Left-behind women in Fuzhou

Chapter 21 The Story of Jingrong

Chapter 21 The Story of Jingrong (8)
I said, I value those poor and lowly couples very much. They live in seclusion in the mountains and outskirts, almost isolated from the world, but they are very loving, they grow old together, they have no money, but can you say they are not happy?Life is actually a process, how many years everyone can live is determined by God, instead of being miserable in a limited life, it is better to take everything apart and walk through life freely and unrestrainedly.Don't be a slave to money, everyone will eventually die, and death is not allowed to take anything away.Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, works more than fifteen hours a day, and his diet is very simple.He is so rich that his life is no different from that of an ordinary employee, so what use is that money to him.Recently, there are rumors that Bill Gates will donate all his money to the society and will not leave anything to future generations.

Ah Qing said, you are standing and talking without back pain.If our family had money, my elder brother would not go to work in Iraq, Meiniang would not run away from home, and I would not be homeless.If Mei Niang hadn't saved a sum of money for my tuition, I would have dropped out of school long ago, and I don't know which strange and distant place I would end up in, maybe I would be the same as Jingrong.If Jing Rong was rich, how could she sell her smiles at every door, set up a stall on the street, and endure the torture and blank stares of others.

I'm at a loss for words.I know that what we say makes sense, but what we say is contradictory.Maybe life is full of paradoxes like this, so life is so complicated.

These feelings of Ah Qing were expressed after we took Jing Rong out of the detention center.

We took Jing Rong out of the detention center, and Jing Rong, who was always bright, had dull eyes and a dull expression.She lost a lot of weight, and her body was as thin as a piece of paper, as if a gust of wind could blow her all over the sky.Walking down the mountain, we saw a group of young people on a picnic speeding past on bicycles, singing and laughing all over the place.Looking at their backs, Jingrong said, I want to live a good life, and I won't be a lady anymore.

Jingrong wants to go back to Changle's home, she said she wants to live with her parents-in-law.In order to avoid suspicion, I asked Ah Qing to send her back.

The next day, Ah Qing saw me with a sad face.

Ah Qing said that as soon as Jing Rong returned home, the creditor kicked in the door.They want Jingrong to repay the usury her husband owed when he went abroad.Jing Rong just came out of the detention center, penniless, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law are all old, any little thing can make them panic and lose control, they are like two mice hiding in the corner looking for food, except for being afraid and sighing they Can't think of any other way.They obeyed Jingrong's orders.In front of the creditors, Jingrong repeatedly explained and begged, but those people didn't listen at all. They wanted to rip off Jingrong's house. Jingrong knelt down and begged for mercy, asking for a grace period of ten days. The interest must be repaid within ten days, and those people left cursing. .

The house of Jing Rong's family is actually very dilapidated, but it is the shelter of the two old people.Jingrong said that if there is no house, the two elderly people will have difficulty surviving.

Her uneducated husband is still unemployed in faraway Israel.

That night, Ah Qing stayed at Jing Rong's house for a night.Ah Qing, who grew up in the urban area of ​​Fuzhou, saw the poor life in the countryside.She said that in that environment, she couldn't even stay for three days, but Jing Rong lived there for such a long time.

In that simple room infested with mosquitoes and flies, Ah Qing and Jing Rong stayed up all night.It was Jing Rong's new wedding house, but except for a new quilt, everything else in the new house was dilapidated and outdated.There is not even a common TV in the new house, and the only household appliance is a radio.It was by relying on that radio that Jingrong and her husband knew what was happening in the world outside the village.

They don't have a wedding photo, they only have two four-inch color photos. In those two photos, Jing Rong is snuggled up next to an ordinary-looking man, smiling happily, very satisfied, very comfortable.

Jingrong said that he had no father since he was a child, and his mother brought her up.The single mother is very lonely, and she is a little hysterical. Whenever she has a disease attack, she will torture Jingrong and wring Jingrong's body with bruises.And when she recovered, she felt very regretful again, and cried bitterly while hugging Jing Rong.

Jing Rong said that she did not hate her mother.She understands the lonely and helpless mother.But she never saw Dad.Whether her father died or divorced her mother, she didn't know, and her mother never told her.She has lived in an incomplete family since she was a child, and she has never felt warmth.Therefore, when she got married, she cherished her family very much, and she regarded her parents-in-law as her biological parents.

Jingrong told Ah Qing that because her husband was kind to her, she knew how good a man can be to a woman, and how touching it would be.So, she loves her husband very, very much.

Ah Qing once said to me that she didn't understand why Jingrong would love that man with no looks and no money.

I said, I once interviewed a woman.She had a boyfriend first, and that boyfriend was very poor. They could only buy food from small street shops and wear very ordinary clothes.At that time, every weekend when the two of them didn't go to work, he would take her on a bicycle and ring the bell all the way to the countryside for an outing.But because of their parents' opposition, they broke up.Later, she married a very rich man, lived in a mansion, took a nice car, and that man loved her very much.But she said that her happiest time was when she was riding a bicycle with her first boyfriend.She said she will never forget those scenes in this life.

Later, I heard from Ah Qing that after she returned to Fuzhou from Changle, Jing Rong also came to Fuzhou and started to be a lady again.She didn't dare to go to the hair salon, but stood by the Jin'an River, waiting for the clients to choose, and then brought the clients to her rented room.

She has a debt to pay.

Every time I come back from an interview in other places and pass by the Jin'an River at night, I will think of Jingrong.The banks of the Jin'an River are full of lush trees. The trees in the south have broad leaves. Through the trees, you can see the flashing neon lights on the other side, as well as various cars running silently. The city is woven with brilliance, full of luxury and luxury.On the other side of the river, under the shadow of the whirling trees, are poor girls who are forced to prostitute because of their livelihood.

Every time I pass by here, I walk very fast, I am worried that I will meet Jing Rong, although I always want to see her, I have always cared about her, but I can't see her here, just like I can't be in the most embarrassing and most frustrated It was the same when I saw Ah Qing.

I heard that the best ending for Miss is to find an honest man to live a good life after saving a sum of money.The worst outcome for Miss is to be robbed and killed by an unknown client.

In fact, every young lady is facing the danger of being robbed and killed, because they are the least protected group of people.

I didn't expect that the time Jing Rong was taken out of the detention center would be the last time we saw each other.I never thought that Jingrong would be killed by a perverted client I never knew.

On New Year's Eve in 2003, I walked alone on the streets of Fuzhou, holding the vegetables and food I just bought from the supermarket in my hand, and I was going to spend a wonderful Spring Festival alone.The warm winter sun shines on my shoulders. I look at the red lanterns hanging all over the street and the smiling pedestrians wearing brand-new clothes, and I feel warm and happy in my heart.

When I walked to the door of my house, the phone rang suddenly. It was from the duty room of the newspaper office. A woman had been killed in a rental house by the Jin'an River.The police are rushing to the scene.

I opened the door unhurriedly, put down the plastic bag containing vegetables and food in my hand, then put the camera, interview machine, interview book, and ballpoint pen into the backpack one by one in an orderly manner, and took the bus that opened the Jinan River .Working on holidays has become a routine for me.

Walking into an alley, I came to the rental house where the accident happened.The door of the rental house was surrounded by onlookers, all of whom stretched their necks to look inside, and they were chatting in low voices trembling with fear.There was also a police car parked at the gate, and the flickering colored lights on the roof created an ominous and tense atmosphere.At that time, I didn't think that it would be Jingrong who died.I think, on this day of family reunion, Jingrong must have returned to Changle's home.

I squeezed my way through the crowd, walked into the rental house, and showed the police my press card.The police said that the woman died tragically and was stabbed dozens of times.The identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained.

I stood in the narrow rental house and looked around.The rental house is very simple, the whitewashed walls have turned yellow due to the age, and there are no decorative paintings on the walls.A wooden old double bed occupies most of the room.The dead woman was lying on the bed with a sheet covering her body, and the blood flowed along the edge of the bed to the ground, already clotted.There was a notebook by the bed, and the cover of the notebook seemed familiar.

I picked up the notebook, opened it, and there were two words on the title page—husband, and a tall and handsome man was drawn with a pen.I was shocked, this is Jingrong's diary.

My arms trembled and I lifted the sheet, and the sheet covered Jing Rong.Her eyes were wide open, and her mouth was also wide open. It was obvious that she had endured great pain and fear before she died. She was completely naked, and her chest, belly, and thighs were all left by the stabbing scars.Her right hand was tightly clenched into a fist, and inside was a lock of hair.

I couldn't bear to look any further, and gently lowered the sheet to cover her.Turning his back, tears streaming down his face.

Sirens sounded outside the door, and a forensic doctor in a white coat walked in.He took out his camera and started taking pictures.He looked at Jing Rong's injuries and said that the estimated time of death was last night.

The police began to investigate the surrounding crowd.

There are more than a dozen shops in the alley, all of which are small and dilapidated, and they are all small businessmen.The owner of a grocery store said that Jingrong often buys instant noodles from him. Yesterday evening, Jingrong bought another pack of instant noodles.He asked, the Chinese New Year is coming, why not buy some good things to eat?Jing Rong said that she was going home the next day.Will never come again.

Next to the grocery store was a sex shop owned by a prematurely scruffy man.He said that Jing Rong came to the store to buy condoms after ten o'clock last night, and he only bought two condoms in simple packaging.Since Jingrong often buys here, they are already familiar with it.Jingrong told her that she was going home the next day for the New Year, and her husband was coming back from working in Israel, and he had saved tens of thousands of yuan.Years later, they opened a shop, and she didn't do this kind of thing again, and tonight was the last time.Something happened to her unexpectedly.

The owner of the grocery store also said that after sending Jing Rong away, he was about to close the door. When he walked to the door, he saw a short man with a mustache standing under a tree more than ten meters away.After Jing Rong got under the tree, they walked down the alley together. The man had a slight limp.

We walked out of the grocery store and continued on to the next store to investigate.The owner of the grocery store rushed out suddenly and said that Jingrong had a PHS and he knew the number.

That night, the murder that caused a stir in Fuzhou was solved, when the police arrested the lame man with the mustache on a construction site.

After the lame man brutally killed Jing Rong, he took away the only 20 yuan that Jing Rong had, and the PHS that Jing Rong had just bought.He didn't know how to use it, so he just dialed the number casually. He didn't expect that this PHS number had been monitored by the police.The police followed suit and caught the murderer who was still playing with the PHS curiously under the bed.

The lame man's family is in the countryside, and he once had a short and failed marriage.During the limited time when he and his wife slept in the same bed, the wife strongly rejected his sexual demands again and again, and finally eloped with a man who came to the village to collect junk.He was so angry that he took it out on all the women.

The crippled man has killed seven women, police interrogations have heard.One was a woman who came home late from get off work, and the other six were prostitutes.He has a sharp knife hidden in his body all the year round.

At the police station, I also saw Jingrong's diary and a transparent plastic bottle.That was Jingrong's only relic.There are many small stars folded with colored paper in the bottle, each with "love" written on it, there are thousands of them.

I opened the diary, and almost every entry in the diary said "husband".Husband, it's getting cold, have you bought a cotton coat yet?Husband, I went to the restaurant for dinner just now, have you eaten yet?Husband, what are you doing now, I miss you so much; Husband, when will you come back...

In the diary, she did not write about her own financial distress, nor about the persecution of her creditors, nor about her repaying the huge debts her husband owed when she went abroad by prostitution.

The last diary entry was written the day before she was killed.She wrote, husband, when I heard the news that you were coming back, I was so happy that I didn't close my eyes all night.We are finally able to be together.Husband, from now on I will be with you every day and will never be separated.Husband, I love you so much...

I closed the diary, unable to read any more, tears welling up in my eyes.When I turned around, I saw the policeman behind me wiping away tears.

I heard from a woman who was with Jing Rong on the Jinan River Station Street that Jing Rong would often mention her husband.Every time after finishing sex with clients, she would silently fold the little stars by herself, folding them a lot, and putting them into plastic bottles.

After the Spring Festival, I met Jingrong's husband at the police station, a very down-to-earth man.When he heard the news of Jing Rong's death, he fainted suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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