Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 156 "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is ready to go on the market

Chapter 156 "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is ready to go on the market

"So I'm so good."

Listening to An Ran's words, Lin Ye smiled.

The two chatted briefly for a while before saying goodnight to each other.

Hang up the phone.

Lin Ye went home.

the next few days.

My mother cooks all kinds of delicious food for Lin Ye in different ways every day.

Just a week's time.

Lin Ye's weight has successfully increased by three kilograms.

these days.

Sun Miaomiao also called Lin Ye and chatted.

Fang Yueyue would occasionally chat with Lin Ye.

Zhao Qiang was straightforward, and took Lin Ye out to eat barbecue several times.

The days at home are leisurely and comfortable.

It was early in the morning.

Lin Ye received a call from the editor Eraser.

"The process at the publishing house has been completed, and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has officially started printing, and I believe it will start publishing soon."

Eraser's voice was obviously a little excited: "I'm calling to ask, when are you free? Do you want the publishing house to hold a book signing?"

"However, before this, Internet writers haven't held an offline signing event, so the publisher doesn't know what the effect will be. Let me ask for your opinion."

In this world.

Although online literature already has a certain readership, in general, there is still no way to compare with those published physical writers.

And because the development of Internet literature in this world is not too fast, even some of the most popular Internet literature writers have not held a signing party after their works were published.

Signing event this thing.

In the minds of many people, it has always been the patent of those traditional literary writers.

"About what time?"

Lin Ye asked curiously.

"Late September."

Eraser said: "The time given by the publishing house is at this point in time. Specifically, the process is still going on there."

"Because if you really want to sign a sale, you will need to do some publicity preparations in the early stage, and then communicate with some bookstores."

"The publishing house has no idea about this matter."

Eraser said truthfully: "I'm afraid that there will be too few people going, and then it will affect your mentality, which will be bad."

Lin Ye thought about it: "I should be free in September, so I can try it."

"Whether there are people or not, just try it."

Lin Ye is also straightforward.

Anyway, if one more book is sold, Lin Ye can earn one more book's royalties.

As for whether there will be anyone at that time.

In fact, Lin Ye didn't know himself, but whether there were people or no one, he had to try first to know.

"Okay, then I will communicate with the publishing house, and I will recommend someone from the publishing house to connect with you in the future. I hope you can get a good result."

After Eraser finished speaking, he didn't forget to continue: "By the way, I heard that some companies have expressed interest in the film and television copyrights of your book, but they haven't been finalized yet. I'll let you know a little bit in advance, maybe they can be sold at that time." It's a good price."

After Eraser finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

What price can ghost blowing lamp sell for?

To be honest, Lin Ye himself didn't have a specific concept, he only knew that this copyright was definitely not cheap.

Anyway, when the time comes to wait for the website to talk, it will be fine for Lin Ye to talk about it.

I have been salting fish at home for a long time.

Lin Ye felt a little tired now.

It's just that I look at the old furniture in the old houses around me, and the clean corners that have been carefully cleaned by my mother.

Lin Ye became more and more determined to get the money as soon as possible, and then help his mother replace the house.

"Mom has always preferred to grow flowers and grass, but this house is small and dilapidated, and there is no place to put those flowers and plants."

"When I make money, I must change my mother to a house with a garden, so that she can plant whatever she wants, even a tree."

Lin Ye made up his mind.

He thought about it for a while, and if nothing else happened, the movie should be released on the National Day file.

Then in September for the signing.

All I can do now is wait.

Lin Ye lay on the bed, checked Weibo, and as soon as he opened it, he saw Gu Qinglian's name listed on Weibo's trending search.

Since the song "Super-star", Gu Qinglian has completely become popular.

this time.

From time to time, her name will show up on the hot search list.

This also made Gu Qinglian's work suddenly busy.

It's just that no matter how busy she is, she will still find time to send a message to Lin Ye and make a phone call to chat.

Gu Qinglian felt very relaxed when chatting with Lin Ye, and there was no pressure in her heart.

"The things on the movie side have been basically finalized, and then you can go to Hangzhou for a road show."

On the phone, it was Gu Qinglian's voice.

Originally, Sister Cheng Cheng should have told Lin Ye about this, but Gu Qinglian was worried that she didn't know what to say to Lin Ye, so she made a phone call herself.

"Okay, then I'm ready to go to Hangcheng first."

Lin Ye is also straightforward.

Gu Qinglian hummed: "If I don't make an announcement at that time, I will go to join in the show."

"I'm really looking forward to it. There doesn't seem to be any movies of your type on the market. After it's released, I don't know what the situation will be."

"The box office results should be very high, but I don't know how high it will be."

Gu Qinglian chatted back and forth, rambling on and on.

Lin Ye was a little helpless: "Let it be fate."

"It's up to people to make things happen. I have confidence in the film, but it's not up to me to decide how far it will go."

"But for this movie, it should be no problem to pay back its capital and make a fortune."

"Anyway, I won't let you lose money."

When Lin Ye said the latter, his words were serious and full of self-confidence.

Gu Qinglian couldn't hold it back, and chuckled: "No matter what you say, it will end up with money."

"I'll tell you, even if the movie loses money, it's okay, my sister can afford it, and I voted for you, so you don't need to have too much psychological pressure."

Hearing Gu Qinglian's words, Lin Ye was a little moved.

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Ye heard someone calling Gu Qinglian's name over there, as if it was her turn to appear or something.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm still recording a show here, and I'm about to go on stage."

Gu Qinglian said with a smile: "Let's have dinner and talk together when we have time."

"Oh, by the way, and what's more, I have made a lot of new friends now."

"If you have any celebrity you want to chase after, you can tell me, I can help you get an autograph or something, haha, if you go further, I can also help you match up and let you have a meal with the other party."

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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