Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 192 The Crown Prince's Position

Chapter 192 The Crown Prince's Position
"So it is."

Wu Tian, ​​Shan Yun and Tanaka Miko went in and sat down according to their directions.

As soon as he sat down, the crown prince got up and bowed to Miko Tanaka.

Miko Tanaka was slightly surprised, she got up quickly, and wanted to return the gift, but was stopped by the crown prince.

"My gift, Miss Tanaka, you must accept it. I killed your father and grandma, I'm sorry for you."

As he spoke, the crown prince bowed twice to Miko Tanaka.

Miko Tanaka was flattered, and it was a great grace to be bowed by the prince of her own country.

Seeing that the crown prince can condescend and take the initiative to bear his own mistakes, Wu Tian nodded slightly, very satisfied.

After bowing, the crown prince sat down again and ordered the food to be served.

The national dishes of the Japanese country are all served, and each dish is delicious in color, fragrance and taste.

"Let's eat, let's discuss things after eating."

With that said, the Crown Prince ate first.

After Wu Tian started, Shan Yun and Tanaka Miko also picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

They all knew in their hearts that if the crown prince invited them to dinner in person, he must have something to ask for, and this matter was not ordinary.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Wu Tian put down his chopsticks and looked at the Crown Prince: "Your Highness, what do you want us to do, please tell me."

Seeing that they were almost finished eating, the crown prince also put down his chopsticks, and said, "Okay, since Mr. Wu has already spoken, I don't need to hide it. The thing is like this, I would like to invite Mr. Wu to talk to Miyamoto Winning the duel with Musashi."

Hearing this, Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

He stared at the Crown Prince and said, "Your Highness, are you kidding me? Miyamoto Musashi is a Japanese, if I win him, you will lose face?"

The crown prince's face was calm, he had long thought that Wu Tian would have such an expression after hearing his words.

He said: "That's right, logically speaking, I should hope and support Miyamoto Musashi, but if he wins, it will be a catastrophe for the Wa Kingdom and your Song Dynasty."


Wu Tian frowned slightly.

He is not interested in the affairs of the Wa Kingdom, but he has to take care of the affairs of the Great Song Dynasty.

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean by this? Can you explain it more clearly?"

The crown prince picked up a glass of wine on the table and drank it, and after gathering his thoughts, he said, "We should start with the history of the Wa Kingdom.

Because Wa country is located in the sea island, the land resource is very barren.

The Japanese emperors of all dynasties wanted to expand the territory in order to expand the living space of the people of the Japanese country.

But to expand the territory, it can only be a foreign war.

Over the years, the Wa Kingdom has been at constant war, first with the Liao Kingdom, and later with the Eastern Xia, but they suffered heavy losses and their national strength could not keep up. "

"When it came to my father's generation of emperors, the goal turned to the Song Dynasty. But at this time, the country of Wa had a small population and a lot of land, so it was simply unable to support foreign wars.

But my father's attitude is firm, coupled with my second brother's instigation, he will not listen to any of my suggestions. "

"But my father thinks that I am the eldest son, the future heir to the emperor, and he still loves me very much.

This aroused my second brother's dissatisfaction. He thought that his martial arts and resourcefulness were far superior to mine, and he wanted to replace me.

In order to replace me, he recruited Miyamoto Musashi, who was really a ronin at the time, and established a kendo hall.

Later, I even wanted to win over my retainer, Miss Meizi's father. "

(End of this chapter)

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