Chapter 175

It was Cheng Lu who called.

"Hey, Lin Ye, are you free now?"

On the other end of the phone, Cheng Lu asked.

Lin Ye smiled: "I'm free now, where are you? I'll go there now?"

I had agreed with Cheng Lu before, to pretend to be her boyfriend and make that Fang Cheng give up.

Lin Ye thought that there was nothing to do now, so he could solve this matter by the way.

"I'm in a cafe next to here, come here now."

"sorry to bother you."

Cheng Lu hung up her phone and sent Lin Ye a location before she came out of the bathroom.

not far away.

Fang Cheng, who was sitting there, looked at Cheng Lu at this time, and asked with some concern: "Lulu, why did you go there for so long, did you eat badly? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Cheng Lu shook her head: "No, I'm fine."

Fang Cheng nodded, and then looked excited again: "You saw it today, a successful author of online novels still has great potential."

"And it is liked by so many people, which also shows that this industry has a future!"

He was talking with excitement on his face.

Cheng Lu nodded: "I saw it. I didn't know much before, but today I opened my eyes."

"There are so many people waiting to sign the sale."

Speaking of this.

Cheng Lu still had a look of emotion on her face, thinking of Lin Ye who was sitting behind the signing table at that time, she felt an indescribable strange feeling in her heart.

that guy...

Is it so powerful?

Su Xiaofei didn't even tell her about this.

Thinking of this, Cheng Lu thought of Lin Ye's casual and easy-talking appearance in her daily life, and she felt a burst of indescribable feelings in her heart.

It was as if he was facing an expert outside the world.

"That's right! I told you a long time ago that my future will be great, with great potential!"

Fang Cheng was full of joy and excitement when he received Cheng Lu's affirmation: "Lu Lu, you believe in me, I will be very, very good in the future!"

"One day, I will also have my own book signing, I will have a lot of book fans, and I will be successful! I will make a lot of money!"

He was talking, and then as if he had made up his mind, he looked at Cheng Lu: "So..."

"Lulu, you can be my girlfriend!"

Fang Cheng's words came out.

Cheng Lu was startled, this is actually a confession?
But she quickly reacted and shook her head: "I'm sorry, Fang Cheng, I should have told you many times before, I just regard you as a very good friend."

Fang Cheng shook his head: "Before you didn't know the future of my industry, and you didn't know how much potential I had, but you should understand now."

"And you have also seen that in the future, I will definitely succeed and become the kind of person who has many book fans."

"So, promise me."

Fang Cheng looked excited: "Although I am not handsome and have no money, after you are with me, I may need you to help me pay the rent, but after I succeed, I will definitely treat you well! "

His voice was excited, as if he saw a bright future.

"Sorry, we really don't fit in."

Cheng Lu had a headache: "I told you before that I really don't mean that to you."

Fang Cheng persisted: "I believe, I will be your best choice!"

"And look around you, who else has my potential?"

"I will really succeed in the future!"

His voice was getting louder, and the look in his eyes looking at Cheng Lu over there became more and more excited.

Cheng Lu shook her head: "I'm sorry."

Fang Cheng refused to give up: "Why?"

"Is it because I'm not good enough?"

He was a little anxious, probably not expecting such a result.

Originally, he had already thought about it. Once Cheng Lu agreed, he could move to Cheng Lu's place to live, which would save a lot of rent.

But now the situation is...

I packed all my quilt and luggage, and you actually told me not to go?
"Of course it's because you're not good enough, big brother."

When Cheng Lu was a little at a loss, she heard a familiar voice.

She turned her head suddenly, and saw Lin Ye who had just entered the door.

Lin Ye sat next to Cheng Lu, picked up the cup of coffee in front of Cheng Lu naturally, took a sip without any scruples, then met Fang Cheng's slightly astonished eyes, smiled and looked at Cheng Lu, With a sense of blame: "When I signed the sale just now, you refused to stay for a while."

"Just leave like that? That's too much, Lulu."

Cheng Lu quickly realized: "Aren't I afraid to disturb you?"

Hearing what Cheng Lu and Lin Ye said, Fang Cheng came back to his senses, and his eyes widened: "What's going on?"

His voice trembled a little, and his face turned pale.

Lin Ye looked at him and smiled: "It's nothing, big brother, I advise you, as a human being, be more generous and don't hang yourself on a tree, especially on a tree that already has an owner. That would be so ugly."

"What do you think?"

Fang Cheng's face turned pale, he turned his head a little stiffly, and looked at Cheng Lu: "Lulu..."

"Isn't he your friend? He and you..."

Cheng Lu simply stretched out her hand and took Lin Chen's arm: "It's a friend and a boyfriend."

"I'm sorry, Fang Cheng, I haven't told you about this before, because I'm not sure whether I should agree to his pursuit."

"Because you also know that I don't know the group of Internet writers, and I had a little prejudice against what he did before."

"But today, just now, it was all because of you that I realized how narrow my thinking was before, and I also realized that he is so powerful!"

"So, he's my boyfriend now."

"Thank you, Fang Cheng, thank you for building this bridge and leading this line for me, otherwise, I really haven't made up my mind whether to promise him or not."

Cheng Lu finished speaking.

Sitting there, Lin Ye looked at Fang Cheng with a little bit of sympathy.

I thought it was just a simple courtesy.

But I didn't expect that the girl Cheng Lu's brain turned faster than her brain made a sharp turn. This is murder.

as predicted.

Fang Cheng trembled all over, his arms trembling: "Me? Me! I..."

He was speechless.

Lin Ye took advantage of the victory and pursued, feeling that to be a bad person is to be bad to the end, and with the idea of ​​​​severing it, he immediately reached out his hand and grabbed Fang Cheng's hand, with a devout expression on his face: "Thank you, big brother , if it weren't for you, I don't even know when I could catch up with Lulu."

"Oh, Lulu's vision is really too high. I was wondering when I would be able to knock on her door, but now I am lucky to have you, thank you."

"I'll move to her room when I get back tonight!"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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