Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 182 The Japanese Dare To Pretend To Be An Uncle In Front Of Me [12 More]

Chapter 182 The Japanese Dare To Pretend To Be An Uncle In Front Of Me [12 More]

The next day, Miko Tanaka handed Wutian's letter to a pirate and asked him to lead his brothers to Song Dynasty according to the instructions in the letter. The rest of the passengers arranged for the rest of the ships to be sent back to Song Dynasty.

After dealing with these matters, Miko Tanaka went to see Taketen.

Seeing that she hadn't left yet, Wu Tian was slightly surprised, and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Miko Tanaka said: "I want to go to Japan with you and see you kill Miyamoto Musashi with my own eyes to avenge my father!"

"This is too dangerous." Wu Tian looked surprised and shook his head again and again, "Since I have promised you, I will bring Miyamoto Musashi's head back to see you. Listen to my advice and leave here immediately."

Miko Tanaka stood where she was, bit her lower lip slightly, and remained silent.


Wu Tian saw that Miko Tanaka was determined not to leave.

He sighed helplessly.

"Okay, since you are so determined, then you follow us. However, I'm afraid you can't do it like this." Wu Tian turned to look at Shan Yun, "You help her reform."

Shanyun nodded slightly, and led Miko Tanaka into the barracks.

Not long after, Shanyun led a "man" wearing a Confucian costume and a beard.

Wu Tian couldn't help laughing, and Chao Shanyun gave a thumbs up.

"Your disguise is really good. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that she is a woman at all."

Shanyun smiled triumphantly, patted his chest and said, "I, Shanyun, am a master of disguise. As long as I think about it, it's not a problem to pretend to be anyone."

"Praise you, you won't know what your last name is, don't talk about such things, let's hurry, or it will be dark."

Wu Tian led Shan Yun and Tanaka Miko to a small boat on the shore.

Miko Tanaka is familiar with this area of ​​water and knows the direction of the country of Wa, so the task of punting is naturally entrusted to her.

This way, they went smoothly, and they arrived at the gate of the island of Wa Kingdom after a three-day journey.

Just when they were about to land, the Japanese guarding the shore pulled out their Japanese swords and put them into combat mode, staring at Wu Tian and the others vigilantly.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Wu Tian glanced contemptuously at the Japanese people on the shore, and said to Miko Tanaka beside him, "Tell them in Japanese that I'm from the Great Song Dynasty, and I'm here to compete with Miyamoto Musashi."

According to what Wutian said, Miko Tanaka murmured to the Japanese people on the shore in the Japanese language.

Those Japanese people's eyes widened after hearing Miko Tanaka's words, they stared at Wu Tian, ​​and at the same time they were mumbling.

Tanaka Meizi said to Wu Tian: "They said that if you want to go ashore, you must leave at least 3000 taels of gold, otherwise you don't even think about going ashore. If you dare to force your way up, they will shoot you with bows and arrows, and shoot you into a plug .”

Hearing this, Wu Tian saw that the Japanese on the shore were complacent and made a provocative gesture towards him, and he laughed out of anger.

"I can kill the top masters of the Japanese country in Longze Yishou. These Japanese people dare to pretend to be masters in front of me. This is simply courting death!"

Wu Tian jumped and landed on the shore.

The Japanese pointed the Japanese sword at him and murmured.

Wu Tian couldn't understand, but from their eyes, it could be seen that they were surprised and angry.


The Japanese shouted angrily, and slashed at Wu Tian with the Japanese knife in his hand.

Wu Tian raised his right foot, and kicked all their Japanese knives away, and then unleashed his fists, each punch has the power of dragons soaring and tigers roaring.

The person who was hit by the punch had all his muscles and bones broken, and he fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Those who are rubbed, their muscles and bones are damaged, and they are unable to fight again.

After a meal of tea, those Japanese people all fell to the ground and couldn't afford it.

At this time, Miko Tanaka also pushed the boat to the shore, and was slightly surprised to see those Japanese people fell to the ground. Wutian's martial arts were even more powerful than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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