Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 202 The Fear of Miyamoto Musashi

Chapter 202 The Fear of Miyamoto Musashi

Zhongshan Village shook his head again and again.

"His Royal Highness, although Wu Tian helped you eradicate a powerful opponent, but he is more of a Han Chinese, and he killed us Japanese people. If you help him with such a big fanfare, you will definitely leave the second prince with a handle. Maybe you will die." Fall on the charge of collaborating with the enemy."

Hearing this, the crown prince was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

After a long time, the Crown Prince looked at Zhongshan Village and asked, "Tell me, what should we do?"

Zhongshan Village said: "If the prince wants to get the most benefits, it is best not to reveal your attitude, and in the development of the situation, quietly give Wu Tian some help within your range."

The Crown Prince understood Zhongshan Village's meaning and nodded repeatedly.


The second prince's mansion was in a mess.

"This Miyamoto Musashi is a bunch of waste after training. He can't even kill a kid in the Central Plains, and he was killed by others. It's really useless!"

The sound resounded throughout the mansion, making the servants tremble with fright.

The personal guard on the side, Miyamoto Musashi's senior brother Matsumoto Ichiryu stepped forward and cupped his hands at the second prince: "Second prince, calm down, Miyamoto Shenmu's martial arts is very strong, and ninjutsu is also superb. This failure must be careless. Wu Tian has an opportunity to take advantage of it. I believe my junior brother will definitely find a way to eliminate Wu Tian and relieve the second prince from your confidant's serious trouble."

The second prince glanced at Matsumoto Ichiryu and smiled indifferently.

"Matsumoto Ichiryu, do you think the prince is so foolish? Wu Tian first killed Long Zeyi, and then Miyamoto Shenmu. These two people are the first-class masters of our country. How dare you tell me now, It's because Wu Tian has an opportunity to take advantage of, if you think this is the case, do you believe it yourself?"


Matsumoto was at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer.

The second prince continued: "I have nothing to say? The real situation is that Wu Tian is a master. Both Long Ze Yi Mo and Miyamoto Shenmu were defeated by them. Such a person is alive, but he is not used by us. It is simply a tiger lurking around us, and it may devour us at any time."

Matsumoto Yilong nodded slightly, agreeing with what the second prince said.

"Only by killing Wu Tian, ​​an eyesore, can we be safe. So, go back and tell Miyamoto Musashi that he will win no matter what he says in this competition. If he loses, he will commit seppuku."


Soon, Matsumoto Yilong passed the words of the second prince to Miyamoto Musashi.

After receiving this order, Miyamoto Musashi fell silent.

Matsumoto Ichiryu saw what Miyamoto Musashi was thinking, and persuaded him in a low voice: "Musashi, the second prince is already disappointed in you. If you can't win this time, it will be difficult for the Kendokan to gain a foothold in Japan."

Miyamoto Musashi didn't know why, before Miyamoto Shenmu died, he was confident that even if he signed the contract of life and death, he was sure of victory and could kill Wutian.

After seeing Miyamoto Shenmu being killed, Miyamoto Musashi was very shocked. Not to mention killing Wutian, he was not absolutely sure whether he could win Wutian or not.

"Junior brother, why don't you speak, are you afraid?"

Matsumoto Kazuryu saw fear and even a sense of loss in Miyamoto Musashi's eyes.

In the past, Miyamoto Musashi's eyes were full of arrogance, looking arrogant.

He heaved a long sigh, he already had such eyes before the competition, and the result of this competition has already been decided.

(End of this chapter)

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