Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 178 Who Are You? 【8 more】

Chapter 178 Who Are You? 【8 more】

The more the merchants talked, the more excited they became, and some of them stood up and pushed down the banquet in front of them.

Miko Tanaka's face darkened immediately, before she got angry, Yuntou was the first to stand up, and slapped the table hard.

A loud noise stopped the merchants.

"You guys who don't know what is good or bad, you are already lucky if we don't kill you, and you dare to bargain here!"

The merchants have already risen to resist, and naturally they are no longer afraid of Leader Yun.

"We are all a group of people with a positive business. Our life is very happy. It is you who ruined our beautiful days!"

"We are going to leave here now, if you don't let us leave, you will kill us!"

"Yes, kill us, we would rather die than be your slaves and be abused by you!"

Leader Yuntou got angry, stepped forward and grabbed a businessman standing in front who was talking loudly, and shouted: "Okay, since you are so not afraid of death, then I will kill one for you to see how many people in your group there are." weight!"

Yuntou led the luck in his right palm, and when he was about to strike down, Shanyun couldn't see it, so he raised his hand and fired a sleeve arrow.

With a sound of "嗖", the sleeve arrow pierced the air, Yuntou leader noticed it, and quickly dodged.

With a "snap", the sleeve arrow landed on Miko Tanaka's desk.

The other seven little bosses all stood up at this moment and stood in front of Miko Tanaka.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Tanaka Miko's mouth, and she waved her hand, signaling the little bosses to back down.

"Good skill, since your Excellency has already made a move, there is no need to hide your head and show your tail, come out."

Miko Tanaka stepped down from the high position and walked towards the merchants at the bottom step by step.

Shanyun calmed down and ignored Tanaka Miko.

"Why don't you dare to come out, is it because you are afraid of death?"

Miko Tanaka sneered, "Don't worry, although we are pirates, we will never bully the few with more.

As long as your Excellency can help me defeat this pirate leader, I can assure you that you can leave here safely. "

Shanyun still didn't show up.

Miko Tanaka couldn't hold back her expression anymore, she turned to the seven little bosses behind and said, "This expert refuses to come out, I need my brothers to help me force him out."

The seven little bosses understood what Miko Tanaka meant, and pulled out the simple knives at their waists and walked towards the merchants.

They all had a murderous look on their faces, and the blades glistened in the reflection of the candlelight.

Merchants are very scared, they want to kill them!

Shanyun couldn't sit still, and was about to stand up when Wu Tian stopped him.

"Leave it to me to handle."


Taketen stood up, pushed aside the crowd, and walked towards Miko Tanaka.

Miko Tanaka was slightly surprised, staring at Wu Tian: "You were the one who shot the sleeve arrow just now?"

Wu Tian nodded, his face very calm.

Leader Yuntou was overjoyed, jumped out, pointed at Wu Tian, ​​and said to Miko Tanaka: "Boss, I've already noticed that something is wrong with this kid, maybe he is the undercover agent sent by the imperial court to us."

Miko Tanaka frowned and remained silent.

"Leader, leave this kid to me, and I promise to teach him a good lesson for you."

As he said that, Yuntou Ling raised his fist and stepped forward to hit him.

Wu Tian smiled slightly, easily avoided Yuntouling's fist, flew up his right foot and hit Yuntouling's chin, kicking him out.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Leader Yuntou fell in front of Miko Tanaka, spitting blood from his mouth, and he was very embarrassed.

Miko Tanaka's face suddenly darkened, she never expected Wu Tian's martial arts to be so powerful.

"Good boy, you have hidden deep enough, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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