Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 200 Send him to Zhang Kendo Hall and hand it over to Miyamoto Musashi [10 more]

Chapter 200 Send him back to the Kendo Gym and hand it over to Miyamoto Musashi [10 more]

After all, Miyamoto Shenki laughed wildly.

He is very proud, in his opinion, it is impossible for Wu Tian to decipher his "clone shadow technique".

With the naked eye, Wu Tian really couldn't tell which one was Miyamoto Shenki himself. The four Miyamoto Shenki in front of him were very unified in terms of speech and behavior, and there was no flaw in them.

This reminded him of the scene at the last moment of the battle with Long Zeyi, which cannot be seen with the eyes, but can only be discerned with the heart.

He closed his eyes and let his whole body relax.

"Why do you close your eyes, are you starting to give up?"

Miyamoto Shenki sneered.

Wu Tian ignored the Miyamoto Sacred Trees, and tried to distinguish the differences between the four Miyamoto Sacred Trees in front of him.

"If you don't speak, it will be assumed that you have surrendered. If this is the case, then I will do it and send you to the west."

The four Miyamoto Shenmu drew out their small Japanese swords at the same time and slashed at Wutian.

At this moment, Wu Tian noticed that Miyamoto Shenmu who was standing on the east side shot faster by one second than the previous three.

Just such a gap of one second shows that the Miyamoto Shenmu in the east is real!

Wu Tian opened his eyes, ignoring the other three sides, and the simple sword blocked the small Japanese sword of Miyamoto Shenmu on the east.


The little Japanese sword was blocked by Pu Dao, and the other three small Japanese swords slashed on Wu Tian's body and turned into afterimages.

"how come……"

Miyamoto Shenmu stared at Wutian in surprise.

Wu Tian smiled slightly: "Although your 'cloaking shadow technique' is very powerful, I have already seen through it! You lost!"

With Wu Tian's strength, the small Japanese sword was chopped off by Pu Dao and embedded in the body of Miyamoto Shenmu.

Miyamoto Shenki's eyes widened, watching all this in disbelief.

Wu Tian was able to decipher his "clone shadow technique" in such a short period of time!
This strength is simply too terrifying!

Wu Tian pulled out the plain knife and kicked Miyamoto Shenmu in the chest.

Miyamoto Shenki flew in the air for a while, then fell hard to the ground, splashing a burst of blood.

At this time, Miko Tanaka rushed in, grabbed the simple knife in Wutian's hand, ran to Miyamoto Shenmu, and stared at him coldly from above.

"Miyamoto Shenmu, you are too deceitful. If I don't kill you today, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart. Go to hell!"


Miko Tanaka held the simple knife tightly with both hands, and stabbed the knife fiercely into Miyamoto Shenki's chest.

Blood spurted wildly, splashing Tanaka Miko all over.

Miko Tanaka didn't care, pulled out the simple knife, walked up to Wutian and knelt down.

"Mr. Wu, thank you for helping me kill an enemy."

【Ding!Miyamoto Shenmu died because of the host, congratulations to the host for gaining 8000 luck points]

[The host's current luck value: 377000]

Tanaka Miko offered the blood-stained Japanese sword with both hands.

Wu Tian took Pu Dao with one hand, and helped Miko Tanaka up with the other.

"There is no need to perform such a big ceremony, this is what I should do."

The two samurai outside the arena who were very happy just now saw that Miyamoto Shenki was killed, their faces turned pale with fright, and their legs kept trembling.

Wu Tian glanced at them, waved to them and shouted: "You two come here!"

The two warriors didn't understand Wu Tian's words, but they understood from his movements that he was calling them over.

They wanted to run away, but they knew that with their martial arts skills, they couldn't escape Wu Tian's hands.

Helpless, they forced their trembling bodies to walk towards Wu Tian.

Wu Tian pointed to Miyamoto Shenmu's body and said, "Send him back to the Kendo Hall and hand him over to Miyamoto Musashi."

The two warriors looked at Wu Tian suspiciously.

Wu Tian asked Tanaka Miko to translate.

Miko Tanaka translated to the two samurai.

The two warriors nodded again and again, chattering.

(End of this chapter)

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