Chapter 144 The Secret Moment
The woman has a graceful body, wearing a special dress, which outlines a perfect figure.

She wore a unique mask, and she exuded an aura that could not be ignored.

As soon as she appeared.

All kinds of amazing sounds came out all of a sudden.

"It looks pretty good."

"Who is this?"

"Wow, I think she should look super good-looking."

Fang Yuan stared at the screen with twinkling eyes.

Sun Miaomiao next to him was in high spirits: "The temperament is so good!"

Cheng Cheng was also watching TV at this time, with a look that I knew very well: "A female singer, as soon as she opens her voice, I can immediately know who she is!"

Cheng Cheng was full of confidence.

Another person looked at the TV, looking forward to it: "I just don't know how well I can sing."

almost the same time.

On the TV, the name of the song is displayed.



Seeing the title of this song, Lin Ye almost spit out the innermost Coke in one gulp.

"what happened to you?"

Sun Miaomiao was startled, and looked at Lin Ye in surprise: "You don't know this singer, do you?"

"She hasn't sung yet."

As soon as Sun Miaomiao's words came out, the others all looked at the forest over there.

Cheng Cheng looked disdainful: "Come on, it's a hell of a way to know her."

The boy next to him echoed: "That's right, didn't he say it just now? He doesn't know anything about the entertainment industry."

A few people opened their mouths one by one.

Lin Ye also shook his head: "I don't know this singer, but this song... I know this song."

Sun Miaomiao glanced at the title of the song: "This song is a bit unpopular, I haven't even heard it before,"

Fang Yuan nodded: "Yes, I haven't heard of it either, either it doesn't sound good, or it's super unpopular."

"But why do you know this?"

She looked at Lin Ye with puzzled eyes.

"This one……"

Lin Ye was a little speechless: "I wrote this song."

Sun Miaomiao: ...

Fang Yuan: ...

Cheng Cheng: ...


Cheng Cheng couldn't help laughing: "You have to limit your jokes, you still write songs?"

"Come on, I think you're just talking nonsense."

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Listen to the song, listen to the song."

She made jokes and didn't take Lin Ye's words to heart.

All attention is on the TV.

The melodious prelude sounded.


A female voice sounded.


"Laugh and sing praises.

My heart aches when I frown,

I don't have time to pay attention to me,

Just feel what you feel.

Where are you going, take my soul with you.

It's bewitched for you, so what's the use of keeping it. "


Only then did the gentle singing sound.

Fang Yuan:! ! !
Sun Miaomiao: oooo! !
Cheng Cheng and the others were full of surprises.

Fang Yuan: "It sounds so nice?"

Sun Miaomiao: "Wow, this song shouldn't be unknown. It feels great after hearing the first sentence, and the music is also very good!"

"sounds amazing!"

Lin Ye looked at the masked singer on the TV screen at this time.

When she opened her throat.

An indescribable feeling flashed in Lin Ye's heart, and he stared at the singer on the screen for a moment.


"You are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth.

I only love you,


You dominate, I adore, there is no better way.

I can only love you,


The hand, not the hand, is the gentle universe.

My little planet is spinning in your hands.

Please, see me and give me dreams to dream.

I'm crazy about you and you have to reward me. "


The singers on the stage sang, and their bodies moved with the rhythm.

Her voice has a slightly ethereal feel to it.

And the singing is full of unparalleled enthusiasm.

The singing completely mobilized the emotions of the audience.

The shots switched to the judges' seats and the audience seats one after another.

All the expressions of the judges and the audience were intertwined with surprise.

Fang Yuan looked excited: "It's great!"

Sun Miaomiao: "Which singer is this?"

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I can't figure it out."

She turned her head and looked at Cheng Cheng over there: "Didn't you say that you can guess as long as she opens her voice?"

"who is she?"

I heard Sun Miaomiao ask.

Cheng Cheng's face suddenly became embarrassed: "This is purely accidental..."

He just searched the information in his head, but he couldn't think of any female singer who could match the female singer on stage!
That passionate and ethereal voice.

It's really shocking.

And the surprise effect brought by this song made her shine even more!

When Sun Miaomiao heard Cheng Cheng's words, she rolled her eyes at him,


She looked at Lin Ye beside her again: "You just said that you wrote this song, so do you know who this singer is?"

Sun Miaomiao asked curiously.

When Cheng Cheng heard this, he immediately teased: "Come on, he can know a ghost."

"Also, how could he write this song?"

"This is obviously a song that is destined to become popular all over the country."

Cheng Cheng looked excited.

Lin Ye hesitated: "I wrote this song, but the singer... I don't know."

Lin Ye said the truth.

He thought it was Gu Qinglian who sold the song to someone.

This is also possible.

after all.

Gu Qinglian is an investor, since he is an investor, he must have his own business.


The singer on the stage is the contracted singer under Gu Qinglian's hands?
Then Gu Qinglian's actual identity is the boss of an entertainment company?

Lin Ye felt that he had realized it.

Figured it out.


How could Sister Chengcheng contact the film distribution company so easily!

No wonder.

want to understand it all.

Lin Ye suddenly felt that he seemed to be smart suddenly.

Cheng Cheng immediately sneered: "I knew he was bragging. I don't even know who the song I wrote was for?"

Sun Miaomiao looked at Lin Ye with a slightly weird look, but she didn't say anything more.

Lin Ye also felt the little disappointment that flashed in Sun Miaomiao's eyes.

From the beginning to the present, Sun Miaomiao is actually protecting the forest everywhere.

just now.

In her opinion.

Lin Ye does seem to be a bit suspected of talking big.

"After singing the song, the Guess Group will reveal the answer after guessing. I'm really looking forward to it."

Sun Miaomiao changed the subject to avoid Lin Ye's embarrassment.

Fang Yuan nodded: "Yes, I'm really curious about her identity. When I know her identity, I must take out all her songs and listen to them!"

on the screen.

A song ends.

There was thunderous applause.

The audience was completely blown up.

The judges were thoroughly excited.

This is destined to be a song that can be sung for a long time!
The host came on stage quickly.

"Next, let us judges comment, and then it's time for the guessing group to guess!"


Judges comments.

"Great, this is a song that will definitely be popular! This should be the original debut!"

"It's amazing, I really admire it, this song is so comfortable to listen to, I haven't found such a great song for a long time!"

"The future is boundless!"

Several judges commented.

Everyone starts scoring.

Grading is over.

Out of 98 points, he scored [-] points!

It can be called a unique super high score!

The guessing group began to guess.

Generally speaking.

If the guessing group guesses correctly, the singer on the stage will take off the mask.


The series of quizzes is over.

The singers on the stage still did not take off their masks.

Everyone guessed wrong!

Here comes the suspense.

"Since you haven't guessed correctly, let this mysterious singer tell us her true identity now!"

"Now, the time to reveal the secret!"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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