Chapter 103 Song and Liao Wars (1)

The new emperor was overjoyed, stood on the high platform, and shouted to the civil and military officials and the 20 army: "I announce here in front of everyone that I will make the national teacher a general and king of Qi. its moderation.

In addition, in the process of conquest of Liao Dynasty, all soldiers who did not obey the orders of the general were punished by the general. "

This order means that Wu Tian has the power of life and death of all the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty, with one man under ten thousand.

The new emperor gave three glasses of wine, and went back with Prime Minister Zuo.

Wu Tian ordered troops to go out immediately.


The army left Tokyo City, marched hurriedly for three days, and came to the Yellow River to station.

That night, Wu Tian summoned Wu Yong, Lin Chong and other leaders to discuss the military situation.

Dai Zongdao: "Brother Wutian, my younger brother crossed the Yellow River to investigate on the other side last night. Shen County has already been captured by the Liao army vanguard Liu Feng. Now the Liao army is stationed on the other side of the Yellow River."

As soon as these words came out, Ruan's Sanxiong and Li Jun, who were good at water warfare, stood up and bowed their hands to Wu Tian.

"Brother Wutian, we are good at water warfare, please allow us to lead the water army to fight and clear the way for the army."

Wu Tian looked at Wu Yong.

Wu Yongdao: "The Liao army is approaching fiercely, breaking through three passes in a row, and has already killed the people of the Song Dynasty. Now we urgently need a victory to stabilize the situation. First, it will stabilize the morale of the army. military."

Wu Tian nodded, and immediately ordered: "The three Ruan brothers, Li Jun, I order you to lead an army of [-] sailors to sneak across the Yellow River at night and attack the Liao army on the other side.

You must grab a booth so that the army can cross the Yellow River smoothly! "

"Don't worry, brother, we will handle this matter."

The three brothers Li Jun and Ruan happily led the troops away.

After they left, Wu Yong continued: "Although the sneak attack on the Liao army achieved a temporary victory, if we want to truly and completely defeat the Liao army, we still need to be strong enough ourselves.

At present, the Liao army has 40 soldiers, most of whom are indisarmed and have been on the battlefield all year round.

Our army, in addition to our own 20 Liangshan Army, although the imperial court's [-] troops are said to be fully equipped, they are not well-drilled after all, and if they fight, there may be turmoil. "

Wu Tian nodded slightly.

"I am also very worried about this matter, but the current situation does not leave us much time."

"Brother, little brother has a way."

Lu Junyi stood up at this moment, cupped his hands towards Wutian and interjected.

Wu Tian: "Brother Lu, please tell me what you can do."

Lu Junyi said: "We can leave [-] Liangshan troops as a reserve team to prevent emergencies.

The remaining 5 horses were dispersed among the 20 Song Army for one-on-one training, so that the combat effectiveness of the 20 Song Army could be strengthened. "

"How long do you think it will take to train 20 Song troops?"

Lu Junyi said: "I will be able to go to the battlefield in about a month or two."

Wu Tian nodded and said: "Okay, after we take down Shen County, I will leave this matter to you, Brother Xian.

Among the Liangshan brothers, you can send anyone to help you if you want! "

Lu Junyi didn't expect Wu Tian to trust him so much, and immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "Thank you for your trust."

Wu Tian hurriedly got up to support Lu Junyi, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are welcome."

After the discussion that night, they went back to rest.

At dawn, Hua Rong came in and reported to Wu Tian who had just woken up: "Brother, good news!

Ruan's Sanxiong and Li Jun should have successfully crossed the Yellow River, wiped out [-] Liao troops, and occupied the Caishiji Ferry.

He wrote to ask his eldest brother to lead the main force of the army across the river. "

(End of this chapter)

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