Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 156 Emperor Song's Hostility

Chapter 156 Emperor Song's Hostility

"It seems that this competition will become more and more exciting."

The left prime minister on the stage felt a little thumping. Ever since he learned the true identity of Longze Yiying, he had been very worried that Wu Tian would miss and be killed by Longze Yiying. At that time, he was finally established, and the power to maintain justice in the court would be destroyed. !

Grand Master Cai Jing secretly gave Longze a thumbs up, indicating that he was doing the right thing.

Emperor Song was silent, without any expression on his face, but his breathing fluctuated, and he hesitated in his heart.

At this time, a white horse galloped from the place where the sun rose in the east, and immediately sat a handsome young man in bunts.

As the horse passed by, strong winds blew up, rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground, and scattered them to the sky, like a celestial girl scattering flowers.

"It's Wutian!"

The sharp-eyed people recognized the boy on the horse and shouted excitedly.

"It's him, our national teacher is here!"

"Looking at his confident face, he must win this time!"

"Yes, the national teacher will definitely win! I will definitely win!"

Most of the people cheered, and the sound resounded throughout the sky, which was even more lively than welcoming Emperor Song just now.

Emperor Song's face darkened, Cai Jing came over and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this Wu Tian came late on purpose just to put on a show. You see, the common people were fooled by him, screaming like madmen. Well, I don’t know what a great person Wu Tian is! I suggest that His Majesty issue a decree to warn Wu Tian and let him restrain himself.”

Emperor Song glanced at Cai Jing, nodded slightly and said, "Leave this matter to the grand master."

Cai Jing nodded and left with a few guards.

The white horse was about to go under the ring, but was stopped by Cai Jing and his men three meters away.

"Wu Tian, ​​stop for me!"

Wu Tian reined in his horse, stared at Cai Jing and said with a smile: "Grand Master, I really don't dare to come out to meet Wu Tian in person."

Cai Jing sneered: "The old man is not here to greet you, the old man is here to convey His Majesty's oral instructions."

"Your Majesty said that you are too ostentatious, and I want you to dismount immediately and enter the ring on foot!"

Wu Tian frowned slightly.

"Why, do you even dare to disobey His Majesty's imperial decree?"

Cai Jing shouted loudly at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian had no choice but to come down, threw the horse rope to the guards, walked into the venue on foot, came to the viewing platform, and bowed his hands to Emperor Song: "My minister Wu Tian has seen His Majesty, I don't know that His Majesty will come here today to see my minister and you." Longze was late in the contest, so I ask Your Majesty to forgive me."

Emperor Song didn't say anything, just left Wu Tian alone.

Wu Tian was embarrassed, unable to get up or move.

The eyes of the common people looked at all this in bewilderment.

Prime Minister Zuo couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded Emperor Song in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Wu Tian is still waiting below."

Only then did Emperor Song pretend to wake up, and quickly waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I know Aiqing is busy."

Wu Tian smiled awkwardly, why is this Emperor Song a little hostile towards him?
Long Ze brought the certificate of life and death in front of Wu Tian, ​​and said arrogantly: "Wu Tian, ​​for the sake of this competition, you can let go of your hands and feet, I suggest that we all have to sign the certificate of life and death before going on stage.

If you're afraid, you don't have to sign, but if word spreads, you Wutian and the Song Dynasty's reputation will be very bad.

People will say that you are a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. "

The scene of Long Ze intentionally stimulated Wu Tian.

Wu Tian was very calm, smiled slightly, looked at Long Ze and said: "Mr. Long Ze, if you want to use aggressive methods to stimulate Wu, it is too small to underestimate Wu.

This time we are just a competition, not a life-and-death duel, why make things so rigid?

What's more, even if we signed the life and death certificate, if I hurt your life or you hurt my life, it would be an unpleasant thing for Song Dynasty and Wa Kingdom.

Therefore, Wu felt that we should just stop there. "

(End of this chapter)

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