Chapter 162 You Look Normal
"Yes, I wrote it on Yuanyuan Chinese Website."

Lin Ye nodded.

"Are you sure you are on the Yuan Chinese website? It is very difficult to sign a contract on the Yuan Chinese website."

The man asked a little bit unrelentingly.

Lin Ye glanced at him, wondering if there was something wrong with the guy's head in front of him: "I'm sure, he signed the contract on Origin Chinese."

Lin Ye emphasized again.

"Oh, signing a contract, that means you can still write, but signing a contract is just a threshold for entry."

The man nodded and looked at Cheng Lu again: "Lulu, let me tell you, although Yuanyuan has many signed contracts, not every signed contract can make money."

"A lot of books are just for the library. Even if they are published, not many people read them, and the editors sign them, and they don't make money."

He was still stumbling there.

Cheng Lu was a little annoyed: "Fang Cheng, how do you know that his book is not read by many people? How do you know that your book will definitely achieve results and be read by many people?"

"I think it's a little rude of you to say that."

Cheng Lu looked serious.

The man named Fang Cheng sat up straight at this time. When he heard Cheng Lu's words, he looked like he had finally mentioned his domain, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his eyes lit up, and he said immediately: "Of course I know." .”

"Let me tell you, my literary literacy has always been very high. When I was in elementary school, I often got full marks in my composition. The composition in the junior high school exam was always used by the teacher as a model essay. I even participated in the new concept composition competition in high school!"

When he said this, he was in high spirits.

Lin Ye glanced at him in surprise: "New Concept Composition Competition?"

In the last world, Lin Ye knew that there was a new concept composition competition, which was very important. Through that competition, many young writers came out.

He did not expect that this game would be heard in this world.

Fang Cheng immediately looked at Lin Ye, showing a look of literati: "I didn't expect you to know about this competition. The gold content of this competition is very high. Those who can participate in this competition are all literary talents!"

He talked endlessly, spitting all over the place, from left to right, from outside to inside, from various angles, Fang Cheng ruthlessly praised himself in front of Cheng Lu.

As if trying to show how good he is.

Then Lin Ye became interested.

"If you participated in the New Concept Composition Contest, what prize did you win? Where did you rank?"

What is the number?
I heard Lin Ye's question.

Cheng Lu and Su Xiaofei all looked at Fangcheng over there.

Fang Cheng, who was still talking about it last second, suddenly seemed to be frozen in this second. His face trembled, he opened his mouth, his face flushed slightly, his eyes flickered, and then he spoke confidently: I don’t think rankings mean anything.”

"You also know that literature is more subjective, because every word you write, if someone likes it, then someone must not like it."

"You can't make everyone like your words."

He was still going to keep talking.

Lin Ye interrupted: "Brother, let's be honest, there is nothing to be ashamed of when you come in."

Fang Cheng froze, and then said: "If you are not shortlisted, you will be rejected in the first round."

Hear this.

Cheng Lu couldn't help rolling her eyes, and Su Xiaofei who was sitting there almost spit out the tea in her mouth.

Lin Ye coughed and didn't know what to say.

But the mental state of this person in front of him made Lin Ye somewhat worried and sympathetic.

These are people who live in their own world.

This is true idealism.

This is a true warrior who struggles alone in the literary and youth world.



Lin Ye didn't intend to have too much entanglement with him: "I'm full."

As soon as he speaks.

Su Xiaofei and Cheng Lu also said repeatedly: "I'm full too."

Everyone looked at Fang Cheng over there. Fang Cheng was still eating. Facing the eyes of the three people, he was a little embarrassed and took another bite of the rice.

"Then you can continue eating here, I have already paid the bill."

Su Xiaofei simply spoke and stood up.

Lin Ye also followed.

Cheng Lu looked at Fang Cheng: "Go home after eating, don't wander around outside."

"Also, thank you for the flowers."

After she finished speaking, she left the restaurant with Lin Ye and Su Xiaofei.

That Fang Cheng originally wanted to follow, but he really didn't have enough to eat, so he waved with Cheng Lu, then sat there, and continued to bury his head in eating.

out of the restaurant.

Cheng Lu took out her mobile phone and sent Fang Cheng a red envelope, which contained the money spent.

120 yuan.

After handing out the red envelope, Cheng Lu casually stuffed the roses from Fang Cheng into the trash can.

"Is this person your friend? I seem to see him waiting for you there often."

Su Xiaofei asked curiously, but Lin Ye looked back, fearing that Fang Cheng would follow.

Cheng Lu nodded: "A high school classmate, I have refused to write love letters to me every day, but for the sake of my fellow countrymen and classmates, I have never done too much."

Su Xiaofei nodded: "Why do I feel that his head is a bit bad."

Cheng Lu was helpless: "It was pretty good before, but then I don't know what kind of madness it was, saying that he wanted to write novels and become a master of Internet literature, and then his head became worse and worse."

"He was talking all day long, and he even showed me some of his writing, but I couldn't understand it either, I really couldn't understand it."

Cheng Lu had a headache: "And I don't like him either."

"Besides that, do you know what is the most amazing thing?"

Cheng Lu spoke.

When Lin Ye and Su Xiaofei were all looking at her, she said, "It's the flower he gave me."

"He bought that rose at the gate of our community."

Cheng Lu finished speaking.

Lin Ye was a little puzzled: "Is there any problem?"

"It seems quite convenient to buy flowers at the gate of the community."

Cheng Lu smiled: "Of course there is no problem buying flowers. The problem is that he only spent [-] on that flower, but every time he told me that he spent [-]."

"It's because after he gave me flowers for the first time, I returned the money to him, and then he always came to me with flowers."

"And his financial situation is quite bad, so every time he spends it for me, I give him the money as if I bought it myself."

Lin Ye suddenly said: "I didn't expect this buddy to be good at doing business."

"Learned, learned."

Lin Ye had a serious look on his face.

Su Xiaofei became worried: "I think it's better for you to have a thorough explanation with him. I always feel that going on like this is not a problem."

Cheng Lu nodded: "I will look for opportunities."

She thought of something again, and turned to look at Lin Ye: "You just said that you also wrote novels on Yuanyuan Chinese Website?"

"real or fake?"

"You look quite normal, why can't you figure out how to write a novel?"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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