Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 154 The decisive battle is coming

Chapter 154 The decisive battle is coming
"You support the national teacher so much because you bought the story to win, don't think I don't know, don't pretend to be a good person here!"

Before the scene of Wu Tian and Long Ze appeared, the people in the audience started to make trouble by themselves.

Fortunately, there were yamen servants to maintain order, and there was no major trouble.

At this time, there was a sound of gongs in the distance, and then an eunuch holding a yellow umbrella walked ahead to clear the way.

As soon as the people saw the yellow umbrella, they knew that it was Emperor Song who had come, so they quickly separated from each other and knelt down together.

Behind the yellow umbrella, there are eight maidens, holding a green dragon lantern made of brass in their hands.

Sandalwood is burning in the lamp socket, and the fragrance permeates the whole street, purifying the street.

Behind Gong'e, there are sixteen elite soldiers wearing armor, swords hanging on their waists, and spears in their hands, as the vanguard.

Immediately behind the elite soldiers was a sedan chair with a yellow cap carried by eight guards, and behind the sedan chair followed by sixteen elite soldiers wearing armor, with swords hanging on their waists, and holding spears.

There were two eunuchs and two court ladies on the left and right sides of the sedan chair, waiting for Emperor Song's order in the sedan chair at any time.

As soon as Emperor Song's sedan chair stopped under the arena, the people quickly kowtowed and shouted in unison: "Greetings, Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live long live!"

The sound is like the waves of the sea, one day higher than the other day, and it goes on and on.

Behind the yellow sedan chair, there are many red-topped sedan chairs and blue-topped sedan chairs, all of which are made according to the grade.

The sedan chairs of Zuo Xiang and Grand Master were placed side by side, and they met immediately when they got off, but neither of them could understand each other, so they snorted and hurried to the yellow-topped sedan chair.

"Your Majesty, the ring has arrived, please get off the sedan chair, Your Majesty."

There was a knocking sound from the car door.

Zuo Xiang and Taishi understood, and stepped back to wait.

The eunuch in charge stepped forward and raised the curtain of the sedan chair, asking Emperor Song to come out.

Emperor Song stepped out of the sedan chair, looked at the people who were kneeling on the ground and bowed their heads, and was very satisfied. He waved his hand and said, "Get up, everyone. I am here to have fun with the people. You don't have to be restrained."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The people shouted.

The servants and eunuchs led Emperor Song to the viewing platform and sat down. Zuo Xiang and Taishi sat on the left and right of Emperor Song respectively, and all civil and military officials sat down according to their ranks.

Song Emperor and all the civil and military officials had just sat down when Longze came from a distance surrounded by several Japanese.

He was wearing Japanese-specific clothing—a kimono, with a Japanese sword hanging from his waist that had been polished to shine.

"Mr. Longze, it's up to you whether our Wa country can show its prestige to the Song country this time, please be sure to fight for our Wa country."

"Yes, Mr. Longze, this time I will entrust everything to you in Wa Kingdom, I hope you can win!"

Those Japanese people tried their best to please Long Zeyi.

If he defeats Wu Tian this time, the person who made the Liao Kingdom fearful, then the reputation of the Wa Kingdom in other countries will be improved, which will also be very beneficial to future expansion!

Longze Yijing glanced at those fawning Japanese people, and smiled confidently: "Don't worry, you guys, I, Longze Yijing, can't lose to that coward named Wu Tian. You can have a duel, but you have to find an excuse to say that you are afraid of hurting others, and you have to fight today. I think he is afraid after seeing my swordsmanship, and he is in a hurry to find someone to help!"

"No matter who he finds, he can't escape the result of his death at my hands. It is impossible for a warrior of the Japanese country to be defeated. The sword of the Japanese country is the strongest martial art in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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