Chapter 111 Song and Liao Wars (9)

Wang Yi took it, opened it, and looked at it by candlelight. It was written by Brother Yeluxiu himself.

The content of the letter is roughly that as long as Wang Yi is willing to act as an internal response and help the Liao army conquer Shen County, Brother Yeluxiu will recommend him to the Liao Emperor and make Wang Yi a prince.

Wang Yi pondered for a moment, then handed the letter back to the thin monkey and said, "Marshal Yelu personally wrote the letter, and Wang should have agreed, but although Wang is the supervisor of the army, the number of people I can control is only a few yamen servants, 30 The command of the Song army is all in Wutian.

This kid is very guarded against me, Wang is really powerless. "

The thin monkey sneered: "So Wang Jianjun is unwilling to be friends with our Liao country?"

"not me……"

"Shouhou, why bother talking nonsense with him, since he is not our Liao country's friend, he is our Liao country's enemy.

Since he is an enemy, there is no need to talk nonsense with him here, I think it is better to kill him. "

The thin monkey nodded.

"Wang Jianjun, I'm sorry."

Thin Monkey's steel knife approached Wang Yi's neck.

"Wait a moment."

Wang Yi shouted in fear.

"What, have you figured it out?"

Wang Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded.

He was not a loyal and patriotic person. He became an official to pursue power and seek wealth.

Now that his life was on the line, he couldn't care less.

Satisfied, the thin monkey put away the steel knife.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Give us Wutian's troop deployment plan, and find a way to open the city gate three days later at night to welcome our army into the city."

Wang Yi got out of bed, found a picture in the drawer next to him and handed it to Shouhou: "This is the troop deployment plan you want."

Wang Yi is the supervisor of the army, and his status in the army is second only to Wu Tian, ​​so he participates in all Wu Tian's military deployments, and he naturally has a troop deployment blueprint in his hand.

The thin monkey unfolded the map and took a closer look. It was true, and he was very happy. He quickly put it away and hid it in his arms.

"We sent this picture out of the city tonight, and it counts as a great contribution to Wang Jianjun.

Three days later, the army will gather outside the east city at midnight. At that time, you will rely on Wang Jianjun to trick you into opening the city gate to welcome the army. "


Wang Yi nodded repeatedly.

The wild boar interrupted at this time: "Wang Jianjun, I advise you, don't try to inform Wu Tian after we leave.

There are our eyeliners everywhere around this county government office. As long as you dare to inform, I can guarantee that you will be secretly killed before you see Wu Tian. "

After leaving these words, the two left in a hurry.

Wang Yi sat slumped on the ground, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

The thin monkey and the wild boar left the county office and went straight to the city gate.

With this troop deployment plan, the Liao army will save a lot of effort to conquer Shenxian County.

Unfortunately, on the way they were walking, they saw Wu Song and Lu Zhishen on patrol from a distance.

The two turned around quickly, but were seen by the sharp-eyed Wu Song.

"The two in front stop!"

Wu Song shouted.

The thin monkey and the wild boar didn't stop and ran faster.


Wu Song and Lu Zhishen each led 100 people to intercept them separately.

Thin Monkey and Wild Boar's foot strength was far inferior to Wu Song and Lu Zhishen, and they were soon blocked by them in an alley.

There was no way ahead, and there were pursuers behind them. They pulled out the steel knives on their backs and pointed at Wu Song and Lu Zhishen: "If you are acquainted, let us get out of the way, otherwise grandpa will let you two enter with white knives and red knives today." out!"

Wu Song and Lu Zhi laughed deeply.

Lu Zhishen took out his Zen staff, Wu Song took out his two sabers, and moved them left and right.

(End of this chapter)

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