Chapter 144 Drunk Incense Building

Even if these brothers meet each other, they ignore Wu Song.

Wu Song was helpless, and apologized one by one.

Li Kui said: "Wu Song, it's okay if you want us to forgive you, but you have to treat us to a drink."

Wang Ying interjected: "That's right, have a drink. And we want the best, not the best, we don't want it."

Lin Chong and Lu Zhi laughed deeply. Li Kui and Wang Ying deliberately tried to cheat Wu Song.

Wu Song smiled: "Okay, as long as the two brothers eat happily, Wu Song will pay as much as you want."

Li Kui and Wang Ying were overjoyed.

That night, they drank at Zuixianglou on Chengxi Street in Tokyo.

This Zuixiang Building is the most luxurious and lively place in Tokyo. Besides drinking and eating, it is also a good place to watch singing and dancing performances.

The five of them came in, and the female shopkeeper hurriedly came to greet her, and said with a smile: "The four guest officers look very unfamiliar, it should be the first time to come to our place, right?"

Li Kui said: "You don't care if it's our first time here, as long as we can afford it, we can come. You go and prepare a guest room, we want the best wine and the best food."

"Yes, everything must be the best. If there are good singers, give us a few, and an uncle will give you money today!"

Wang Ying interjected.

The female shopkeeper looked at the two of them, one was as dark as a ghost, and the other was short, staring at her with squinting eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

Wu Song stepped forward, blocked the two of them, and said to the female shopkeeper with a smiling face: "Don't be afraid, shopkeeper, we are not bad people, just follow what my two brothers said, and serve us good wine and good food."

As he spoke, Wu Song took out a piece of silver from his pocket and handed it to the female shopkeeper.

Seeing that Wu Song was tall and mighty, and seeing that the money he gave was as much as 50 taels, the female shopkeeper was overjoyed and smiled all over her face.

"Alright, there is another private room on the left upstairs, five guests, please go upstairs."

The female shopkeeper led the way and brought Wu Tian and the others to the private room on the left side of the second floor.

This private room is very big, enough to seat a dozen people.

Five of Wu Song went in and sat down in order.

Li Kui and Wang Ying were near the door, Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen sat by the window, and Wu Song sat in the middle, facing the door.

The female shopkeeper went down to arrange the dishes and wine. Not long after, I saw three or four shop waiters come in with wine and dishes and put them on the table.

Li Kui didn't wait for anyone else, and just ate with his hand.

Wang Ying gave him a white look: "If you don't know how you eat, I thought you were fleeing famine."

Li Kui shouted: "It's none of your business. I can eat whatever I like. If you don't like it, you don't have to eat it!"

Wang Ying got angry and wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Lin Chong.

"We are all brothers. This time, Brother Wu Song spent money to invite us to dinner. We just want to eat and drink well. Let's do this. Isn't this slapping Brother Wu Song in the face? Come, let's all have a drink."

When Lin Chong spoke, Wang Ying dared not do anything wrong.

Li Kui doesn't care about them, just pick up the wine and do it.

Lu Zhishen shook his head again and again, and said with a smile, "This Black Whirlwind Li Kui is really a fool."

Wu Song also laughed: "That's how he is. Brothers, don't be offended. If you don't eat enough, just call again. All the expenses tonight will be Wu Song's!"

Li Kui usually eats a lot when no one pays, but now someone pays, so he doesn't need to pay like this, this guy eats desperately.

After a while, all the dishes and wine on the banquet were swept away.

Li Kui rubbed his belly and shouted: "Two more dishes and wine just now, your grandpa Li Kui is not full yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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