Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 160 The Woman Holding Two Knives

Chapter 160 The Woman Holding Two Knives

"Thank you."

Lin Ye nodded as a greeting.

The girl didn't speak anymore, put on earplugs, closed her eyes, and seemed to be about to sleep.

while the car is on the road.

Lin Ye received a call from Su Xiaofei.

"I heard from Liu Han, are you ready to come to Hangzhou?"

On the other end of the phone, Su Xiaofei's voice was crisp, without the slightest hint of twitching.

After Lin Ye left Hangzhou, Su Xiaofei hadn't contacted her for a long time.

Her current work life is probably very busy.

"Yes, in the car now."

Lin Ye didn't hide anything, some of his things were still in Su Xiaofei's rental house.

"Okay, then call me when you arrive, and then you can come directly to the radio station, and I will give you the key."

Su Xiaofei said, "Don't rent a house when you come to Hangzhou, just live in my place."

"That's it, call me when you arrive, and then contact me."

Su Xiaofei didn't even give Lin Ye a chance to refuse.

Lin Ye was a little helpless, but thinking about it, this was indeed the most convenient method.

Now Lin Ye doesn't know where he will develop in the future.

If I go to Hangzhou now, firstly, I will prepare for the next signing of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", and secondly, the most important thing is to prepare for the road show of the movie "Crazy Stone".

As for after all this work, Lin Ye didn't think of where to go.

When we arrived in Hangcheng, it was already afternoon.

After all, there is no high-speed train from the small county town of Linye's hometown to Hangzhou. Although there is a train, the train is in the early morning, so Linye still chooses the long-distance bus.

Arriving in Hangcheng again, Lin Ye took a deep breath, glanced at the taxi driver who stopped in front of him and poked his head out, then turned his head and walked towards the subway entrance not far away.

Lin Ye called Su Xiaofei downstairs from the radio station.

"Are you here? Wait, I'm coming down now."

Su Xiaofei went downstairs very quickly. Today she was wearing an OL uniform, she looked smart and courageous, in high spirits, and in a good mood: "Long time no see, my great writer."

Su Xiaofei stepped forward, looked at Lin Ye, smiled and looked up and down: "I haven't seen you for a long time, you seem to have become a lot more handsome."

Lin Ye shook his head: "It's so-so, and it hasn't changed much. If you really want to talk about changes, you have changed a little bit more."

Su Xiaofei didn't say much: "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, just got off the car and came over."

Su Xiaofei nodded: "Okay, let's go, let's go to the side to have a meal of stewed rice, as it happens that I didn't eat at noon."

When they arrived at the store, the two ordered meals and chatted about their recent work and life.

"There is no accident now, I should be able to become a regular in the station, but I haven't decided whether to continue."

Su Xiaofei rested her cheeks and looked at Lin Ye: "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Lin Ye went to the freezer to get a glass bottle of Coke, opened it with a screwdriver, took a sip, and shook his head: "It's up to you, you can do whatever you want."

"Liu Han said that your family is quite rich. If that's the case, then just do what you like. Why do you think so much?"

Su Xiaofei blinked: "What you said makes sense, but I don't know what I like to do."

"However, since the former deputy director was dismissed, the job is quite comfortable now."


Braised chicken served on the table.

Su Xiaofei seemed to want to say something, but she found that Lin Ye in front of her was obviously more interested in chickens, so she shook her head helplessly, and hurriedly started eating together.

After dinner.

Su Xiaofei gave Lin Ye the key: "I will keep this key for you from now on, and you will live in that room. After you go back, there will be snacks in the cabinet in the living room and drinks in the refrigerator."

"Forget about the rent, let's talk about the rest. I'll go back to work in Taiwan first."

Su Xiaofei waved her hands at Lin Ye, then went upstairs on her own.

Lin Ye looked at the back of her leaving, feeling a little emotional.

This is the urban white-collar workers ah.

Lin Ye also wanted to be an urban white-collar worker before, and that was when he was in junior high school, because it just sounds a bit tall.

Later, when I grew up, I realized that urban white-collar workers are still social animals after all.

Life is not easy.

Lin Ye stretched and waited for the bus anyway.

After half an hour.

Lin Ye hummed and opened the door with the key.

As soon as the door was opened, Lin Ye saw all kinds of clothes scattered all over the place.

Women's clothing.

"This is too... messy."

Lin Ye shook his head, out of sight.

It's not convenient for him to help tidy up this kind of clothes.

So Lin Ye didn't care too much, and went back to his small room on his own.

Pushing open the door of the room, the sanitation inside should have been cleaned, and the room seems to have been ventilated regularly, and there is no peculiar smell.

While arranging his things, Lin Ye took out his computer, planning to find a movie to watch.

When he was a little thirsty, went out to the living room, and was about to open the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seemed that something was staring at him.

Lin Ye turned his head, then froze.

"who are you?"

Standing there was a tall, beautiful woman with a bath towel on her body, if she didn't have a watermelon knife in her left hand and a kitchen knife in her right hand.

Lin Ye is very happy to appreciate her beauty.

The woman stared at Lin Ye's face, her eyes were a little nervous, her hand holding the knife trembled slightly, but she held it tightly and forcefully.

"You...don't be nervous."

Lin Ye squeezed the mineral water in his hand, really afraid that the woman in front of him would impulsively come up with a knife and gank himself.

"My name is Lin Ye, and I live here."

Lin Ye is still thinking about how to organize the language.

The woman over there sneered again and again: "You said you live here?"

"If you live here, where do I live?"

Where do you live?

I don't care where you live, live wherever you like!
Lin Ye really wanted to complain, but after looking at the two knives, he decided not to provoke this woman who came out of nowhere for the time being.

"My name is Lin Ye, and I'm Su Xiaofei's friend, Su Xiaofei, you should know, right?"

Lin Ye looked at her.

"Xiao Fei?"

The man frowned and looked at Lin Ye: "Don't move, I'll call her."

Lin Ye nodded: "I won't move, I'll just stand, don't be impulsive."

Lin Ye took a sip of water.

The woman held the knife with one hand, pointed the knife at the forest, and wanted to take out her pocket with the other hand, but found that she was still wearing a bath towel, and her mobile phone was on the table next to her, she moved her steps vigilantly, arrived at the table, and picked up the mobile phone , called Su Xiaofei.

Seeing her call Su Xiaofei, Lin Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This woman is probably the other roommate that Su Xiaofei mentioned earlier?
 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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