Left-behind women in Fuzhou

Chapter 12 Alian's Story

Chapter 12 Alian's Story (6)
Ah Qing has very few things, a blanket, a bed sheet, a yellow plush bear, and a pocket recorder bought at a street stall for tens of yuan.In my interviews, I have seen many single girls have such tape recorders in their rooms. In the endless long night, when they are lonely, they will put the tapes in, so that the no longer pure pop songs Moisturizing the dry heart, passing the difficult time in the beautiful longing, until falling into sleep.

I hugged the blanket and sheets in my arms, Ah Qing hugged the plush bear, and we walked down the cramped stairs, my heart was full of sadness.I didn't know that my Ah Qing actually lived here, and the environment where my beautiful Ah Qing lived was so messy and dirty.

Ah Qing hugged the plush bear very lovingly. She said that since she moved here, the plush bear has been with her all the time, and she has been holding it in her sleep.Subconsciously, she has regarded it as her closest living friend.

After hailing a taxi, we came to my apartment on Zhongshan Road where I lived.That road is famous for a bronze statue of Mr. Sun Yat-sen. Behind the bronze statue is the Zhongshan Hall, which is simple in architecture but still magnificent.There is also the Memorial Hall of Lin Zexu’s Birthplace on that road. When the weather is fine, you can often see tourist vehicles parked at the intersection, the doors open, and foreigners with high noses and deep eyes spit out. Their faces are full of reverence and fascination, and they rush to To Zhongshan Hall and Memorial Hall.However, during the few months I lived there, I rarely saw Chinese people in the halls of those national heroes.They are all busy doing business, money makes them hurry, and their hurried steps will not stop in front of these halls.

After entering the door, Ah Qing began to tidy up the room.I went out for an interview a few days ago, but I forgot to close the window on the balcony, and the room was already covered with a thin layer of dust.Ah Qing went to the bathroom to take out the rag, and started to wipe like a housewife.I looked at her slender figure in a suspender skirt, and a long-lost happiness filled my heart.

I walked over quietly and hugged her slender waist from behind. Ah Qing shivered, leaned her head on my shoulder, and closed her eyes.Our lips searched for each other, searched, and finally touched each other inadvertently, sticking together wetly, unwilling to separate.

Then, the clothes fell to the ground.

We hugged each other, read each other's body with our palms, and murmured love words.Her muscles were tight, delicate and smooth, and even a little cold, like satin.Her shoulders are round, her breasts are high, her slender waist is not full, but her hips protrude exaggeratedly like a hill.She rubbed my breasts, her face pressed against my shoulders, trickling from the canyon beneath her belly.

Then we fell on the bed together.

We hug each other, wriggling, looking for the peak of happiness.Very gentle, very gentle, like the breeze blowing the forest, like the waves washing the embankment.We moaned happily, letting the tremors slowly, slowly cover our bodies.

Then, we lay flat on the bed together, our skins that gradually calmed down were pressed together, and the sweat of happiness flowed together.Sunshine came in through the balcony window and shone on her naked body. Bathed in the golden sunlight, she was as holy as a baby.

After that, we lived together.

Every night, after get off work, I would go to Sauna City to pick her up on that old bicycle.The entrance of Sauna City is full of luxury cars of various colors. They are neatly arranged in dazzling colors and smooth lines, neatly showing affluence and wealth to everyone passing by.Ashamed, I parked my BMW bicycle under a tree, and hid in the dark with it, waiting for Ah Qing to get off work.

Ah Qing got off work, and she walked out of the brightly lit Sauna City, bypassing one after another of domineering cars, and walked towards me and my BMW bicycle.I carried her, rang the bell, and drove towards Zhongshan Road.My bicycle is the most worn-out, but my Aqing on the bicycle is the best.

Ah Qing said that every time she went home, there were men driving cars who wanted to see her off, but she never let them see her off. She hated those men who were full of lust.

Ah Qing goes to work every afternoon.If there is no interview task, I will ride a bicycle to see her off.However, at that time the police were not off duty and we had to be extra careful.Every intersection, I let Ah Qing get off the car and walk across the road first, and I followed behind with my bicycle.Looking at the imprints on Ah Qing's bare thighs under the short skirt that was pressed by the back seat of the bicycle, I feel sad for a while.My Aqing is the most beautiful, but she is sitting on my broken bicycle.I swear that in the future I will definitely buy a house for her to live in and a car for her to ride in.

The unique and exquisite decoration of Alian's house has made many people envious. I have heard the envy of those guests in her house many times.However, no one thought that it was this kind of exquisite decoration that became the murderer of Little Nana.

One morning, before I got up, I suddenly received a call from Alian.Alian said that little Nana has been feeling drowsy recently, and the teacher also reported that she often fell asleep in class. She wanted to take her to the hospital for examination.

I said while getting dressed, wait for me, I will go with you.I felt faintly uneasy. Little Nana was A-Lian's everything, she was A-Lian's only support. I was worried that A-Lian would not be able to bear it if the disease was really detected.However, I did not expect at that time that Nana was suffering from the worst disease.

I came to the hospital.Soon, Alian and Nana also came.Nana's black hair was scattered behind her shoulders, and her skin became paler and paler than paper.She pulled the corner of Alian's clothes, and looked curiously at the patients coming and going at the hospital gate with her dark eyes.Some of those patients limped and walked with difficulty on crutches, some curled up with their hands on their stomachs and their faces were sickly, some had bandages on their heads, and some had plaster casts on their arms.Nana looked at them with tears in her eyes, she said to Alian, Mom, those people are so pitiful.

I pulled Nana over and held her in my arms, Alian followed, and we walked towards the outpatient building of the hospital together.Four people who looked like migrant workers carried a stretcher and ran forward in a hurry, each one running out of breath.Lying on the stretcher was a man with eyes closed, with a messy beard on his face, it seemed that he hadn't shaved and washed for many days, his body was covered with a yellow coat, and there were bloodstains on the clothes.Nana just glanced at it, and put her head close to my neck, which was wet.Nana was crying.

We walked up to the second floor of the outpatient building. After queuing for a long time, our feet were almost numb, and it was our turn.In the consulting room facing the door sat an old doctor with white hair. His skin was clean and finely wrinkled. There were a few freckles on his face. There were big and raised eye bags under his eyes. He looked medically skilled. Very clever and kind.After he patted Nana's forehead and belly decently, he suggested that we go for a blood test.

After the blood was drawn at the blood test window, I arranged Alian and Nana to sit on the armchairs in the corridor, and then waited at the window.Every few minutes, the nurse will throw a large stack of test sheets into the basket in the window, and let the patients find them by themselves.

Those few minutes were extremely long. I put my hands in my trouser pockets, paced up and down the window, and looked anxiously at the busy doctor inside. I didn't know what fate awaited Alian and Nana.I want the test results to come out quickly, but I am worried that the results will come out.Now I can finally imagine what it must be like for those who are waiting for the verdict in court.

I thought again, A-Lian and Nana are so kind, they are open and selfless, Nana is so cute, A-Lian has experienced so much suffering, God will not bring disasters to them again.

A beautiful nurse threw the test report into the basket, and Nana's was on top.I picked it up and saw Alian and Nana sitting face to face, playing games happily with their fingers stretched out.I asked the nurse, is there any problem on this test sheet?The nurse looked at it seriously and asked me who the child belonged to.I said it was her mother's friend.The nurse said, no, it may be a serious illness, you'd better ask the doctor again.

Like a bolt from the blue, I was stunned all of a sudden.I stood in a daze, my ears were buzzing, in order to avoid A-Lian seeing, I walked into the bathroom.There was no one in the bathroom, and my tears flowed down. Then, I turned on the faucet to let the sound of running water cover my choking.

After washing my face, I walked towards Alian pretending to be relaxed.Alian stood up and asked me, did the test result come out?I said, come out, there is nothing wrong.A-Lian let out a long breath, with a smile on her face.

We went back to the outpatient building. In order to hide her, I found an excuse to let her stay outside the clinic with Nana, and closed the door as soon as I walked in.The old doctor looked at the test results and said, leukemia.

I sat there blankly, my heart as cold as ice.I knew early on about this brutal disease, this incurable disease.When I was very young, there was a Japanese TV series "Blood Suspicion" on stage, and the girl named Sachiko suffered from this disease. At the moment of her death, she was sitting on a boat covered with flowers, quietly. Quietly, quietly sailing alone to the vast sea... That extremely sad and beautiful ending made me burst into tears again and again when I was a teenager, and Momoe Yamaguchi, who played Sachiko, also became my idol in my boyhood.I didn't expect that today, the beautiful and lovely Nana also suffers from this terrible disease.

The old doctor asked, are you hospitalized today?

I asked, can leukemia be cured?

The old doctor said that it can be cured long ago, and I can recommend you to a hospital with first-class facilities and standards.Are you hospitalized today?

I asked, how much does it cost to recover from the treatment?

The old doctor said, about 100 million.Of course, it is not for you to pay 100 million at once, just pay part of the money to be hospitalized.Are you hospitalized today?

I said, let's prepare medicine.I stood up, and the old doctor enthusiastically sent me out, patted me on the shoulder and said, if I am hospitalized, I will find him, he will find the best ward and use the best medicine.

Walking out of the outpatient building, I told Alian, the doctor told me to come back tomorrow, so there was no need for you and Nana to come.I don't know what reason to prevaricate, I don't know how to tell Alian about this cruel illness.

At the entrance of the outpatient building, the stretcher we met just now was on the ground. Four migrant workers blushed and were arguing with a man in a white coat. Carried away, no money to stay in any hospital.The four migrant workers rubbed their hands and circled around. They begged and said that the money would arrive soon, but the white coats said categorically without any accommodation, go away, or I will call the security guard.The migrant workers had no choice but to lift the stretcher with tears in their eyes.

Nana suddenly asked A-Lian, Mom, have we brought any money?Let's pay for the uncles.

Alian walked towards the migrant workers, and she took out a wad of money from her handbag and handed it to them.The migrant workers looked at her gratefully, and suddenly fell to their knees together.They said that their companions fell from upstairs at the construction site, but the contractor ignored them, and they carried them to the hospital, but they couldn't afford the hospitalization fee.They said, sister, you have the heart of a Bodhisattva, and God will protect your family from disease and disaster.

A-Lian turned and walked back, I saw tears glisten in her eyes.

God?god where are youDo you have eyes?Do you have a conscience?Why did you make Nana suffer from this disease?Their mother and daughter have suffered enough, why do you want to bring disaster to them?

I couldn't figure out why Nana got leukemia. Later, I searched a lot of information and asked Alian bit by bit, only to realize that the culprit was the luxurious decoration of their home.

Alian said that when the house in Fuzhou was being renovated, she was about to give birth.After the house was decorated by two Danish artists, she moved into the new house with the smell of paint together with her infant Nana after giving birth.It was winter, and she had to open the windows at night in order to let out the pungent smell.

Later, when Nana was hospitalized, a child under two years old was also being treated next door. She suffered from the same leukemia as Nana.In the conversation with her parents, I learned that their family bought a new house half a year ago and finished the decoration.I contacted professional and technical personnel from the environmental protection department to go to their home for testing and testing, and the results were horrifying.After half a year, the formaldehyde and benzene in the air of their home far exceeded the standard, and formaldehyde and benzene are the culprits of leukemia.

On the afternoon I came back from the hospital with A-Lian, I asked for the phone number of the sexy woman who often came to her house, because I had heard A-Lian say that she was her best friend.

Alian said her name was Fang Ting.

Fang Ting was also a left-behind woman. After sending her husband away to the United States, she began to look for a job. She worked two part-time jobs every day, worked hard to pay off the foreign debts her husband borrowed when he went abroad, and looked forward to it day and night. Husband comes back for husband and wife reunion.Three years later, her wealthy husband came back, but he lived a life of extravagance and corruption, including lovers who went to whores and whores to buy Mark Six lottery tickets, and stayed away from home every day.What's even more frightening is that the relationship between their husband and wife is getting more and more tense. Fang Ting earnestly persuades her husband to change his mind, but in exchange for her husband's old punches.In the end, they divorced.Fang Ting walked out of that luxurious and cold home with nothing but scars all over her body and mind.

Alian said that Fangting is now working as a medical agent.I know that the so-called pharmaceutical agency is to do everything possible to find those people who are in charge of the import and export of medicines in large hospitals, impress them with money and body, and lay a way to transport medicines with insufficient procedures and high prices here. pipes in a hospital.The high drug prices seem to be due to these pharmaceutical agents, but the most fundamental reason lies in the hospital executives who hold real power.The kickbacks and bribes they get are much higher than those drug agents who run around for a living.They have absolute power, so absolute corruption breeds.

In a teahouse, I sat face to face with Fang Ting, I told Nana's illness, I said, I don't know how to tell Alian.

Fonteyn was silent, and I saw great tears rolling down her cheeks.Make sure to let her know, she said, she will know sooner or later.

She said, let her tell Alian.Also inform Alian's husband to come back from Japan as soon as possible.

Alian's husband is called Chen Linfeng.This is the first time I've heard this name.

Later, Fonteyn told me that she had told Alayne that night.When A-Lian heard the news, she was very calm, she didn't shed a single tear.A-Lian smoked fiercely one after another, her face livid.Fang Ting stayed with A-Lian until dawn.Throughout the night, A-Lian sat on the floor without saying a word.At dawn, she tried very hard to stand up, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood donation fell on the floor like gorgeous petals.Alian fell down with a bang.

Fang Ting was terrified, she hurriedly helped A-Lian up, calling her name eagerly.A-Lian opened her eyes, sat up, and burst into tears. She said, why is God so unfair to me?

Fangting said that she called Chen Linfeng on Alian's behalf.Chen Linfeng, who was far away in Japan, only said a word before hanging up the phone.He said he was very busy.

The next day, Alian took out all the savings at home and came to the hospital with us.

There are many suspicious figures wandering around the hospital gate, old and young, they post up the sad faces of patients and their families as soon as they see them, take mimeographed leaflets out of their pockets and whisper, their eyes rolling around like mice.They talked to strangers very enthusiastically, and their greetings were touching. They introduced which hospital in this city is good at treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases and which hospital has high medical skills and low charges.They wear shabby clothes, but they can speak eloquently, sounding like Fuzhou Tong or medical experts.Fang Ting said that those people are the so-called medical trustees, they solicit customers for other hospitals and draw commissions.

In the outpatient building, we saw the elegant-looking old doctor again. He first asked Alian how much money he had brought, and then said that this hospital charges very expensive, and he recommended us to another one. See a doctor, where he was hospitalized to get medicine.Then, he made a phone call.A few minutes later, a girl came in. She respectfully called the old professor, and then said to us, please rest assured that she will take care of the professor's patients with all her strength.

We bowed thankfully to the professor and followed the girl out.

(End of this chapter)

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