Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 131 Song-Liao War [Chapter 21]

Chapter 131 Song-Liao War (29) [Chapter 21]

When Emperor Liao heard this, he suddenly woke up.

Immediately send envoys to do what Yeluxiu said.

In the city of Tokyo, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty and Zuo Ping and other civil and military officials were overjoyed when they received the news that Wu Tian destroyed 80 Liao troops, captured Bazhou, and shocked the world.

Zuo Xiangchao bowed his hands to Emperor Song: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have won such a famous general as Wutian. Now that Bazhou has been captured, as long as you take Lincheng and Youzhou City, you can march on Yunding City, the capital of Liao Kingdom. By then, Liao Kingdom The whole country will surely surrender. At that time, not only will the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun be recovered, but His Majesty's reputation will surely spread all over the world, and all foreign races from all over the world will definitely come and surrender, respecting our Great Song Dynasty as the authentic one."

Emperor Song laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Speaking of which, Prime Minister Zuo, you have also contributed a lot. If it weren't for you, how could I have such a powerful general as Wu Tian. The decree was ordered to command Wu Tian to lead the army to recover the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun and force them to surrender to the Liao Kingdom. Success On that day, I will have a great reward!"

As soon as Emperor Song's words fell, an official wearing the clothes of a first-rank official came out and bowed his hands to Emperor Song: "Hold on, Your Majesty, I have something to say."

The left side saw that it was Gao Lian.

After Gao Qiu escaped from Tokyo, he wanted to live in seclusion.

But the situation was unpredictable. In order to quickly stabilize his throne, Emperor Song ordered all the officials who had escaped to return and restore their positions.

It happened that Lin Chong followed Wu Tian to the Liao Kingdom and was not in Tokyo, so Gao Qiu led the castrated Gao Ya Nei back to Tokyo.

"Captain Gao has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

Gao Qiu said: "Your Majesty, I feel that Your Majesty should order Wu Tian to lead the troops back instead of allowing them to make new achievements."

As soon as these words came out, Song Emperor and Zuo Pengping civil and military officials were all surprised.

"Gao Qiu, what do you mean by that?"

Zuo Xiang was the first one who couldn't sit still, pointed at Gao Qiu and shouted.

Gao Qiu didn't pay attention to the left minister, and continued to say to Emperor Song: "Your Majesty, Gao Qiu's actions are all for His Majesty, and the world can learn from them!"

Emperor Song laughed, Gao Qiu's words made him even more confused.

"Gao Qiu, please speak clearly, what are you doing for me?"

Gao Qiu looked at the civil and military officials around him, shook his head and said, "There are too many people here, Gao Qiu can't speak, Gao Qiu can only tell His Majesty what's in his heart."

Emperor Song frowned and waved to all civil and military officials for a long time, signaling them to back down.

All the officials retreated, but the left minister did not.

"Left Prime Minister, His Majesty has already signaled all civil and military officials to step down, why don't you step back?"

Gao Qiu questioned Zuo Xiang standing beside him.

Zuo Xiang rolled his eyes at Gao Qiu, and snorted coldly: "The truth is responsible for assisting the emperor in governing the world. Since your words are for His Majesty, there is no harm in listening to the truth here."

Gao Qiu looked at Emperor Song.

Emperor Song nodded: "Master Zuo is right, Gao Qiu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Gao Qiu knelt down towards Emperor Song and said, "Your Majesty, Wu Tian is now strong and powerful, and his reputation is increasing day by day. He is suspected of overshadowing Your Majesty. If he is allowed to take down the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun and subdue the Liao Kingdom, who else in the world can do that?" Is it his opponent?"

"When Emperor Taizu was around, he took precautions against the generals in many ways, because he was afraid that they would control the military power and endanger the Song Dynasty in the future."

"Your Majesty, you must take precautions and make preparations early, so that the situation will not be difficult to control in the future."

As soon as Gao Qiu's words fell, the left minister next to him became angry, and he raised his hand and knocked Gao Qiu's head hard.

Na Boya was made of white marble, it was extremely strong, this blow made Gao Qiu's forehead bloody.

"Zuo Xiang, you!"

(End of this chapter)

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