Left-behind women in Fuzhou

Chapter 16 The Story of Jingrong

Chapter 16 The Story of Jingrong (3)
When I went, they were already ready to open the banquet, and I was the only one missing.Fang Ting introduced me to them, saying that I was the most famous reporter in Fuzhou. I hurriedly clasped my fists to salute everyone, and said polite words like thank you. A very young girl, with fair skin that is almost translucent, neat bangs in front of her forehead, and bright big eyes under the bangs, as black as spots of paint. She looked at me and smiled and made a grimace. The two dimples are like water. Ripples sway gently.She is Ah Qing, Mei Niang's sister-in-law.At Meiniang's home, I met her several times. After that, Meiniang broke up with me, and their house was forced to sell. I lost contact with them.I didn't expect to see her here again.

I always thought she was very kind. I loved her like I loved Meiniang. For Meiniang, it was the love between lovers, and for her, it was the love between brothers and sisters, but the love was equally deep.

At that time, Ah Qing was so youthful and sunny, she was always dressed in sunny clothes, T-shirts and jeans, but that kind of youthful aura was hard to be concealed by any clothes.That breath of sunshine.

At the moment of writing this novel, I still miss Ah Qing at that time, when she was in college.In the future, I will rarely meet a young and beautiful girl like her.There are many, many beautiful women. Every day on the street, there will be countless beautiful women walking towards me and passing me by. Feel.

Only once, in the early autumn of 2005, I came to Kunming from Fuzhou, and together with several well-known editors and reporters in the news circle, I planned to start a newspaper in Kunming. That night we invited well-known local cultural people in Kunming to a bar , when we were having a good time talking, a beautiful and charming girl walked in from the outside. She was dressed in simple clothes, but it was difficult to conceal her compelling youthful atmosphere.She is a poet and travels to Kunming.After a brief conversation with one of the writers at our table, she hurried away, and she never left my memory.She is the Ah Qing two years ago, the Ah Qing I met in the Fuzhou hotel that night, the Ah Qing who was in college.

That night in the hotel in Fuzhou, we ate and chatted until very late.My neighbor is a very elegant lady wearing glasses. She introduced that her name is Wang Jing and she is the department manager of a real estate company.She was wearing a dress and her long hair was tied into a bundle, she looked very capable, and she was a white-collar beauty at a glance.She seldom speaks, and always listens quietly to others' conversations, her eyes behind the glasses are wise and bright.

Fang Ting sat across from me, she looked very lively, her eyes were full of smiles and looked bright, she held up her wine glass, and clinked glasses with everyone on the two tables, her red miniskirt fluttered with her high heels Yang Yang, like a floating cloud, reveals her bright thighs, strong and well-proportioned.Her neighbor is an old man in his fifties, with bulging goldfish-like eyes and two big black bags under his eyes. His yellow eyes turn around, staring closely at Fangtine's naked body. shoulders and thighs.Fang Ting said that he was the logistics director of a hospital in Fuzhou, and he was the one who helped her a lot in her business.Sitting across from him, watching his complexion made me lose my appetite that night.With the cold dish in my mouth, I reluctantly put it into my mouth, chewed slowly, and swallowed with great difficulty, trying to suppress the nausea that almost caused me to vomit.

We drank a lot of wine that night, local beer.People in Fuzhou never seem to drink liquor, only beer, and even women are especially good at drinking beer.Perhaps this has something to do with the local hot climate all year round.

Someone at the next table proposed to sing, and then everyone recommended Ah Qing to sing.Ah Qing stood up, her youthful face made the beer soak up colorfully, and she sang "Promise", the most popular song that year.Her beautiful voice made my heart tremble with tenderness. I picked up the chopsticks and knocked on the table with her voice. Suddenly, the chopsticks fell to the floor.

I bent down to pick it up, and unexpectedly found that there was an extra hand on Fangting's naked and sexy thigh, which was the hand of the vice president of the hospital.I suddenly felt panicked, straightened up hastily like a thief, and looked at the night outside the opposite window as if I hadn’t noticed anything. The flashing neon lights made the night outside the window extremely beautiful.I sneaked a peek at the vice-principal with a dignified appearance, sitting upright and listening to Ah Qing singing, as if fascinated.

After eating, we went downstairs together.Wang Jing owns a red Citroen, a beautiful car with smooth lines.She was going to take Fontey home.The vice-principal stepped forward and said that Fantine was going home with him, and he would see her off.Then he drove a black Audi, and Fonteyn opened the door and got in.

Ah Qing and I walked along the street, and we walked towards Dongjiekou together, where she was going to take the last bus to the school.She said that she lives on campus, and she has been living on campus since the house in Gongxiang was sold.

Fonteyn, she said, was her cousin.Relatives said that Fonteyn was a role model for them because she was successful in business.

My heart was sad, relatives, including Ah Qing, they only saw Fang Ting wearing beautiful clothes and sitting in a luxurious car, but they didn't know Fang Ting's heartache and pain.Alian once told me that every time Fantine was raped by those disgusting hospital directors, she would come to her house, hide in the bathroom alone, wipe her body over and over again, and cry loudly.

We walked up to the overpass at Dongjiekou together. At night, the overpass at Dongjiekou is still full of people, and there are vendors selling various small commodities on both sides of the road.Suddenly there was a noise in front, several men were chasing and beating a middle-aged man, dragging the middle-aged man holding his head to the ground, and stomping on them with heavy leather shoes, they cursed, let you Run again, run, why don't you run?The middle-aged man curled up pitifully like a cooked shrimp, calling for help, but passers-by turned a blind eye.

Just as I was about to go up to find out the situation, the men walked away, and the small vendors who set up stalls on both sides of the overpass rolled up the plastic sheets spread on the ground and fled in a panic like frightened birds.Those men caught up with the last woman, snatched the plastic sheet she was carrying behind her, and shook it off along the railing. Various brightly colored toys wrapped in the plastic sheet fluttered down the bridge. On the road, there was a crisp rolling sound, and those beautiful toys turned into powder.

The woman stood helplessly by the bridge, watching the vehicles passing by under the bridge, biting her mouth tightly.She was actually Jing Rong.

Suddenly a fire ignited in my heart, and my whole body was burning with enthusiasm. I rushed up and grabbed the man who robbed Jingrong. I asked, what are you doing?Why do you do this?

Several other men came up together, stared at me fiercely, grabbed my collar and asked, what are you doing?

Ah Qing looked panic-stricken, she inserted between us tightly and said, don't hit him, don't hit him, he is a reporter.

A man said, what's so great about journalists?His dirty spittle sprayed on my face.

I clenched my fists, the alcohol impacted my temples and slammed, I stared fiercely at the messy face in front of me, my teeth were clenched, and he looked up at me, suddenly revealing his stern nature, He retreated and shouted, what do you want to do, then what do you want to do, do you want to obstruct law enforcement?Want to fight law enforcement?
Ah Qing hugged me tightly, she almost cried, she said, please, don't, don't.

I asked angrily, who gave you such great power?You are more bandits than bandits.

One person said, who gave it?Can you control the rights given to us by the government?They cursed and walked down the overpass, kicking the railing with their feet.I heard them say, if it weren't for the reporter, let him have a good time tonight.Why are reporters so tricky?

The onlookers complained. They said that those people were urban management, and they often smashed and looted in this generation. The day before yesterday, they smashed up an old lady's baked sweet potato stall, causing the old lady to hit the wall.There is nothing wrong with their law enforcement, but how can they enforce the law brutally? They have to let the common people have a way to live.

Ah Qing comforted Jing Rong, and they held hands, looking very intimate.Jing Rong burst into tears and laughed, chirping and quacking non-stop.Ah Qing said that they were classmates in high school.

Later, Ah Qing told me that Jingrong was doing very well in her class, but when she learned of her mother's death during the college entrance examination, she passed the exam in a daze and only passed the technical secondary school.However, being lonely and helpless, she couldn't even afford to go to high school, so she went to work in a factory in Changle.

I asked Jingrong why she came to Fuzhou. Jingrong said that she couldn't stay at home, she had to pay off her debts and support two old people, so she came out again.I couldn't find a job, so I had to learn from those small traders to set up street stalls.It's only the first day today, and I didn't expect to meet the city management.

I don't know why I always meet Jingrong by accident, meet by accident in Fu'an, and meet again by accident in Fuzhou. Even in the end, we have such an unexpected ending.

Later, when I asked Jingrong why she didn't call me, Jingrong said that she was very inferior, she felt that she was far away from me, we would never be friends, she didn't want to contact me again, she didn't want to let me Anyone who knew her knew that she had once been a young lady, and that was her disgrace and a permanent scar in her heart.

That night, I sent Jingrong back. She lived with two women in their 40s in a small dilapidated private house. There were no beds, and they slept on the concrete floor covered with a layer of newspaper.Jing Rong slept on the outermost side, and her things were piled up in the corner, a few pairs of woolen slippers, some old clothes, a notebook with a plastic cover, and a transparent plastic bottle, which contained a lot of colored paper. Folded into little stars.

I picked up the notebook and wanted to see what was written in it. I just opened the first page and saw two big characters written on it——Husband, and I drew a sketch with a pen. Handsome man.Jing Rong suddenly snatched the notebook away and hid it behind her back, saying shyly, no peeking at other people's diaries.Her face is red, like a little girl who has been wronged and blamed, which makes people feel affectionate.

I pointed to those slippers and asked, why we weave so many slippers?

She said that a store asked for it and would give me five yuan for a pair.If I knit fast, I can earn ten yuan a day.

While we were talking, the two women in the same room came back, their dark skin and sad faces, their waists bent prematurely by the burden of life.They clattered the snakeskin bags on their backs to the ground, panting heavily, and wiped the sweat from their foreheads with their hands.

It turned out that Jingrong lived with two girls who scavenged waste.

After I left, Jingrong sent me to the street all the time, and suddenly asked, do you have a girlfriend?

I said no.I have nothing, who would like it.

Jing Rong said, Ah Qing is a very good girl, you can talk to her.

I smile.

At that time, I only had Meiniang in my heart, and I only loved Meiniang.Ah Qing is Mei Niang's little sister, and also my little sister.

I can't bear to see Jingrong helplessly sitting in a hotel and letting customers pick her up like an animal in a cattle market. I witnessed the scene of her being ravaged by a hunchback in that small hotel that night. It hurts forever, and whenever I think about it, my heart breaks. I don't want to see her squatting on the ground in front of me with pitifully small commodities waiting for passers-by to buy them, and I have to beware of sudden attacks and snatches by city management. In fact, if she does this kind of business without any interference, she can't make a little money a day, and maybe it's not enough for food and rent.I want to find a job for her.

I feel that I have done a lot for this newspaper. Almost every manuscript that caused a sensation in the newspaper was written by me. I will go to the boss and ask her to arrange for Jingrong to work in the distribution department and distribute the newspaper to the newspaper every morning. In the subscriber's newspaper box, Jing Rong is fully capable of this simple job.

The office of the boss of the newspaper is on the top floor. Unless there is an all-hands meeting, you can’t see him. I only saw him twice after I came here. Once, when I first arrived in Fuzhou, he invited me to dinner at a hot pot restaurant. It was already very hot at that time, but he was still meticulous in suits and ties.Another time was at the year-end commendation meeting of the newspaper office. When he handed out the year-end award to me, he shook my hand. His hand was thick and weak.He lives in seclusion on the top of a tall building. We don't know what he usually does. We only hear many rumors about him. People call him "Sanbie Boss", saying that he drives a Buick, lives in a villa, and sleeps with other people's wives.I don't know if those rumors are true, but I have always respected him in my heart.

I walked into the elevator and reached the top floor with an uneasy heart.An unusually beautiful but expressionless woman brought me into the office. It is said that he was his secretary at that time.

He sat behind a large boss's desk, his bloated body sank deeply into the leather sofa, after listening to my plea, he raised a sensual and rich face and said, go find Director Shao Fangzhong.

I walked out of his office, full of disappointment and loneliness.I know what kind of stuff that director of the personnel department named Shao Fangzhong is.It's not just me, everyone in the newspaper knows it.This man with a woman's name is a complete pervert.Relying on the power in his hands, he did whatever he wanted, often using the newspaper's downsizing as an excuse to blackmail those beautiful female reporters, and then force them to sleep with him.He has many lovers outside, and those lovers work as receptionists in restaurants or waiters in hotels. He recruits them into the newspaper office and asks them to do advertising statistics and wait for them to sit in air-conditioned offices and count money. Work comfortably.All kinds of evil deeds about him have become an open secret of the newspaper.

However, with the last ray of hope, I introduced Jingrong's situation to Shao Fangzhong.He quacked and laughed harshly, like the squawking of a duck being chased.Then, he said with a straight face, the newspaper office is not a brothel, comrade, the newspaper office is a civilized place, how can it accommodate prostitutes?
Looking at that ugly swollen face, I really wanted to rush up and slap two loud slaps.But I held back, I still have to work at the newspaper.I could only turn around and walk out bitterly, and slammed the door hard.

I clearly know the status of an ordinary reporter in a newspaper office. Even if you are influential in the outside world, even if you win awards again and again, as long as you are not the middle-level or the leader of the newspaper office, you are nothing when you return to the newspaper office. You are still a migrant worker who sells coolies for the newspaper office, your life is still not guaranteed, and you still cannot make any demands on the newspaper office.

In those days, while I worked desperately at work, my heart was full of resentment.If I don’t interview or write articles, I will have no salary at the end of the month. Without salary, I will not be able to survive in this city.I did it very badly.I feel like an old cow that has been harnessed to the shaft of the cart. Although I am extremely reluctant to pull the cart, I still have to move forward step by step in order to avoid being whipped and for the fodder at night.

In order to relieve the depression in my heart, I often went to Internet cafes in those days.

The Internet cafe at night is another world that I don’t understand. Dozens of computers are full of people, men and women, old and young. Everyone is busy and intoxicated in their own virtual world. They are all weaving their dreams wishfully.The air in the Internet cafe is dirty all night long, the Internet cafe is full of dangers, middle school students who play truant, the unemployed who have nothing to do, the murderer who is desperate, and the boring lady after get off work...all come here, no matter what background you are, no matter what experience you have, No matter who you are, you can sit in front of a computer and hide your motives to build a conspiracy.Internet cafes are silent, but behind the silence are surging emotions and noisy desires.

In those days, I often saw Wang Jing in the chat room. After get off work, Wang Jing, a white-collar beauty, sat in front of the computer at home bored, weaving romantic love with those men who talked about each other until one day, a man I met online It completely destroyed her peaceful and lonely life, and brought her pain that could never be healed, and she regretted it too much.

Once, in an Internet cafe, I was surrounded by three punks, their hair was dyed yellow and they wore strange hairstyles.They share a computer.

A long-faced gangster said while typing on the keyboard, the person he was chatting with was the daughter of a rich businessman, and he had already slept with her. The little girl loved him so much that he lied to her that he was in business , she believed it.

The black-faced gangster said that he could get some money from her.

Long Lian said, of course money must be made, otherwise why would he spend so much energy.He said that he needed 3 yuan to do business, and she had promised to send it to him the next day.As soon as the money is in hand, it flashes.

Another gangster with a mole on his face said enviously that he slept with more than 100 women, but he didn't get much money and was very frustrated.

Hei Lian also said that he basically chatted with young women, then went to bed, and then threatened to tell their husbands, and the young women would obediently hand over the money.

Watching them talk happily, I suddenly felt extremely sick.The three scum around them are illiterate and extremely evil. It turns out that all their sources of livelihood depend on deception on the Internet.Those ignorant girls and young women, how would they know that the Prince Charming dream lover in their hearts turns out to be such a dirty street bum.

(End of this chapter)

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