Chapter 198 Killing God with a Sword

"That's what you said, then you are ready to be a grandson."

"court death!"

Miyamoto Shenmu brandished the Japanese sword, jumped up, and cut off Wutian's face from the front.

This move is Miyamoto Shenmu's special skill - killing the god with a single knife.

The moves are fierce and the inner strength is strong.

Wu Tian dodged it, and the Japanese sword slashed on the stone on the ground, and the stone was instantly broken into two halves.

"I thought you were so powerful, but I didn't expect you to be a gangster without guts." Miyamoto Shenmu raised his Japanese sword and mocked Wu Tian, ​​"Don't run away if you have the ability, and meet my move head-on."

Wu Tian smiled slightly, looking at Miyamoto Shenmu calmly.

"Stop provoking me with these useless aggressive methods. You don't care how I hide, and you can hit me if you have the ability."

After finishing speaking, Wu Tian made a face at Miyamoto Shenmu.

Miyamoto Shenmu's face turned purple with anger, this Wutian is simply too hateful!
He brandished the Japanese sword, and then used the Killing Sword to slash at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian avoided it again, not confronting him head-on.

The blade cut the ground, forming a strong crack, and the stones that the crack passed were shattered in two.

"Wu Tian, ​​you bastard!"

Miyamoto Shenki was panting tiredly, and kept yelling and cursing.

Although Wu Tian couldn't understand Miyamoto Shenmu's words, it could be seen from his expression that he was already annoyed by him.

"Miyamoto Shenmu, if you can't stand it, then cut seppuku and die quickly."

Miyamoto Shenmu was even more angry, he glared at Wu Tian: "You are a coward of the Song Dynasty, you can only dodge, if you have the ability, you will fight your grandfather and me for [-] rounds!"

"Haven't I been fighting you here for [-] rounds now? You couldn't hit me yourself, so who is to blame?"

Wu Tian shrugged his shoulders, with a look of nothing to do with himself.

Miyamoto Shenki held the Japanese sword tightly, but did not continue to attack.

He adjusted his breathing, trying to calm himself down.

If you continue to use up your physical strength to attack like this, you will just exhaust yourself to death.

Seeing that Miyamoto Shenmu didn't move, Wu Tian continued to provoke him: "Why don't you make a move, are you already too tired? Just for a while, you are too tired, and you still want to beat me, I think you should go back and try again!" Come to me after practicing for a few years."

Miyamoto Shenki looked calm, instead of getting angry, he laughed out loud.

Seeing him like this, Wu Tian frowned slightly.

"Wu Tian, ​​I have already seen your small thoughts. You want to provoke me and let me attack you crazily until I run out of energy, and finally I am easily defeated by you. Although this idea is very good, but I Miyamoto Shenmu will not be fooled. If you don’t fight, I won’t attack, we’ll just spend time here and see who has enough patience!”

Miyamoto Shenmu lowered the Japanese sword, ready to spend with Wutian.

Seeing that Miyamoto Shenmu saw his thoughts, Wu Tian felt a little anxious.

Miyamoto Shenmu can afford it, but he can't afford it.

He also has to compete with Miyamoto Musashi!

He pondered for a while, and said to Miyamoto Shenmu: "Before I came, I heard that the samurai of the Japanese country are so powerful, especially their bushido spirit, which can support them to be invincible and invincible. Now it seems that this is basically The world is puzzled and bragging!"

"Wu Tian! Shut up!" Miyamoto Shenmu shouted angrily, "The spirit of Bushido is the most precious spirit of our country, I won't allow you to humiliate it!"

"Oh?" Wu Tian sneered, "Why didn't I see it in you?"

"You!" Miyamoto Shenmu was annoyed, and moved quickly, rushing towards Wutian, holding the Japanese sword high above his head, "Take this move from me, and kill the god with one blow!"

(End of this chapter)

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