Left-behind women in Fuzhou

Chapter 30 Wang Jing's Story

Chapter 30 Wang Jing's Story (9)
There is also my Ah Qing there.She sells cosmetics behind the counter on the first floor.Soaked in cosmetics, she was as plump and moist as a seed, and her whole body was full of vitality and raging desire.I often watch her secretly from a distance, with sweetness and joy in my heart.

Standing behind the same counter as Ah Qing is a tall girl, she is half a head taller than Ah Qing, she has long hair and long legs, she always wears tight clothes, those The sexy clothes wrapped her in exaggerated bumps and bumps, but her eyes were mature and vicissitudes that were not commensurate with her age. The long eyelashes covered her eyes and covered her thoughts. Talk less, unless a customer comes to inquire, she rarely has a smile on her face, and I don't know what she is thinking.

That face seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw her.

I thought, beautiful women always have something in common, their facial features are always the same delicate and meticulous, how can I meet such a stranger?

Sometimes, I would see a man in front of the cosmetics counter, a short and mediocre man, who concentrated all the characteristics of Fuzhou local men: dark, strong, flat nose, and clever eyes.When there were no customers, he would stand in front of the counter for a long time, tirelessly asking about the prices and functions of various cosmetics, and Ah Qing tirelessly explained them to him.I am surprised and puzzled by such a man's long-term and unremitting enthusiasm for women's products.At that time, I always regarded him as a cosmetics salesman.

The long-legged woman always held a kind of cold rejection to this man, and she had hardly seen this man who was full of curiosity about women's cosmetics.I saw her gaze over his low head, scattered in a corner of the hall, she remained silent as always.

In those days, we lived on Zhongshan Road, and I once told Ah Qing that I would pick her up from get off work.Ah Qing said that since the distance is so short and they are all in the downtown area, nothing will happen.Thinking that Dongjiekou is only ten minutes away from Zhongshan Road, I stopped insisting.

Ah Qing got off work later every day, and sometimes she didn't come back until midnight, and she smelled of alcohol when she came back.I asked her where she went, and she said that a colleague celebrated her birthday, or she said that her colleague got married.She has hundreds of colleagues. I guess she has other things to do after get off work. In a unit, the relationship between colleagues is the most important, so I didn't think about it.

I can only take one day off per week, but she has four days off every month.That day was my day off, and it was also the last day of her monthly leave. We made up our hard-won day very early. We planned to go to Nanjiangbin Park together on this day, where there are many sculptures by world-renowned masters. We I plan to swim in the Minjiang River with a lifebuoy, sunbathe on the beach, go to Zhongting Street at night to drink draft beer, and then go home drunk and sleep until dawn.

We had just woken up that day when her cell phone rang, and she went to the balcony to answer it, and I just heard her mumble, okay, it's okay.Then she walked into the room, put her arms around my waist from behind and said, Husband, I'm really sorry, I have to go to the work unit, there is something wrong with the work unit.

I was very surprised and frustrated, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't hold her back because the unit had something to do.Just like how I often receive calls from newspapers suddenly asking to go to other places for interviews, I said to her, hurry up and meet, don't forget that we will go to Nanjiangbin together today.

She said, ok.

She put on a miniskirt and suspenders, opened the door and walked out.I heard her brisk and rhythmic steps going down the stairs, and I felt a sour feeling in my heart.

However, she didn't come back until noon. I called her cell phone over and over again, but was told to turn it off.I don't know what happened to her.I feel like a mess.

The sun is gradually slanting to the west, and the hot afternoon sun makes the leaves curl up in front of the building. I can't stay in the room any longer. I hurried to Dongbai Commercial Building. There is only the long-legged woman in front of the cosmetics counter. Her legs crossed, leaning lazily against the counter.

I asked, has Ah Qing been here?Do you know where she went?
She looked at me and smiled slightly, she said, don't you know me?Do you really not know me?

I looked at her suspiciously, she really seemed to have known each other, but I couldn't remember it.

She said, you've been to Daejeon, haven't you?
A ray of sunlight illuminated my chaotic memory, and the past suddenly rushed to my heart.I remembered, she was the woman who was forced to strip, the woman who faced me with tears.

I said, how did you come here?
She said that not long after I left, reporters from Guangzhou came to Daejeon for interviews. Those well-established reporters, together with the police from the Sanming Public Security Bureau, eliminated the criminal gang in one fell swoop.She lost her parents freely, and she had nowhere to go, so she came to Fuzhou and applied for a job as a salesperson in Dongbai Commercial Building.

Oh, I remembered, after my failed daimyo interview, I gave clues to my friends in Guangzhou.

She said, I recognized you the first time you came here.I want to talk to you, but I'm worried.Because you are Ah Qing's boyfriend, I am worried that Ah Qing will know everything about me.

I said, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut.Everyone has unspeakable past events, and everyone's life will not be smooth sailing.

She said, I know you are fine, I have never forgotten you.

A few customers came, she turned around to attract, looking at her fit and sexy back, I suddenly remembered the scene where she was forced to striptease in Daimyo, her perfect body was once exposed to those greedy and dirty eyes In the midst of it, I felt bitterness in my heart.

After the customer left, she walked over, with a slight smile in her eyes, and she asked, why is Ah Qing your girlfriend?
I laughed too, and I said, Ah Qing couldn't be my girlfriend.

She opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, and I saw a trace of hesitation in her eyes.I said, if you have anything to say, don't worry about it, just say it.We're friends.

She said, I know you are a good person, but do you know Ah Qing?
I said, what's wrong?An ominous omen passed through my mind.

She said, you must promise not to tell Ah Qing about it before I will tell you.Seeing you love Ah Qing so much, I feel sorry for you.Ah Qing once had a classmate who came back from abroad, did you know that?
I said, Ah Qing told me.

She said that the man came here almost every day, and he picked up Ah Qing from get off work every day.

I suddenly felt short of breath, the surrounding became silent, the counter in front of me was swaying, I forced myself not to fall down, I bit my cheek hard, I saw her lips moving, but I heard Can't figure out what she's talking about.

She grabbed my arm and I saw panic on her face.I forced a smile and said, nothing, I'm fine.Thank you, thank you.

I staggered out of the glass door of the Dongbai Commercial Building, feeling that I had no strength left. I sat on the steps in front of the commercial building, and the steps were like a stove after being exposed to the sun for a long time, but I didn't realize it.My heart hurts like a cone, as if there are countless sharp arrows piercing my heart one by one; there seems to be a huge stone hammer hitting my body one after another.The sun was like fire, but my eyes were dark.

When dusk came, I was still wandering on the street, like a maemi hiding behind leaves in a storm, with a heavy and sad mind.I called Ah Qing's number over and over again, but the phone was always turned off.I don't know where she is now, if she is with that middle school classmate.These men who have returned from working abroad always have their waists bulging because of the dollars and yen, and they feel very good about themselves as returning overseas Chinese.He has a lot of money and I have nothing.When I think of this, I feel pain.I don't think I can compete with him. In such a commercial society, having money is everything. It makes ugly become beautiful, cowardice becomes courageous, short becomes tall, and obscene becomes Charming.Money will buy everything in the world, and it will also buy the happiness that a girl hopes for.

I don't want to think about Ah Qing anymore, but I keep thinking about her. I don't know where she is now, but she must be with that man, it must be, it must be.What are they doing now, are they eating, or are they in bed... I dare not think about it anymore.

I am miserable.

I strolled into an alley, where the low-rise stores were glowing with pink light, and the words "beauty and hairdressing" were written on the glass doors of each house.I heard from others that at night, if the light in the hair salon is white, it is a regular hair salon, and if it is red or green, it is a "chicken shop" as the saying goes.I saw those women sitting behind the glass doors, with their unusually plump and fair breasts exposed, their faces dull and numb due to the smearing of make-up, and they were wearing tall, slender shoes like sharpened pencils and short skirts, A plump and plump half of the buttocks was exposed under the skirt.They sat behind glass doors and waved to every man who passed the alley—come on, come on—whether the man was a teenager or an old man.On their faces are the same false smiles like paper flowers.

I suddenly had an impulse, I want to take revenge on Ah Qing, and I want to be with other women.

I randomly walked into a hair salon that didn't deserve the name, and I didn't even pay attention to what the woman sitting behind the door looked like.There is no excitement and excitement in my heart, but only sadness that cannot be dismissed.The woman stood up and wrapped her arms around my waist. She was tall and plump, strong and powerful, and I couldn't breathe.She was like a stallion, and she smelled like a stallion.She took me to the darker and darker small room inside.She took off her clothes as soon as she entered the room, and the narrow clothes were bound to her strong body, making it difficult for her to do so.She threw the clothes on the corner of the bed, and said with a smile, hurry up, this period of time is severe, and a quick solution is needed.Her teeth, too, were as broad and large as a stallion's, and gleamed white in the gloom.Her big chunks were shaking like a snorting stallion too.Suddenly my heart was filled with extreme disgust, what am I doing, how did I come here, facing such a fierce and savage woman, in front of her full of male hormones, I am like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered .

I want to get out, I said, I have other things, sorry.The woman stepped to the door of the small room, and she blocked the door tightly like a mountain peak. I tried to rush over, but she didn't move.She said, you've seen it, you've been in it for so long, and it's the same as doing it, leave the money.

I had no choice but to take out a hundred yuan from my pocket, she snatched it and put it in the bra.I fled.

Walking in the alley, I was extremely disappointed in myself, what did I do, how did I end up in that kind of place.

I didn't return home until midnight, and Ah Qing hadn't come back yet.

Walking alone in an empty room, I don't know what to do.Picking up the book, I couldn’t read it until I finished half a page; lying on the bed, turning off the light, I felt my heart was completely hollowed out, and I was gasping for breath, like a dog hiding in the corner with bruises all over. Know if you can wait until the sun rises as usual tomorrow.I lit a cigarette, sucked it hard, and flicked the ash on the floor wantonly.I used to even smoke on the balcony, but today I don't care.

Just finished smoking a cigarette, footsteps sounded outside the door, it was Ah Qing's.I am so familiar with her footsteps, every night I listen to such footsteps and wait for her to come back, and then bring the prepared meals to the table.Then, the door lock was opened.I lay still on the bed, I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at her, nor hoping she would see me.She didn't turn on the light, she hesitated for a moment in the dark, then took off her shoes, put the bag on the floor, and walked towards the bed rustlingly.Then she undressed and groped into bed.She was lying beside me, with her head leaning against the head of the bed, and her body was stiff. I heard her sigh a long time, and then she stretched out her palm and slowly groped towards me.Touched my cheek, touched my chest.Although I was full of repulsion towards her in my heart, my body still began to surge like many times before, as always, as soon as I lay on this bed with her, as soon as I had skin-to-skin contact with her, I would be like this.

I turned around to face her.I heard her panting, and like so many times before, there was a ecstasy in the back of her throat.I read her body with my fingers, down, down, but there wasn't the usual wetness and longing there.It is like two dried orange petals hanging from the eaves.

My desire was suddenly gone, and a deep sense of shame and humiliation filled me.I don't know what she will think, whether she will be like me.

She remained silent, and in the dimness, I saw her empty eyes staring at the ceiling.I was also silent.We will never be the same again, our hearts have been separated by a deep chasm that can no longer be crossed.

I never asked her where she went that night, nor did she tell me.We all know each other, and we will be embarrassed to say it, and we will know that we are lying when we say it.Her mysterious experience that day is like a fragile container, we are reluctant to reach out and touch it.We didn't mention anything about that day until we broke up.

After that, life became extremely awkward. We became more polite, really "respecting each other as guests", which is really a very tiring kind of politeness.Both are wearing masks.Betrayal in love is like rat droppings in wine, even if the droppings are removed, the wine can no longer be drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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