Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 184 Is the Wa Kingdom Comparable to the Great Song Dynasty? 【14 more】

Chapter 184 Is the Wa Kingdom Comparable to the Great Song Dynasty? 【14 more】

The caretaker stared at Wutian and the others, then nodded to Miyamoto Shenmu.

Tanaka Miko translated Miyamoto Shenki's words to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian immediately turned dark, took a step forward, and glared at Miyamoto Shenmu: "Miyamoto Shenmu, your master asked you to treat us well, but you dare to disobey your master's words and take this opportunity to humiliate us. Let me tell you, I will not Accepting such humiliation, if you are not sincere, then I will go back and ask your master to come to Tokyo City to meet me, where am I waiting for him to come and challenge me!"

Wu Tian's aura suppressed Miyamoto Shenmu, and he frowned and stared at Wu Tian.

After a long time, he softened and said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, don't get me wrong, how dare I neglect you."

Wu Tiandao: "Don't think that no one here understands Japanese, what you said just now is to tell the people in this station to treat us with the worst food and drink."

Miyamoto Shenki was slightly surprised and could not refute.

He glanced at the two people behind Wu Tian, ​​and when his eyes fell on Miko Tanaka, he felt a little familiar.

"This man looks familiar, I don't know..."

Miyamoto Shenki walked towards Miko Tanaka.

Tanaka Miko's heart skipped a beat, and she stepped back.

Wu Tian blocked the way of Miyamoto Shenmu, and said: "That is the Japanese translator I brought from the Song Dynasty. What do you want to do to harm him?"

Miyamoto Shenmu smiled apologetically: "Mr. Wu, you have misunderstood. How dare I be unfavorable to your translation. I was wrong just now. I will immediately let them receive you with the highest treatment. How about that?"

Wu Tian nodded slightly.

Miyamoto Shenmu beckoned the caretaker to come up, and said in Japanese: "My words just now don't count. From now on, you entertain them with the highest standards. Now go and set up a banquet."

The caretaker stared at Miyamoto Shenki in a daze.

Miyamoto Shenmu was annoyed, and shouted: "If you are told to do it, then do it, where is there so much nonsense!"

The caretaker didn't dare to ask more questions, so he hurried to do it.

After a while, the banquet was arranged, and he smiled and invited Miyamoto Shenmu to the table.

Miyamoto Shenmu walked towards Wu Tian with a smiling face, cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Wu, I was wrong just now. To express my apology, I have ordered someone to prepare a banquet. How about we go in and sit down and have a drink and talk?"

Wu Tian pondered for a while, then nodded slightly.

Miyamoto Shenmu led Wu Tian and the others into the hall of the inn.

The post station in Japan is said to be a post station, but it is actually a hall, plus a yard, and there are only three houses on the east and west sides, which is far worse than the post station in the Song Dynasty.

Miyamoto Shenmu asked Wu Tian to sit on the main seat, he sat next to him, and Tanaka Miko and Shan Yun sat next to him.

"Mr. Wu, please taste the sake of our Japanese country first."

Sake is a famous wine in Japan.

Wu Tian picked it up and took a sip, frowning slightly.

The taste of this sake is mediocre, not even comparable to Erguotou from the Song Dynasty.

"Mr. Wu, how is it? Is it delicious?"

Miyamoto Shenki asked proudly.

Wu Tian said: "It's not bad."

"It's okay?" Miyamoto Shenmu's face suddenly became a little displeased, "What does Mr. Wu mean by that?"

"Although this wine is good, it's still a bit weak compared to the wine from Da Song."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Shenmu was very unhappy.

He sneered, and said, "Mr. Wu's words mean that the Wa Kingdom is not as good as the Song Dynasty?"

Wu Tian could hear the anger in Miyamoto Shenmu's words, he smiled slightly and didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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