Chapter 141 Yes, I did
Sun Miaomiao said these words in a very flat manner.

Her personality has always been like this.

And Sun Miaomiao's memory is also very good, so she can firmly remember many things in the past.

After Cheng Cheng posted on Moments, he raised his head and stared at Lin Ye, then lowered his head, fiddled with the phone, and typed rapidly on the phone.

"Hi, my name is Fang Yuan."

Sun Miaomiao's best friend specially came over and extended her hand to Lin Ye.

"Lin Ye."

Lin Ye shook hands with her briefly.

Fang Yuan smiled: "My relationship with Miaomiao is very, very good. If you are her friend, then you are my friend, so don't feel reserved in my house."

She was talking, and then looked specifically at the people on Cheng Cheng's side: "They are all my classmates, and sometimes their brains are not very easy to use, so you can just ignore what they say, don't take it to heart. "

Listen to this.

A few people at Cheng Cheng's side immediately became unhappy: "I'm very smart."

"Yeah, why are you ignoring our words?"

"Cheng Cheng, you should say something, don't bully people like this."

Those people laughed and cursed.

"Okay, okay, don't talk, let's see the time "The King of Masked Singer" is about to start."

Fang Yuan yelled, then picked up the remote control and tuned a TV station.

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment: "The King of Masked Singers?"

He felt as if he had heard the name somewhere.

"That's right, this is a very popular variety show, you haven't seen it, have you?"

Sun Miaomiao nodded: "Although they are all singing programs, the quality of the singers in this program is very high."

"Sometimes we even invite heavyweight first-line singers."

Sun Miaomiao smiled: "When I was in school, I would watch every issue."

Fang Yuan next to him also nodded: "That's right, especially when watching someone else singing in a mask, and then guessing the singer's identity through the tone, it's especially interesting."

"It's like opening a blind box."

A boy over there interrupted at this time: "Yes, I watched this variety show when it first came out, and I think it's pretty good."

"Fang Yuan, look, it's a coincidence that my interests and hobbies are so consistent with yours."

Fang Yuan rolled his eyes and ignored the boy's words.

"I haven't seen it before, but I seem to have heard it mentioned somewhere."

Lin Ye spoke honestly.

Sun Miaomiao smiled: "That shouldn't be surprising. The show itself is very popular, so don't have too many people mention it."

Cheng Cheng, who was fiddling with his mobile phone, said abruptly, "You bumpkin."

"What era is it now, is there really someone who doesn't watch variety shows?"

He just finished.

Sun Miaomiao immediately picked up a bag of potato chips and threw it at it: "If you can't talk, don't talk."

Cheng Cheng was even more depressed when he heard this.

He was a little jealous.

Lin Ye didn't say anything, and he wasn't very interested in variety shows.

The "Masked Singer" program has not started yet.

Sun Miaomiao suddenly looked at Lin Ye and asked curiously, "By the way, Lin Ye, what are you going to do after graduation?"

"I remember that you seem to have gone to college in Hangcheng. Will you stay there after graduation?"

she asked.

Fang Yuan was a little surprised: "Hangcheng, I'm here too."

"It would be nice if I met you earlier, then maybe we can go out together and make an appointment for dinner."

Lin Ye glanced at her: "If there is a chance in the future, I will invite you."

Fang Yuan chuckled: "That's fine, it's a deal."

She is also very straightforward.

There is no feeling of being shy about a girl.

Lin Ye looked at Sun Miaomiao: "After graduation, let's do something you want to do first."

Sun Miaomiao looked at him: "For example?"

Lin Ye thought for a moment: "Write novels, make movies or something."

Sun Miaomiao was taken aback: "Writing novels? Making movies?"

She looked at Lin Ye and unconsciously widened her eyes: "Really?"

"My mother said a few days ago that your mother was worried that you couldn't find a good job, and that she was going to let you go home and take an exam for a civil servant or a public institution."

Sun Miaomiao looked surprised: "I didn't expect you to have so many?"

Lin Ye laughed: "It's not like there will be a lot of them, I just think this matter may be more interesting than work, and it will make more money."

Hear this.

Sun Miaomiao nodded approvingly: "That's true. If the job depends solely on salary, it is indeed quite rare."

"But you are really good. I thought about writing a novel before, but I couldn't continue after two days of persistence. It was too much brain work, and I didn't know what to write."

She smiled, looking at Lin Ye with admiration.

"Still writing novels? Still making movies? Do you know how much it costs to make a movie?"

Cheng Cheng, who had been fiddling with his mobile phone over there, raised his head at this moment, and he put away his mobile phone. This time, he looked at Lin Ye with a sense of superiority in his eyes.

He has been sending messages just now, asking his friends for various news about Lin Ye.

Then I knew that Lin Ye's mother was just an ordinary working-class employee, and their family lived in a bungalow.


Does anyone still live in bungalows these days?
When Cheng Cheng got the news, he was worried that Sun Miaomiao would fall in love with Lin Ye, but he felt relieved all of a sudden.

At least.

Cheng Cheng felt that although on the outside, this cub was just a galaxy's way more handsome than him, but in terms of family background.

Cheng Cheng felt that he could completely blow him up.

Not to mention the various relationships and future development potential.

Cheng Cheng has always been used to thinking in an adult way.

After comprehensively estimating the gap between him and this kid, Cheng Cheng was already full of confidence.

"I know, for a low-budget movie, maybe 300 million."

Lin Ye glanced at him.


When Cheng Cheng heard this figure, he snorted and said, "Are you kidding, do you still want to make a movie with 300 million?"

"Let me tell you, a friend I know spent several million for a simple 10-minute short video!"

"I'm talking about the kind of short videos that can be compared to theaters, not the kind of short videos that you usually watch other people's live broadcasts on the Internet."

Cheng Cheng looked condescending: "I think you can forget about it. You can't even find the door to make a movie, so you just want to make a movie?"

"What you shot is probably just a short video."

Lin Ye frowned: "Theatrical movies, 300 million is enough."

Cheng Cheng looked contemptuous: "Hey, I said, are you still stubborn with me?"

"You said enough is enough? Have you ever filmed?"

He said so.

The others frowned slightly.

Just when Sun Miaomiao was about to speak to help Lin Ye.

"Yes, I did."

Lin Ye nodded, his voice calm.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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