Chapter 114 Song and Liao Wars (12)

Chai Jin followed the soldiers into the tent of the Liao army commander.

Brother Yeluxiu and Yang Lingnangao took their seats, but did not come down to greet Chai Jin.

Chai Jin darkened his face, looked at Brother Yeluxiu and said, "Wang Jianjun told me that Liao Commander-in-Chief Li Xian is one of the best heroes today, but we have been here for so long, and we all sit like clay bodhisattvas." Then, without getting up to greet guests, how can there be any way of hospitality?"

Before Brother Yeluxiu could speak, Yang Lingnan spoke first.

He pointed to Chai Jin: "Chai Jin, don't think we don't know your details, you and Wu Tian are both from Liangshan, and now you are in charge of food in his army.

How can someone like you come to join us? It's clearly a fraudulent surrender. "

"Now that we have seen through your tricks, why don't you quickly kneel down and tell all your tricks, otherwise, your dog's life will be killed in an instant!"

Chai Jin glanced at Yang Lingnan, and laughed out loud, with extreme mockery and indifference in his voice.

"why are you laughing?"

Yang Lingnan shouted angrily.

Chai Jin snorted coldly and glared at Yang Lingnan: "I laugh at you for not investigating my background more thoroughly.

Wu Tian and I are not only from Liangshan, we are sworn brothers.

But don't forget, I, Chai Jin, am a descendant of Emperor Shizong of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

The Zhao family snatched the world from my Chai family, I just wish I had no chance to take it back.

Now, you Liao people are going south to start a war with the Song Dynasty, and the world is in chaos. This is a good opportunity for my Chai family to make a comeback. "

"With a good opportunity to recover my Zhou family, what is Wu Tian's brotherhood compared to this huge benefit?"

Yang Lingnan was at a loss for words, but Chai Jin's words were very reasonable.

"Since you don't trust me so much, I will only suffer more humiliation if I stay here, so let's say goodbye."

Chai Jin led Dai Zong to turn around and leave.

Brother Yeluxiu hurriedly chased them out, blocked their way, and apologized: "Mr. Chai, please don't misunderstand. It was the Marshal who was wrong just now. Please enter the barracks. Let's discuss how to cooperate."

Chai Jin laughed secretly, Brother Yeluxiu was fooled.

However, what he just said is indeed reasonable. If he intends to take back the Chai family, this is indeed a good opportunity.

But he really didn't want to see another war in the world and the displacement of the people, which violated their principle of "doing justice for the sky".

Chai Jin and Dai Zong went back again, Brother Yeluxiu hurriedly ordered someone to prepare a banquet.

Brother Yeluxiu served a toast to Chai Jin: "Mr. Chai, you are willing to take the risk to join our Liao Kingdom. Brother Yeluxiu is very grateful. This glass of wine is for you. Please drink this glass. The unpleasant incident just now will be written off."

Chai Jin picked up his wine glass and drank it down.

Yang Lingnan also raised a glass of wine to toast Chai Jin: "Mr. Chai, I also offended you just now. This glass is my apology."

Said Yang Lingnan drank it all in one gulp.

Chai Jin also had a drink.

After drinking, Chai Jin took out the map of the deployment of soldiers and horses in Shen County from his pocket, and handed it to brother Yeluxiu: "This is the map of deployment of soldiers and horses in Shen County that Wang Jianjun ordered my younger brother to smuggle out."

Brother Yeluxiu was surprised, and hastily took over the drawing and unfolded it. The layout of soldiers, horses, grain and grass on it was clear at a glance.

Yang Lingnan was also very surprised, but he had an extra heart, and asked with a smile: "Dare to ask Mr. Chai, how did you and Wang Jianjun know each other, and why did he give you such a valuable thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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