Chapter 117 Song and Liao Wars (15)


Lu Junyi and Qin Ming bowed their hands and took orders to do it.

"Yang Zhi, Suo Chao, you lead Zhang Qing, Wang Ying, Kong Ming, Kong Liang, Shi Xiu, etc., and command [-] troops to guard the southern pass. Remember, you are also pretending to be a serious battle to confuse the Liao army."


Yang Zhi and Suo Chao bowed their hands.

"Yang Chun, Zheng Tianshou, the two of you are going to replace coach Lin and the others to guard Wang Yi."


Yang Chun and Zheng Tianshou went to do it.

After ordering the secondary tasks, the next step is the main task.

The leaders who have not yet received the task have serious faces, and their eyes are all focused on Wu Yong, waiting for him to assign the task.

Wu Yongdao: "The western pass is where we will fight the Liao army.

The roads here extend in all directions, and there are many port lanes.For this reason, I decided to set up an ambush on all sides for the Liao army. "

"Guan Sheng listens to the order. When the Liao army enters Xiguan and the rear road is cut off, you lead 2 horses and fight out from the east road!"

Guan Sheng stood up to receive the order.

"Li Kui listened to the order. After Guan Sheng shot, you took advantage of the situation and led 2 horses to fight out from the west road."

Li Kui stood up to receive the order, with a deep smile on his face.

"Hu Yanzhuo, you lead [-] troops and fight out from the south road."

Hu Yanzhuo received the order with double whips.

"Xu Ning, you lead [-] troops and fight out from the North Road."

Xu Ning received the order with a hooked gun.

"Shi Jin, you lead [-] troops and enter from the southeast."

Shi Jin received the order with a stick.

"Yang Xiong, you lead [-] troops and enter from the northeast."

Yang Xiong took the order with a simple knife.

"Hu Sanniang, you lead [-] troops and enter from the southwest."

Hu Sanniang stepped forward to accept the order.

"Fan Rui, you lead [-] troops and enter from the northwest."

Fan Rui surrendered and took the lead.

The eight directions have been allocated, and they will be guarded by fierce generals.

At this time, Wu Song, Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong and Hua Rong returned.

Wu Yong continued to order: "Hua Rong, you lead [-] sharpshooters, ambush on the roof of Xiguan, and give the Liao army a severe blow from the sky.

All the generals listened to the order, after Hua Rongxian's archers shot three times, you waited for the eighth route soldiers and horses lurking in the city to go out to avoid accidental injury. "


The fierce generals guarding all directions shouted in unison.

"Now there is only the last road left. After all, the Liao army has a large number of people, and there will definitely be fish that slip through the net and escape from Xiguan.

Wu Song, Lin Chong, and Lu Zhishen, you lead [-] troops, first lie in ambush, hide in the canyon where Xiguan is located, and let the Liao army enter the city.

When they escape, you stop and kill them.

In this way, even if the Liao army escaped, it would be a minority. "

Wu Song, Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen took the lead.

Wu Tian was very satisfied with Wu Yong's arrangement. He stood up, faced the leaders and said solemnly: "Brothers, this time we will fight to the death with the Liao army. Brothers, you must go forward bravely. If you dare to retreat, you will be killed!"

"Brother, don't worry, we will wipe out this group of Liao troops even if we risk our lives!"

The leaders stood up and shouted.

Wu Tian nodded.

After the arrangement is complete, the leaders will lead their troops in their positions.

Wu Tian sent Dai Zong out of the camp, and told him in a low voice: "You must be careful when you go back this time. When the Liao army marches into the city, you must find a way to escape from them, so as not to be accidentally injured by your brothers."

Dai Zong nodded, and cupped his hands towards Wutian: "Don't worry, elder brother, younger brother has taught Chai Daguan the art of divine movement.

When the Liao army set off, we used this technique to escape.

Also, in order to gain the trust of the Liao Army, the younger brother went back and reported to Brother Yeluxiu that at three o'clock tonight, Wang Yi would set fire to the Xiguan Tower and switch it on and off.

Brother, don't forget, this is a matter of urgency. "

(End of this chapter)

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