Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 180 Personal Matters [10 More]

Chapter 180 Personal Matters [10 More]

"not that simple."

Shanyun interjected at this moment, took out a bottle from his arms, poured out a elixir and forced it into Tanaka Miko's mouth, letting her swallow it.

"What did you feed me?"

Miko Tanaka was shocked.

Shan Yun said: "Of course it is poison. But don't worry, the medicine will take effect in a month. During this period, if you surrender sincerely, I will give you the antidote. If you dare to lie to us, When the poison occurs, you will definitely suffer unbearably, and the blood vessels in your whole body will burst to death."

Miko Tanaka turned pale with fright.

Only then did Wu Tian let Tanaka Miko go.

Miko Tanaka felt resentful in her heart, but she was helpless.

After eating poison, he can only be manipulated by others!
She knelt in front of Wu Tian, ​​cupped her hands and said: "Xiong Biao led 76 brothers from the deserted island to surrender to the high officials!"

Miko Tanaka knelt down, and the rest of the pirate leaders and minions hurriedly knelt down to Wutian.

Wu Tian nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand and said: "Get up, first settle down all the captured people, and prepare a boat to send them back to the territory of Song Dynasty tomorrow. Remember, don't play tricks, otherwise you will kill no one." amnesty."


That night, Wu Tian and Shan Yun rested in the handsome camp.

"Finally I can rest well."

Shanyun lay on the bed and yawned.

Wu Tian looked at her like that, smiled slightly, and sat on the wooden chair beside the bed to write a letter.

"Officer, you haven't rested all day and night, are you not tired?"

Shan Yun waved to Wu Tian.

While writing the letter, Wu Tian said: "I'm not sleepy right now, let's deal with the matter of appeasing the pirates first."

"What are you going to do with these pirates?"

"Judging from today's situation, although this Xiongbiao is tough, he is still very loyal. It is also because of this that I plan to give them a chance to change their ways.

I figured it out, they are good at water battles, so I arranged for them to join the Liang Shanshui Army, led by Li Jun, to train them.

Maybe in the future, we will use it. "

Shanyun heard that there was something in Wu Tian's words, and just about to ask, he photocopied it on the barracks by himself.


Shan Yun shouted.

"It's me, Xiong Biao!"

Shan Yun looked at Wu Tian and asked doubtfully, "What is she doing here late at night?"

Wu Tian smiled slightly: "If I guessed correctly, she should have come here for the surrender."


"Go to sleep, and leave the rest to me."

Wu Tian got up and walked out of the barracks.

"Xiong Biao, you came here late at night to look for me, are you still worried about surrendering?"

Wu Tian cut to the chase.

Miko Tanaka nodded and shook her head again.

Wu Tian frowned slightly, and said, "What do you mean?"

Miko Tanaka said: "There is one thing to worry about surrendering, and there is another thing, which is my personal matter. I would like to ask for your help."

Wu Tiandao: "Speak up, tell me all your little thoughts."

Miko Tanaka pondered for a while, and said, "It's like this, you have never said who you are, and you want me to lead the brothers to surrender to you.

I have no choice but to surrender, but I have to think about my brothers.

So I just want to know, how did you arrange for us? Could it be that you sent us all to the government?If that's the case, you might as well just kill us right here. "

Wu Tian chuckled and shook his head again and again: "I won't tell you my identity, because my identity is very sensitive, so it's inconvenient to say it now.

However, you can rest assured that as long as you follow my arrangement and go to the place I designate, you will soon know my identity, and you will also believe that what I say is true. "

(End of this chapter)

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