Chapter 133
Emperor Song laughed loudly, and said to the eunuch: "Go out and tell those Liao people that I am not a three-year-old child, they have played with me once, and they want to play with me a second time?
If they want peace talks, unless they return the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, they will also pay tribute to the Great Song Dynasty and come to court every year. "

The servants and eunuchs go out.

The envoy of Liao Kingdom was very annoyed when he heard the eunuch's words, but he showed a smile on his face, and said to the eunuch: "Eunuch, it's not easy for us to travel all the way here, please take another trip for us, and take this box Give it to His Majesty Song Dynasty, and tell His Majesty that the safety of the Song Dynasty is related to the inside of this box."

With that said, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom stuffed a 100 taels of Jiaozi (silver note) into the hands of the eunuch.

The eunuch looked at the 100 taels of silver, nodded, and said with a smile: "For the sake of your hard work, our family will help you again."

The envoy of the Liao Kingdom handed the box to the eunuch.

The eunuch in the house took the box back to the main hall to meet Emperor Song, handed the box to Emperor Song, and relayed the words of the Liao envoy.

When Emperor Song heard this, his face darkened immediately, and he opened the box. There was a map and a letter inside.

The eunuch and the left minister stepped forward to help open the map, which was the topographic map of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun.

Emperor Song opened the letter, glanced at it, and his expression suddenly changed.

Zuo Xiang was surprised, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, what's the matter? What did Emperor Liao say in the letter?"

Emperor Song calmed down and smiled slightly: "It's nothing... I'm a little tired, Prime Minister Zuo, you can go down first."

Zuo Xiang saw that Emperor Song was not telling the truth, but it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions, so he bowed his hands and withdrew.

"Internal Servant, bring the Liao Kingdom envoy to me!"

The eunuchs went out and led the envoys of the Liao Kingdom in after a while.

Emperor Song threw the letter in front of the envoy of Liao Kingdom, and said with a sullen face, "What does the emperor of Liao Kingdom mean by writing this letter?"

The envoy of the Liao Kingdom picked up the letter and said with a slight smile: "The letter has made it very clear.

My Daliao is willing to cede half of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun to the Song Dynasty, and the two countries will stop fighting.

If His Majesty insists on refusing, then we can only talk to Wu Tian directly.According to the news received by our Liao Kingdom, Wu Tian is quite dissatisfied with His Majesty, and this time he went out to the expedition, but because he owed the favor of the Prime Minister of the Left.

Now, he has the military power in his hands, occupies Bazhou, controls Yanmen, Jiameng, Dongguan and other places, and is powerful. Your Majesty, you can do nothing to him.

"If at this time, our Liao Kingdom cedes all the remaining fifteen prefectures to Wu Tian in exchange for peace, I believe Wu Tian will not refuse.

But for His Majesty, not only did you not get an inch of land, but you lost three passes and one county, and you also cultivated a strong enemy.

In the future, as long as Wu Tian wants to seize the Central Plains, he only needs to send his troops south and cross the Yellow River, and he can go straight to the city of Tokyo!
At that time, Your Majesty, do you think you can still sit safely in this high position? "

The envoy of the Liao Kingdom stared at Emperor Song and smiled meaningfully.

These Song emperors are most afraid of four words.

Gong, Gao, Zhen, Lord!


Emperor Song's heart skipped a beat, his brows were furrowed.

After a long time, his restless heart calmed down, looked at the envoy of the Liao Kingdom, and sneered: "Do you, the Liao Kingdom, think that I am a three-year-old child and want to use this kind of indecent divorce plan to separate our monarchs and ministers? Dreaming!"

"Go back and tell Emperor Liao to return all the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun to Song Dynasty, and to pay tribute every year!"

(End of this chapter)

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