: "Is this still prepared for me?"

Gu Qinglian was not in a good mood: "Otherwise?"

"Look at my figure, do I look like such a greedy person?"

Lin Ye was a little moved by Gu Qinglian's words.

In the evening, the three of them made another small hot pot meal at home.

"I'm going to go home tomorrow."

At the dinner table, upon hearing Lin Ye's words, Gu Qinglian looked up at him: "Then when are you going to come back?"

Lin Ye thought for a moment: "This is not sure yet."

Sister Chengcheng said from the side: "You just graduated, and you made a movie just now, I also think you can take a break."

"Then if you want to find a job during this time, you can also talk to me about your ideas, and I can help you get in touch."

Sister Chengcheng looked serious: "Especially your talent in music is enough to win you a very good job."

Lin Ye smiled: "I haven't thought about this yet, so I won't look for a job for now, I'll talk about it later."

Hearing this, Sister Chengcheng didn't say anything more.

Gu Qinglian remembered: "By the way, don't forget what you promised me."

Lin Ye was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Gu Qinglian couldn't hold back, and sighed: "Of course I wrote songs for me."

"You men are really unreliable. You promised to be good yesterday, but today you are pretending to be stupid with me."

Gu Qinglian had a resentful expression on his face.

Lin Ye came to his senses and coughed: "This is simple, I'll write it to you when I'm done eating."

Gu Qinglian looked at Lin Ye: "Write it after eating? You don't even need to think about it? Is it so casual?"

Lin Ye looked serious: "Writing songs is like eating, it's a very casual thing."

Gu Qinglian remembered the "super-star" that Lin Ye had written casually when they first met that day, and asked curiously: "The first song you gave me was really written by you at that time?"

At that time, she wondered if Lin Ye had written that song before, remembered it in her mind, and then wrote it silently at that time.

Lin Ye nodded: "Of course, it must have been written temporarily."

Finished eating.

Sister Chengcheng cleaned up the table, Gu Qinglian handed the pen and paper to Lin Ye, and looked at him: "I'm just full, why don't you go out and look for inspiration?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "No, you don't need to worry about too many details about such a trivial matter as writing a song."

"I'm going to start writing."

He stretched, then picked up his pen.

Sitting beside Lin Ye, Gu Qinglian saw that Lin Ye paused for a while, and then wrote it directly on the white paper.


"The fog of the sky comes carelessly,
The river is as quiet as an oil painting,
The dove of peace lazily paces and rhymes.

My heart secretly clears up,

Pray that you are like a valiant Praetorian Guard,

Guard love without moving.

The footprints you left in memory,

It is the scenery I love. "


Lin Ye wrote very quickly.

This song "The Sun Never Sets" is a representative work of the first-line singers in the last world.

The popularity is very high.

And it is an excellent work that has experienced market considerations.

Gu Qinglian next to him rested his cheeks, opened his eyes wide, looked at the lyrics written by Lin Ye, read them silently in his heart, and then his eyes became more and more surprised.

"Writing too fast."

"It's also very well written."

"It feels good."

She thought so, looking at Lin Ye for a while, and the lyrics in front of Lin Ye for a while.

My head is a little dizzy.

Is writing songs really as simple as he said?

"How's the writing going?"

Sister Chengcheng over there cleaned up the table, walked over, and asked with a smile.

"It's finished."

Lin Ye just wrote the last line of lyrics and put down the pen in his hand.


Sister Chengcheng was taken aback for a moment, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

But she glanced at Gu Qinglian over there, and Gu Qinglian nodded her head: "Yes, he finished writing, I can testify."

"What kind of writing is it?"

Sister Chengcheng couldn't hold back, walked over, stopped over there, and after a few glances, was stunned: "Is the writing so good?"

"Just wrote it?"

Seeing Lin Ye nodding, she didn't know what to say.

"Then, I'll ask someone to read the lyrics tomorrow. How do I arrange the music?"

She glanced at the lyrics and found that the quality was quite high and the feeling was good, but a song with only lyrics has no soul.

Songs still need the foil of the tune to let the lyrics release the soul.

"No, I'll write out the score, and then you can try it tonight."

Lin Ye took a short rest, and then began to write and compose the music.

This is the second time that Gu Qinglian and Sister Chengcheng watched Lin Ye write lyrics and music on the spot.

The first time was in Hengdian.

At that time, they still had some disbelief in their hearts.

But this time.

Watching the sheet music come out of Lin Ye's hands.

The feeling of flowing clouds and flowing water still made them feel overwhelmed.


"Done. Try it."

Lin Ye put down the pen, looked at Gu Qinglian: "No, I almost forgot, you don't seem to know how to sing."

"Then let me sing simply, and listen to how you feel."

Lin Ye cleared his throat.

Suddenly, she found that there was resentment in Gu Qinglian's eyes.

Lin Ye wondered: "What's wrong?"

Gu Qinglian was a little upset: "When did I say I can't sing anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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